Re: Idle curiousity about ancient Lily-lore

2013-03-10 Thread Wols Lists
On 10/03/13 02:40, Jim Long wrote: > Just curious, how did the absolute notation system come about? > > My main observations are that it is piano-centric, with > { c d e f g a b c' } being an intuitive sequence, while { a b c d > e f g a' } is less logical. Mmm, well, maybe that's not > piano-c

Re: \relative is not the best way of entering complicated music

2013-03-10 Thread Wols Lists
On 10/03/13 03:47, Sarah k Alawami wrote: > 'd rather enter in the pitches like they are on a piano starting with c1 > being low c and c8 being very high c all the way to the right of the > keyboard. I assume you're a pianist? I'm not. So a piano-centric naming scheme would be of no use to me

Re: Lilypond \include statements and the GPL

2013-04-03 Thread Wols Lists
On 03/04/13 03:21, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote: > On 04/03/2013 01:14 AM, Anthonys Lists wrote: >> > If your work does not include any of their work, then you don't need any >> > permission to not copy their work! :-) > But I'm not talking about copying. I'm talking about the right to use. > >>

Re: Lilypond \include statements and the GPL

2013-04-03 Thread Wols Lists
On 03/04/13 10:22, wrote: > I think there is one thing this discussion proves impressively: Things > are much less non-ambiguous than most of the participants assume. Something I've learnt from my time on Groklaw is that the GPL is, in fact, extremely clear. The problem is that

Re: \transpose and quoting

2015-08-15 Thread Wols Lists
On 15/08/15 15:55, Simon Albrecht wrote: > Hello, > > I’m looking for a way to quote another voice, but in a different octave. > My thinking was: ‘\quoteDuring is a music function, so it returns music, > so I can wrap it into \transpose c c, {} and all’s fine.’ However, > \transpose has no effect.

Re: Beam exceptions

2015-08-16 Thread Wols Lists
On 16/08/15 04:28, Andrew Bernard wrote: > In the following MWE, I would like to have the second bar have a primary > beam across all the notes, as per the first bar. I imagine it may > require more than what I have here, possibly something to do with > setting up beamExceptions? How does one do th

Re: format-mark function for A, B, C, …, X, Y, Z, Aa, Bb, Cc, …

2015-08-16 Thread Wols Lists
On 16/08/15 20:21, Malte Meyn wrote: > Hi list, > > sometimes there are more than 25 or 26 rehearsal marks in a piece. > LilyPond’s format-mark-(alphabet|letters) function and friends continue > after X, Y, Z with AA, AB, AC, … > > I have never seen this in printed scores. Instead all scores I’ve

Re: bug in german manual

2015-08-18 Thread Wols Lists
On 18/08/15 14:56, David Kastrup wrote: > Malte Meyn writes: > >> > Am 18.08.2015 um 09:01 schrieb Blöchl Bernhard: >>> >> Thanks for clarifying my confusion. As long as I used lilypond I always >>> >> used \tuplet and argue that I did not even know that \times was/is a >>> >> possible alternativ

Re: Change size of notes in addQuote passage

2015-08-24 Thread Wols Lists
On 24/08/15 19:32, Simon Albrecht wrote: > Am 24.08.2015 um 18:59 schrieb >> Is there a way to (a) use 'transposedCueDuring' which retains these >> details >> from the original, > Yes, see >

Re: OT: Beauty of programming languages

2015-09-11 Thread Wols Lists
On 10/09/15 19:59, Tim Reeves wrote: > Age: 49 > Amateur hornist. > Typesetting of existing parts, occasionally creating simple exercises, > fingering charts, etc. Not a regular user, but like to keep up on > development. > I use Frescobaldi every time for some time now, and I've been using LP > fo

Re: OT: Beauty of programming languages

2015-09-12 Thread Wols Lists
On 12/09/15 13:24, David Kastrup wrote: > Depends on the composer's date of death and whether you are transcribing > editorial annotations as well or just sticking to the Urtext. "we were > given photocopy music sheet" does not exactly sound a lot more legal > either, though I have indeed (from Ho

Re: OT: Beauty of programming languages

2015-09-14 Thread Wols Lists
On 14/09/15 21:42, Tim Reeves wrote: > Well, as a hornist, I reckon my instrument of choice is a lot closer to > a "vague pointing instrument" than to a keyboard instrument! Sometimes > when I point it this way it goes the other way. In reality, it depends > more on my lips etc. than on my fingers,

