clefs and positioning

2008-03-02 Thread Timothy C Litwiller
I am try to set a piece that a friend wrote recently it is what we call a Mens Quartet vocal piece. The top line of notes above the words is almost right if I use \clef neomensural-c4 or c3 c4 is on the line above the space where we need it and c3 is on the line below where we need it. what

Re: clefs and positioning

2008-03-02 Thread Timothy C Litwiller
Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 6:09 PM, Timothy C Litwiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I am try to set a piece that a friend wrote recently it is what we call a Mens Quartet vocal piece. The top line of notes above the words is almost right if I use \clef neomensural-c4 or c3 c4 is on the line

Re: clefs and positioning

2008-03-03 Thread Timothy C Litwiller
Thanks so much for that. It looks like it is working very well. Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: Am Montag, 3. März 2008 schrieb Timothy C Litwiller: no, here is a scan of the upper left corner that he wrote by hand There are two

Re: Lillypond software

2008-03-16 Thread Timothy C Litwiller
herman wories wrote: L.S. I downloaded the free software today(windows version). I get the base pdf (the c to c ladder). However the main program does not start. Which *.exe file should start up the main program Regards Herman Wories As a windows user and beginner you will want to get t

Re: braces in the lyrics

2008-04-10 Thread Timothy C Litwiller
Wilbert Berendsen wrote: Op dinsdag 8 april 2008, schreef Timothy C Litwiller: .. other line doesn't have a set stanza with a number in it. Try putting the brace in the stanza number, and move the (big) brace down somewhat using some markup commands (fontsize, raise, or tran

Re: braces in the lyrics

2008-04-11 Thread Timothy C Litwiller
The bracket has to be in quotes Ok, here are the first line of the fist verse stanzaOneOne = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "1. {" Child, you're mine and I love you. Lend thine ear to wh

Re: vertical braces in the lyrics - I'm stuck

2008-04-14 Thread Timothy C Litwiller
Neil Puttock wrote: Hi Tim, On 14/04/2008, Tim Litwiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I am really stuck and would appreciate some help. I have tried just about every which way there is and I apparently don't understand the concept here. I am trying to enter braces at the beginning of the so

Re: Lyric braces?

2008-05-15 Thread Timothy C Litwiller
Timothy C Litwiller wrote: This isn't perfect but may be a place for you to start here is the code --- %right and left brace setup leftbrace = \markup { \override #'(font-encoding . fetaBra

Re: There have been a bunch of discussions lately about lillypond-book

2009-03-12 Thread Timothy C Litwiller
On 3/12/2009 7:15 AM, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi Tim, I've tried \including them like someone suggested here last week, but that method I lost the song titles and other header information. 1. Did you use "print-all-headers = ##t"? 2. Did you try \bookpart? Hope this helps! Kieren. Ok, I re

Re: There have been a bunch of discussions lately about lillypond-book

2009-03-14 Thread Timothy C Litwiller
ok, here are a couple of the files that I am working with I've already commented out some parts hopeing they won't cause problems. but I get C:/Program Files/Easy LilyPond/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/current/ly/ error: syntax error, unexpected STRING pitchnamesEnglish = #`(