Dimitrios Sykias wrote on 10.10.2023:
> Is there a way to align textMarks?
Maybe something like
\override Score.TextMark.self-alignment-X = #CENTER
would help?
Have fun!
Laurie Savage wrote on 13.11.2023:
> Still I get errors like this:
> /home/laurie/Documents/Charts/Transpositions/Dear Old
> Stockholm/Dear-Old-Stockhom_Traditional.ly:3:10: error: cannot find file:
> `/home/Laurie/Lilypond/includes/jazzchords.ily'
> ...
> Any ideas?
I am not calling lilypon
Paolo Prete wrote on 02.06.2024:
> How can I draw a vertical (or even diagonal) line independently positioned
> from the notes in the score, that can span across staves, as shown in the
> figure?
For drawing lines independently from notes I do not use Lilypond
directly but postscript. For this pu