Re: Rendering cropped SVG

2015-09-15 Thread Wols Lists
On 15/09/15 19:46, Simon Albrecht wrote: > Am 15.09.2015 um 20:32 schrieb >> Unfortunately that didn't work, it still leaves a .ps file behind. > > Huh. Normally it wouldn’t; please try to create a tiny example. Also, > check the log messages; they should have something like >

Re: Multiple scores in a single document

2015-09-22 Thread Wols Lists
On 22/09/15 19:08, tisimst wrote: > > On 9/22/2015 12:06 PM, Simon Albrecht-2 [via Lilypond] wrote: > >> On 22.09.2015 19:53, T. Michael Sommers wrote: >> > Is it possible to have multiple independent scores in a single >> document, >> >> Of course it’s possible: just use more than one \score {}

Re: Bar numbers seem to be one off

2015-09-26 Thread Wols Lists
On 26/09/15 08:31, Andrew Bernard wrote: > However, you don’t often see scores with every barline numbered, and > generally publishers only print the bar number at the start of each line, and > normally leaving out 1. Actually, printing bar numbers at the start of each line is NOT general practi

Re: Bar numbers seem to be one off

2015-09-26 Thread Wols Lists
On 26/09/15 09:52, T. Michael Sommers wrote: > and if the numbers usually appear at the start of the line (which also > appears odd to me) Think of using a bar number as a rehearsal mark. If you say "start at bar 17", and that is a rehearsal mark, it would be well weird if the mark was placed betw

Re: Repeat with alternatives

2015-10-03 Thread Wols Lists
On 03/10/15 06:58, Brian Barker wrote: > At 19:30 02/10/2015 +0100, Anthony Youngman wrote: >> At the end of the day, it's down to the conductor to make sure the >> players know what they're doing. > > But surely engraved music is designed to indicate this unambiguously? If > the conductor needs t

Re: [OT] Printer with or without Postscript

2015-10-13 Thread Wols Lists
On 13/10/15 11:09, Johan Vromans wrote: > On Tue, 13 Oct 2015 10:39:35 +1100 > Andrew Bernard wrote: > >> > Whatever page description >> > language your printer uses internally, the printer driver software on >> > your computer will convert your file to that language format and print >> > it. >>

Re: My finances for working on LilyPond

2015-10-23 Thread Wols Lists
On 23/10/15 05:48, Jacques Menu wrote: > So, David, please send me your IBAN privately, and I’ll fix this problem on > my side. I know there's all this fuss about putting bank accounts on the web, but here (in the UK) we have bank accounts that can't originate transactions, and can't have an over

Re: My finances for working on LilyPond

2015-10-25 Thread Wols Lists
On 25/10/15 11:08, Chris Yate wrote: > As I understand it, there are some differences in the commission payable > for sending money to a friend vs buying a thing, but I've not looked > into it for a couple of years. We were investigating it for managing our > orchestra subs - I think it was about £

Re: Lilypond 2.19.31 on openSUSE Leap 42.1

2015-11-15 Thread Wols Lists
On 14/11/15 11:52, Andrew Bernard wrote: > Anybody running this combination? > > When attempting to run lilypond, is not found: > > error while loading shared libraries: cannot open > shared object file: No such file or directory > > > I am presently unable to l

Re: Unwanted barline. How to get rid of it?

2015-12-23 Thread Wols Lists
On 23/12/15 12:21, Robert Blackstone wrote: > Yes, it should be a partial. > But I do not know how to code that, 5 instead of 6 eighth notes, at the > end of a section. I've not tried it, but would an s8 work? If you just need to pad the bar out, that seems obvious to me. I was just thinking tha

Re: How to transpose an entire piece of music?

2015-12-23 Thread Wols Lists
On 23/12/15 15:02, Kieren MacMillan wrote: > Hi Bernhard, > >> > When I searched for Lilypond transponieren (transpose) I was not at all >> > clear that this could be done on an entire piece. There is no example >> > where score is mentioned. > While it doesn’t explicitly say “score”, it does [at

Re: \transpose not work working inside define-music-function

2015-12-27 Thread Wols Lists
On 27/12/15 16:32, J Smith wrote: > I'm trying to define a music function that transposes a chord and a > melody multiple times. But for some reason, the transposition is done > only once. > > Here's my attempt: > > repeatpattern = > #(define-music-function (parser location chord pattern) (l

