Questions about using Scheme with Lilypond

2020-11-15 Thread Tom Brennan
I'd like to create a function that would allow me to create a `bookpart` from a list of arguments. E.g., ```lilypond \book { \custom_bookpart "horn" \hn_movt_one \hn_movt_two } ``` The reason is because I'd like to reuse header and page info, etc, without having to repeat those common variable na

Re: Questions about using Scheme with Lilypond

2020-11-16 Thread Tom Brennan
al sense they make it possible to do (in Clojure, anyway) "unquote-splicing", obviating using something like `apply`, etc. But since you're in a lilypond block, it's just not clear to me what is allowed there in terms of interpolating scheme values. Thanks again Tom On Sun,

Re: Workaround for (not-allowed) numbers in variable names?

2021-03-05 Thread Tom Brennan
That's neat. I checked to see that unicode as well as whitespace seems to work via quoting, too. \version "2.22" "rødgrød med fløde 123 和毛泽东 <<重上井冈山>>. 严永欣, 一九八八年. 久有归天愿 终过鬼门关 千里来寻归宿 春华变苍颜 到处群魔乱舞 更有妖雾盘绕 暗道入阴间 过了阎王殿 险处不须看 风雷动 旌旗奋 忆人寰 八十三年过去 弹指一挥间 中原千军逐蒋 城楼万众检阅 褒贬满载还 世上无难事 只怕我癫痫 " = { a b c } cla

Re: Time bracket notation for very large scale compositions

2021-04-09 Thread Tom Brennan
Hi Andrew I'm a professional software engineer, and I recently asked myself most of the questions you're asking here when evaluating Lilypond, and ultimately, I decided that for my usecases, it made more sense to use Lilypond, because I would make a lot of use of the musical modeling/abstractions

Stem objects with symbols stamped on top

2021-04-15 Thread Tom Brennan
Hello I'm trying to figure out how to temporarily change the stems in a staff so that they appear like the "aeolian" stems displayed at the bottom of this video (which has been queued to the relevant segment): I've seen how Penderecki tremolos are achieved; is th

large-scale example projects repositories

2021-07-02 Thread Tom Brennan
Hello Are there any large-scale, "real-world" lilypond projects available online to view so that I can see how they're organized? I know that I've seen some documentation here and there that describes what you _would_ do if you had a string quartet project, for example, but I'd like to see someone

Re: How to unsubscribe?

2023-05-05 Thread Tom Brennan
TIL On Fri, May 5, 2023 at 12:47 PM Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote: > David, > > Your response assumes that all readers of mailing lists know what full > headers are, where the full headers are, and where in the full headers to > find the "unsubscribe". > > Mark > > -Original Message- > From:

Point and click - permission denied

2024-03-22 Thread Tom Brennan
Hello (Note: this email uses markdown formatting.) It's been a while since I've used lilypond, and I had point and click working on another system, but I can't remember what I did. I do remember there were hiccups. Also, it was probably Arch Linux and now the distro I'm using is Ubuntu 22.04, Lil

Re: Point and click - permission denied

2024-03-22 Thread Tom Brennan
ke-editor" pid=65082 comm="sh" requested_mask="x" denied_mask="x" fsuid=1000 ouid=0 [ 8087.871698] audit: type=1400 audit(177091.247:145): apparmor="DENIED" operation="exec" profile="/usr/bin/evince" name="/usr/bin/lilypond-i

Re: Point and click - permission denied

2024-03-22 Thread Tom Brennan
Ok, I just noticed that the binary location is wrong -- and I have more than one install on this computer, so I'm going to remove both and start with the latest version and see what happens. On Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 10:20 AM Tom Brennan wrote: > > BTW, for what it's worth it does

organizing shared libraries

2024-04-03 Thread Tom Brennan
Hello I'm going through documentation, refamiliarizing myself with Lilypond, and trying to define a process for daily work that I like. One thing I'm pretty sure I'll want is to create a shared library that will live in its own repository. Perhaps more than one. Looking at [this documentation](ht

Re: organizing shared libraries

2024-04-04 Thread Tom Brennan
24 at 2:21 PM Tom Brennan wrote: > > Hello > > I'm going through documentation, refamiliarizing myself with Lilypond, > and trying to define a process for daily work that I like. One thing > I'm pretty sure I'll want is to create a shared library that will live >

Re: Re[4]: Frescobaldi?

2024-05-06 Thread Tom Brennan
I think that all sounds good, but that kind of rework is probably going to involve a lot of regression risk (what are the tests like right now?), but also a ton of opportunities for improvements to the extent that it might be a good time to make a break from backward functional compatibility, maybe

Workaround for \grace + \tuplet bug

2024-07-08 Thread Tom Brennan
Hi all I came across a bug with grace music containing tuplets and I haven't filed the report yet, because I'm waiting to be added to the bug list to provide the report there. However, I'm looking for a workaround for this problem. Here is the report: ``` % Grace note music containing tuplets ca

Re: Workaround for \grace + \tuplet bug

2024-07-08 Thread Tom Brennan
I just realized that guile 3 is available for 2.24.x, so that's the workaround. I'll still file the bug, though, for v2.25 in the proper channel. Thanks Tom On Mon, Jul 8, 2024 at 11:40 AM Tom Brennan wrote: > Hi all > > I came across a bug with grace music containing tu

Barline scaling issues

2024-07-11 Thread Tom Brennan
Hi all When using `\magnifyStaff #2/3`, I'm seeing weird transitions between the staves of a `StaffGroup`. For example, ``` \version "2.24.3" music = \relative c'' { \repeat unfold 10 { c4 d e f } \bar "||" c d e f \bar "|." } % Weird transition between I and II -- I "wins" \bookpart {

Tempo changes and spanners

2024-07-23 Thread Tom Brennan
Hi all I'm notating a sonata for a cello and piano, and I would like to produce three "artifacts" (products?) from this: 1. A solo cello part (a typical single staff representation) 2. A "study score" where all staves are equivalent sizes 3. An accompaniment part for the piano, where the cello is

Re: Tempo changes and spanners

2024-07-24 Thread Tom Brennan
in all of the parts? Thanks again! Tom On Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 6:32 PM Thomas Morley wrote: > Am Di., 23. Juli 2024 um 23:52 Uhr schrieb Tom Brennan >: > > > > Hi all > > > > I'm notating a sonata for a cello and piano, and I would like to produce > three

Re: Linux OS

2025-02-07 Thread Tom Brennan
Hi Knute You mentioned there's a flatpak for the Frescobaldi v4.0.0 beta. I'm curious how to find and install this. Thanks! Tom On Mon, Feb 3, 2025 at 8:59 PM Knute Snortum wrote: > On Mon, Feb 3, 2025 at 3:41 PM Valentin Petzel wrote: > >> >> The not so nice thing: Frescobaldi is not really

lilypond-invoke-editor generalization

2025-02-11 Thread Tom Brennan
Hi all I wonder if this has already been discussed, but it occurred to me that `lilypond-invoke-editor` seems highly decoupled from Lilypond to the extent that it could (and maybe should) be its own package, so that one could use it without a dependency on Lilypond. I currently need Lilypond on m