Re: transposing instruments

2010-07-17 Thread Wols Lists
On 17/07/10 05:02, James Lowe wrote: > Jatziri, > Hi James, Jatziri, > > See: > > > > I regularly am given music in 'A' or 'C' to write out and transpose for > B-flat for the small orchestra I am in (for example

Re: Lilypond to typeset solfa style Indian music

2010-07-29 Thread Wols Lists
On 28/07/10 18:21, Mike Solomon wrote: > I'd recommend entering your lyrics like normal and using notes or > spaces in the staff. Then, do massive amounts of transparency > overrides and/or context removes. The internals reference should give > you a lead on what to turn off. Also, check out: >

Re: LilyPond Report 19

2010-08-09 Thread Wols Lists
On 09/08/10 15:09, Graham Percival wrote: > The LilyPond Report is back, with its two “grumpy-and-fluffy” > editors! This issue contains some conference news, along with the > regular release news, snippet of the report, news from the frog > pond, and the bug report of the report! > > Come read L

Re: (re?)directing compile output to a file

2010-08-12 Thread Wols Lists
On 12/08/10 17:55, Joe Neeman wrote: > Then I'm not sure. Isn't there some way, in windows, to check what > arguments are used when you drag a file to a shortcut? Apart from that, > according to the lilypond source, it will only print out the version > string if stdin is a terminal. So perhaps you

Re: List-email Suggestion

2010-09-06 Thread Wols Lists
On 06/09/10 01:14, Brett McCoy wrote: > Every other Linux based audio list I am on > pre-pends subjects with the list name. Why is this such a horrible > thing to do? > Because, like so many things, it's a nightmare when misused. You said you like to scan by subject. Fine. Just wait until *A*L*L*

Re: \partial with full measure rests

2010-09-07 Thread Wols Lists
On 07/09/10 19:58, Jayaratna wrote: > Dear all, > > I have been checking old posts for this same problems, but my case is > slightly different, and I would like to ask your opinion/advice on this. > > I have a score ending with a partial measure, and some parts do not play on > that measure. > > F

Re: List-email Suggestion

2010-09-07 Thread Wols Lists
On 07/09/10 03:10, David Rogers wrote: > I really only see two requests for change, which pop up again and again; > those are of course the two recently discussed - making the list the > default reply-to address, and prefixing the subject line. And has been pointed out to you already, prefixing t

Re: [Haskell] Re: List-email Suggestion

2010-09-07 Thread Wols Lists
On 07/09/10 23:55, David Rogers wrote: > * Matthias Kilian [2010-09-07 22:22]: > >> On Mon, Sep 06, 2010 at 07:10:59PM -0700, David Rogers wrote: >>> I really only see two requests for change, which pop up again and >>> again; >>> those are of course the two recently discussed - making the list t

Re: Repeating the same clef

2010-10-15 Thread Wols Lists
On 15/10/10 22:18, Phil Holmes wrote: > I made the comment since there had been a discussion about this > terminology on .devel. > > BTW - staffs is a perfectly good plural of staff. Stave is a > perfectly good singular of staves. And in music, as in English, the two words are pretty much inte

Re: OooLilyPond problem

2010-11-12 Thread Wols Lists
On 12/11/10 20:09, Tim McNamara wrote: > There has been a significant fork which may affect this particular > Lilypond project. Many/possibly most of the OOo developers quit the > OOo project and have started LibreOffice in protest against the parent > company that was paying for OOo development.

Re: Guitars with capos

2014-02-02 Thread Wols Lists
On 01/02/14 08:05, Federico Bruni wrote: > 2014/2/1 Rachael Thomas Carlson > > > Sometimes the standard notation is at sounding pitch and sometimes > it is at pitch as if there were no capo. > > > In all books I know (staff + tabstaff) I always see the latt

Re: "procedure" vs. "function"

2015-04-18 Thread Wols Lists
On 18/04/15 16:21, Urs Liska wrote: > So the choice of these names is actually an inconsistency in LilyPond's > terminology? > > I'm asking this because I have just completed a tutorial about > define-music-function and its siblings, and I realized that I used the > terms function and procedure in

Re: "procedure" vs. "function"

2015-04-18 Thread Wols Lists
On 18/04/15 19:56, PMA wrote: > AFAIK, of our major ancestor languages, only Pascal insisted on a > literal working > function-vs-procedure distinction. Did Wirth ever defend this insistence > (as more > than a track-keeping enforcer re value-outputting vs > non-value-outputting code)? Actually, s

Re: "procedure" vs. "function"

2015-04-18 Thread Wols Lists
On 18/04/15 22:11, PMA wrote: > Aha. So the improper-er their code got, the tougher time > compilers had trying to -- as Martin says -- "throw it out". > > All told, is there now any real need _not_ to use the terms > "function" and "procedure" interchangeably? That is, any > real need to try to

Re: title_page

2015-04-18 Thread Wols Lists
On 19/04/15 00:33, wrote: > I'm trying to make a title/cover page within LilyPond. I'm aware of the > possibility of workarounds: > > lilypond-book/LaTeX; Strikes me as a bit ham-fisted, not sure if I would run > into trouble as I've seen the warning about \pageBreak not play

Re: Font trouble

2015-04-19 Thread Wols Lists
On 18/04/15 22:57, Wols Lists wrote: > I must admit this is an example of "monkey see, monkey do" coding, but > I'm pretty certain I was given it on this list originally, this is the > second time I've tried to do something like this, and it's most > defini

Re: Do we really offer the future?

2015-04-21 Thread Wols Lists
On 20/04/15 15:54, Kieren MacMillan wrote: > Some say that Microsoft obtained its original OS dominance (which at one > point was approaching 95%) specifically by giving the priority to non-users: > it wilfully allowed (or even secretly supported) the proliferation of pirated > copies of early W

Re: How do new users feel about LilyPond's documentation?

2015-04-22 Thread Wols Lists
On 22/04/15 20:19, N. Andrew Walsh wrote: > I don't see anywhere in the reference or the manual where that sort of > comprehensive style guide is presented. I'm thinking something like the > doorstops O'Reilly's uses for documenting, say, HTML. I hate to use the > term (it's already been ruined by

Re: How do new users feel about LilyPond's documentation?

2015-04-23 Thread Wols Lists
On 23/04/15 00:00, Kieren MacMillan wrote: > Hi Wol, > Hi Kieren (NB, I've read Thomas' response) >> What I'd like to see is worked, documented examples. > > I’m happy to supply a few… But there are so many questions: > > 1. Where would they be kept? Actually, the thought just struck me, maybe

Re: What is the problem with "\relative"? (Was: Do we really offer the future?)

2015-04-23 Thread Wols Lists
On 23/04/15 20:35, Calixte Faure wrote: > I learned music in French (native French) and was at the beginning a > little bit confused with 2 4 8 16 etc. because we say white, black, > "hooked", double-"hooked", triple-, etc. but after all it is logical > with the numbers. > I understood the choice

Re: Putting text IN the staff

2015-04-27 Thread Wols Lists
On 27/04/15 09:30, Nick Payne wrote: > On 27/04/2015 08:14, Anthonys Lists wrote: >> Simple problem, I can't find the solution ... :-) >> >> Basically, what I want is "\StaffOff ...text... \StaffOn". > > Something like this? The values for offset and makegap have to be > fiddled with to get pr

Re: Bar Fermata at end of system?

2015-05-17 Thread Wols Lists
On 17/05/15 12:51, Thomas Morley wrote: > 2015-05-17 13:37 GMT+02:00 N. Andrew Walsh : >> > That fixed it, thanks so much! Is this the sort of stuff covered in the >> > advanced/tweaks sections of the reference, or are they tricks one learns >> > through practice? > NR 5.4.7 Visibility of objects >

Re: Sometimes order is significant

2015-05-26 Thread Wols Lists
On 26/05/15 15:02, Knute Snortum wrote: > Thanks for the reply and the cheat sheet. > The way I look at it, is to look at the *meaning*, not the *representation*. First, you need the note, eg "C above middle C", which is c''. Next comes whether to display any accidentals, which is a property of t

Re: volta repeat with and without alternative ending

2015-06-25 Thread Wols Lists
On 24/06/15 18:42, Paul Scott wrote: >> Because in individual part score, it will look silly (alternative endings, >> > but they are identical) > Not silly at all. It lets the violists know the structure. What if the > conductor says "Start at the 2nd ending?" How will the violist(s) know > whe

Re: Snowballing

2015-06-25 Thread Wols Lists
On 25/06/15 17:50, Simon Albrecht wrote: > Hello everyone, > > is it just me who has been having a kind of ‘snowballing’ problem on the > -user and -devel lists for the last two days or so? Most of the mails > arrive two up to six (!) times, and I’ve no clue why. A bug in mailman? > I have this p

Re: Snowballing

2015-06-25 Thread Wols Lists
On 25/06/15 18:58, Simon Albrecht wrote: > Am 25.06.2015 um 19:05 schrieb Wols Lists: >> On 25/06/15 17:50, Simon Albrecht wrote: >>> Hello everyone, >>> >>> is it just me who has been having a kind of ‘snowballing’ problem on the >>> -user and -devel l

Re: Expanded fingering diagrams?

2015-06-25 Thread Wols Lists
On 25/06/15 22:17, N. Andrew Walsh wrote: > > However, as the owner and player of (for example) a contrabassoon with a > key layout that differs from the one provided, I'd like to know: what > capabilities are there for expanding the library of diagrams? What > about, for example, bass flute? Or t

Re: Printing movement titles in page header

2015-07-09 Thread Wols Lists
On 09/07/15 09:05, Mark Knoop wrote: > Thanks Jan-Peter, > > I'll take a look at this and post back if I make any progress. > I was pointed at the scheme code that prints the header - can't remember what it was and I'm not on the computer with it so I can't get easy access. Find it and try modify

Re: Printing movement titles in page header

2015-07-09 Thread Wols Lists
On 09/07/15 19:48, Simon Albrecht wrote: > Am 09.07.2015 um 16:34 schrieb Wols Lists: >> On 09/07/15 09:05, Mark Knoop wrote: >>> Thanks Jan-Peter, >>> >>> I'll take a look at this and post back if I make any progress. >>> >> I was pointed at

Re: Key Signature only on first staff

2015-07-21 Thread Wols Lists
On 21/07/15 18:43, Simon Albrecht wrote: > Hello Brother Gabriel, > > Am 21.07.2015 um 19:11 schrieb BGM: >> My piece is in B Major and the repetition of the key signature takes >> up a lot >> of room on the page. >> >> I would like to show it on the first staff only and suppress the rest. > That

Re: sharping naturals

2015-07-25 Thread Wols Lists
On 25/07/15 08:04, David Kastrup wrote: > If we wanted to support "natural English note entry", it would become > LilyPond's problem. As an irrelevant aside :-) Throwing another little spanner in the works - about what words mean ... I really hate it when people say "English", and mean "American

Re: Font search path (Linux)

2015-07-28 Thread Wols Lists
On 28/07/15 12:54, Malte Meyn wrote: > Hi list, > > I would like to have the fonts from in a directory > that is not overridden when installing a new version of LilyPond but > found by the program. Is this possible and if yes, where would that be? > > I use the installation

Re: Font search path (Linux)

2015-07-28 Thread Wols Lists
On 28/07/15 14:06, Ralf Mattes wrote: > No, this is ba advice: anything under /usr/ is owned and managed by the > system/vendor > (on linux most likely by the system's package manager). The system is free to > (and often will) > remove/overwrite these files. > User/Admin installs should be put i

Re: transpositions within a global key setting.

2019-12-10 Thread Wols Lists
On 10/12/19 06:41, Urs Liska wrote: > > Am 09.12.19 um 15:24 schrieb N. Andrew Walsh: >> Hi List, >> >> let us say I have a piece where I want to specify the key signature >> once for all instruments. I have something like the following: >> >> \version = 2.19.82 >> global= { >> \key f \minor >>

Re: QtWebEngine vs. Ubuntu 16.04

2020-01-03 Thread Wols Lists
On 29/12/19 04:30, Simon Albrecht wrote: > thanks for the reply. I have learned from painful experience that it > seems better to just reinstall the OS completely, avoiding any issues > with the upgrade, and restore user data from backup. I have made all > preparations for that and am trying to do

Re: Chord options in leadsheets

2020-02-22 Thread Wols Lists
On 22/02/20 09:11, wrote: > > > > I use Lilypond to prepare jazz leadsheets. Most of the time, this is > straightforward, but the screenshot illustrates three additions I'd like to > be able t

Re: Remote Ensemble Playing

2020-03-31 Thread Wols Lists
On 30/03/20 10:15, Dr Nicholas Bailey wrote: > I don't trust Zoom anyway. Why has it got more than 2 open file > descriptors? What's it doing with my files?? > > $ lsof | grep -i zoom | wc -l > 20811 I can't find what I was looking for, but this was mentioned recently on LWN. Apparently it

Re: notes in text

2020-04-23 Thread Wols Lists
On 23/04/20 18:42, wrote: > I'm looking for a way to include some free standing notes in a line of text. > Specifically, I want a pair of beamed 16th, a '=' sign, and then three beamed > 16th notes, indicating that two 16ths equal three 16ths. I'd also like to > use it in a

Re: Fonts for text

2020-04-27 Thread Wols Lists
On 26/04/20 09:20, Noeck wrote: > > > Am 26.04.20 um 09:13 schrieb Thomas Morley: >> In "Times New Roman" the "Roman" is taken as font-family of font >> "Times New", which does not exists, thus a fall-back font is used. > > What? :) > > (Well, I think I know some background why, but that is sti

Re: Identify included files

2020-05-22 Thread Wols Lists
On 22/05/20 02:08, David Wright wrote: > On Thu 21 May 2020 at 17:54:38 (+0100), antlists wrote: >> On 21/05/2020 16:36, David Wright wrote: >>> On Thu 21 May 2020 at 13:57:00 (+0100), antlists wrote: > >> I have tried accidentally >> to do things like "lilypond voiceTrombone.ily" and it blew up

Re: registering a composition

2020-05-23 Thread Wols Lists
On 24/05/20 01:08, Carl Sorensen wrote: > Actually, GNU allows charging for the software. From the Preamble to the GNU > GPL: > > "When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our > General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom > to dist

Re: registering a composition

2020-05-24 Thread Wols Lists
On 24/05/20 12:52, David Kastrup wrote: > antlists writes: > >> So you don't understand the difference between the story, and the book? > > You are working from the premise that everybody except you is an idiot. > That does not make a backdrop for a discussion but monologueing. I am > not inter

Re: registering a composition

2020-05-24 Thread Wols Lists
On 24/05/20 14:18, Valentin Villenave wrote: > On 5/24/20, David Kastrup wrote: >> You are working from the premise that everybody except you is an idiot. > > Guys, stop bickering and veering off-topic. The original purpose of > this thread was to help Francesco gain some insight into the copyri

Re: Identify included files

2020-05-24 Thread Wols Lists
On 24/05/20 21:28, Fr. Samuel Springuel wrote: > It’s not quite as straight-forward as you seem to think: > > 1) You haven’t accounted for the possibility of multiple folders with varying > levels of hierarchy. The changed file might be in ../ relative to one file, > ../../ relative to another,

Re: Identify included files

2020-05-25 Thread Wols Lists
On 25/05/20 19:25, Fr. Samuel Springuel wrote: > I think this is where you’ve missed something. When using DK’s code as the > init file (or my later version, which make the output more make-friendly), > LilyPond **does not actually typeset the music.** All it does is read > through the files t

Re: Naming RFC: Properties, property sets, presets

2020-07-13 Thread Wols Lists
On 13/07/20 03:16, Andrew Bernard wrote: > Hi Urs, > > Great work. I have an issue with 'preset'. If you look at software > synths, for example, they can store and load 'presets' but these are > _all_ the parameters for a patch. I don't ever think the word preset > means a subset of a set of setti

Re: Naming RFC: Properties, property sets, presets

2020-07-13 Thread Wols Lists
On 13/07/20 10:29, Urs Liska wrote: > Am Montag, den 13.07.2020, 19:02 +1000 schrieb Andrew Bernard: >> Property subset is good. >> > > In a way, yes, namely by keeping within the semantic domain. > However, while a property set actually defines the available properties > (along with predicates an

Re: macro for \once\override

2020-08-29 Thread Wols Lists
On 29/08/20 05:45, Werner LEMBERG wrote: > \once \override FretBoard.size = #'1.0 > \once \override FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.barre-type = #'straight > \once \override = #'black > \once \override

Re: Note range of a score

2020-10-08 Thread Wols Lists
On 08/10/20 01:47, Andrew Bernard wrote: > Thanks Aaron - that's perfect! > > Never had need of that before. A great function. This requirement is actually quite common for teaching material. It's been a long time ago, but I remember seeing plenty of pieces for wind where right at the start there

Re: Point & Click with Atom

2020-11-01 Thread Wols Lists
On 01/11/20 02:13, David Wright wrote: > If one > deals only with graphical applications, there is almost no scope > for a shell to make an appearance at all, so it seems strange, to > some, to involve the shell at login time. AIUI, the problem is made worse by the fact that - if you l

Re: AW: Custom Format

2021-04-02 Thread Wols Lists
On 02/04/21 11:57, David Kastrup wrote: >> Apart from the organ (which I was shocked to discover, in its MODERN >> > form, first appeared about 600BC!!!), > Herr Gottlieb Silbermann would like to have a word with you. Because he > invested an awful lot of work to get organs to the state we call m

Rainbow Bells

2021-08-03 Thread Wols Lists
I've got a set of Rainbow Bells - I've modified the coloured-noteheads code to be an approximate match, and I'm quite pleased with it, but does anybody

Re: Cadenza -- I'm missing something

2021-08-16 Thread Wols Lists
On 16/08/21 07:06, Mark Probert wrote: > > Hi. > > I don't understand why I am seeing the behaviour I have with the > snippet below. I would expect to see the section marked "G Phrygian" to > have the aes bes and ees marked, but they are not (obviously you are > meant to read them from the ear

Re: specifically: how to do "p-f" dynamics (first time, second time); generally: how to find this in the manuals

2021-11-28 Thread Wols Lists
I have a little include area for all my standard stuff - I redefine the header block, for example. But one of those files in there contains a bunch of definitions for all the odd dynamics. So every time I need to add a new one, I've got all the others there as examples ... :-) Cheers, Wol On

Re: point-and-click default

2022-01-01 Thread Wols Lists
On 30/12/2021 17:22, David Zelinsky wrote: In evince on my Ubuntu system, clicking on the note elicits an error, because evince does not know what to do with a "textedit:..." link. Section 4.1 of the Usage Manual (under 4. External Programs) explains how to make it work. Nor does my Windows set

Re: Feedback wanted: syntax highlighting in the LilyPond documentation

2022-01-02 Thread Wols Lists
On 02/01/2022 09:34, Marc Lanoiselée via LilyPond user discussion wrote: It will be necessary to keep an uncolored version for men (in principle women do not have this problem) who do not see well certain colors. In principle (and practice) women DO suffer this problem. It's caused by a defect

Re: Feedback wanted: syntax highlighting in the LilyPond documentation

2022-01-02 Thread Wols Lists
On 02/01/2022 16:32, Jean Abou Samra wrote: I am colorblind (which BTW means that it's hard to distinguish certain colors, not that everything is gray). Sorry if I gave a wrong impression. I didn't mean that everything actually looked gray, just that it was the extreme imaginary case encompa

Re: Feedback wanted: syntax highlighting in the LilyPond documentation

2022-01-04 Thread Wols Lists
On 04/01/2022 15:14, J Martin Rushton wrote: OK, I'll admit I only skimmed it, hence "I've saved the paper to read later"! I've got Doob's "A Gentle Introduction to TeX" and Oetiker's "The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e" both of which keep to the fixed width convention. Again, I'll be hon

Re: Feedback wanted: syntax highlighting in the LilyPond documentation

2022-01-04 Thread Wols Lists
On 04/01/2022 16:23, Aaron Hill wrote: On 2022-01-04 7:29 am, Erika Pirnes wrote: Would it be terribly difficult to have a color setting on the documentation page, so that people can choose between black and color? It is fairly straightforward with CSS and a little JavaScript: Is that on the

Re: Transposing pitches in the lilypond file itself?

2022-01-14 Thread Wols Lists
On 12/01/2022 04:26, Alasdair McAndrew wrote: I'm not quite sure how to search online for this, hence my asking here. I'm doing a little bit of arranging of some baroque pieces for specific instruments, which usually requires some transposition.  I can transpose within the lilypond file so that

Re: Lilypond's English Horn MIDI instrument is non-transposing?

2022-01-15 Thread Wols Lists
On 15/01/2022 03:01, James B. Wilkinson wrote: 1) why do I need  "\transpose f c \tenor" instead of "\transpose f c' \tenor"? If I use c' it goes an octave too high. \transpose f c' is transposing UP a fifth, it will play a fifth higher than written. \transpose f c takes it down a fourth. I

Re: Lilypond's English Horn MIDI instrument is non-transposing?

2022-01-15 Thread Wols Lists
On 13/01/2022 21:40, James B. Wilkinson wrote: If I make it with the English horn part correctly transposed, the MIDI sounds terrible. If I make it with the English horn part untransposed, it sounds fine. My conclusion is that the midiInstrument "english horn" reads its part in C rather than in

Re: Setting relative pitch as a global declaration?

2022-02-09 Thread Wols Lists
On 09/02/2022 07:16, Alasdair McAndrew wrote: I'm sorry about all these damn-fool queries of mine; I promise to go back under my rock soon.  Anyway: In the current 18th century suite I'm typesetting (for two treble instruments without bass), there is a separate variable (containing the notes) f

Re: Setting relative pitch as a global declaration?

2022-02-09 Thread Wols Lists
On 09/02/2022 08:00, Wols Lists wrote: On 09/02/2022 07:16, Alasdair McAndrew wrote: I'm sorry about all these damn-fool queries of mine; I promise to go back under my rock soon.  Anyway: In the current 18th century suite I'm typesetting (for two treble instruments without bass),

Re: Windows laptop

2022-02-12 Thread Wols Lists
On 12/02/2022 08:31, Jeremiah Reilly wrote: I have a current Mac setup with my audio, video, and graphics software. Terms like Celeron, Intel i3, S-Mode, Windows 10, Windows 11—these terms mean *nothing* to me, except that S-Mode seems to indicate that the user is locked into the Windows Store.

Re: Windows laptop

2022-02-13 Thread Wols Lists
On 13/02/2022 17:36, David Zelinsky wrote: Wols Lists writes: Oh - and the other route to consider, there always used to be Ubuntu Virtualbox or Vmware images of lilypond. Virtualbox is a freebie, and I think you can get free Vmware. Why would you need that? Just run lilypond natively in

Re: Key change with clef after the bar line?

2022-03-01 Thread Wols Lists
On 01/03/2022 22:51, Alasdair wrote: However, what happens is that the natural sign is printed on top of the double bar line.  So either I need to not print the natural (which would be my preference), or somehow push the entire new key signature (one natural and two flats) after the clef sign.

Re: can someone point me to complete documentation for the partial command argument syntax?

2022-03-20 Thread Wols Lists
On 19/03/2022 20:01, David Kastrup wrote: Sam Roberts writes: I tried so hard to be accurate, but I missed something: On Sat, Mar 19, 2022 at 12:38 PM Sam Roberts wrote: After experimentation, I found this worked: \time 3/4 \partial 1 c4 | It "works" in that pdf output looks ok, c4 is in

Re: Problem with Repeats and Alternatives

2022-04-21 Thread Wols Lists
On 21/04/2022 12:01, David Kastrup wrote: John Helly writes: Aloha. I've not used LP for a while but in coming back to it I've been struggling with repeats and find that this 'preferred syntax' does not seem to work in that it produces: Starting lilypond 2.20.0 []... Try matching t

Re: arbitrary repeat counter

2022-06-06 Thread Wols Lists
On 01/06/2022 18:03, Simon Bailey wrote: Here's a weird one. Using this definition in the c,-octave, I get a really weird output. Each note in the music drops down an octave. In the c-octave, it works normally. Using the untagged version of \repeatCounting doesn't show this issue in either octave

Re: arbitrary repeat counter

2022-06-06 Thread Wols Lists
On 06/06/2022 11:46, Jean Abou Samra wrote: Le 06/06/2022 à 12:17, Wols Lists a écrit : On 01/06/2022 18:03, Simon Bailey wrote: Here's a weird one. Using this definition in the c,-octave, I get a really weird output. Each note in the music drops down an octave. In the c-octave, it

Re: arbitrary repeat counter

2022-06-06 Thread Wols Lists
On 06/06/2022 14:10, David Kastrup wrote: Ah. So now if you do a relative repeat, the contents of the braces are converted to absolute before the unfold? That's neat. It never used to be like that, Han Wen wrote that "reset octave" thingy for me yonks ago (2.4?) because I ran in to that very pro

Re: Flat flared hairpins

2018-12-31 Thread Wols Lists
On 31/12/18 12:55, David Kastrup wrote: > > Natural language cardinals: zero onetwothree > Natural language ordinals: first second third > Scheme cardinals: 0 1 2 3 > Scheme ordinals: 0 1 2 American English floors: firs

Re: Flat flared hairpins

2018-12-31 Thread Wols Lists
gt; Andrew Cheers, Wol > > > On Tue, 1 Jan 2019 at 00:07, Wols Lists <>> wrote: > > > American English floors: first second third fourth > English floors: ground first second third > > > >

Re: [OT] Variations in ordinals and building floor numbers

2019-01-02 Thread Wols Lists
On 02/01/19 03:42, Andrew Bernard wrote: > Hi David, > > Never seen '*' in Australia. > Same here in the UK. QUITE often, the street level is either green, or noticeably raised, or both, but I've come across several where the street exit is on "1" and "G" takes you some place else ... (And give

Re: <>

2019-01-05 Thread Wols Lists
On 04/01/19 18:41, Aaron Hill wrote: > >> Yeesh, that is terrible.This is why it's important to follow good >> notation >> practice: I was so confused by this bad typesetting that I thought the >> bar >> was 6/4 time, and now my day is ruined. > > Unless someone is doing academic work where it is

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