for some reason I sometimes still use my old (2.4.6) cygwin version.
Now I accidently upgraded to a newer (2.8.8?) version, which I did
not want (and did not work btw).
Is there any chance to reinstall 2.4.6?
I have not found it on the servers I looked up.
Any hints appreciated.
> "Thomas Scharkowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Now I accidently upgraded to a newer (2.8.8?) version, which I did
> > not want (and did not work btw).
> Bug report, please.
I get:
> "Thomas Scharkowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Is there any chance to reinstall 2.4.6?
> When you run Cygwin's setup.exe, it first downloads all packages to be
> installed. If you did not delete those, they are still on your hard
> disk.
ollowing: install 2.6.5-1 for Windows from
> http://lilypond.org/web/install/older-versions
> and run it from Cygwin. This is perhaps easier.
> Fred
> Thomas Scharkowski a écrit :
> >> "Thomas Scharkowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>> Is
664969CB (7FF7BFC8, 0404, 0404, 664968E3)
0022C058 66499B23 (7FF7BFC8, 0004, 7FF7C188, 7FF7F730)
End of stack trace (more stack frames may be present)
> "Thomas Scharkowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> Bug report, please.
> > I get:
Just curious:
what's wrong with jEdit?
> Hi everyone,
> On the same subject, I would like to propose an improvement for the Lilypond
> editor on Mac OS (mine is 10.4). It would be really nice if we could point
> and click on an error message and the code creating the error would be
> high
> For me, pdf means trouble. Why should I ever want to produce
> pdf's?
> And btw, the pdf's produces by current lilypond does not print
> either
> on my (postscript) printer.
> Regards
> /Karl
Well, I can print pdf but no ps level 3 with my printer.
But: I would like to print LilyPond gen
> Hallo,
> my question:
> What to do, to get the right form of a bar line at the end of a piece
> of music? I start with lilypond and don't find the answer in the
> tutorial.
> Thanks, jörn
Hi Jörn,
If you search the doc for "bar lines" you will find chapter 6.4.5..
I am not sure if this is a bug or if I missed something.
In the following example the first volta bracket is not closed, the
second is horizontally misaligned. Any ideas?
LilyPond 2.10.19, Windows XP
\version "2.10.19"
\header {
title = "1. volta bracket not closed"
Melody =
Hello list,
example 1 works as expected:
% begin example 1
\version "2.2.0"
\score {
\notes {
\key g \major
\time 2/4
\clef F
g8 g g g |
\repeat "tremolo" 4 g8 |
\paper {}
% end example 1
example 2 produces a warning:
% begin example 2
\version "2.2.0"
\score {
\notes {
\key g \major
Hello again,
I found out that I can use "g2:8" instead, so my problem is solved.
But I still do not understand.
Lilypond-user mailing list
Hello list,
I want to use the "prallup" symbol ("scripts-prallup"), so that it is
_left_ to the note and "inside" the stave.
I tried ^\markup {\musicglyph #"scripts-prallup"}, but I cannot move
the symbol down into the stave. I have searched the doc and the
archive but with no success. Any poi
Thank you Roland,
I don't know why I could not find this out by myself (I had tried "padding" instead of
> Hello list, hello Thomas,
> You wrote:
> > I want to use the "prallup" symbol ("scripts-prallup"), so that it is
> > _left_ to the note and "inside" the stav
I've been using jEdit for a while now, and it is really helpful.
Recently I noticed that the lilyPond Help still uses Version 2.1.6
06JAN04 of the lilpond doc.
Can I change this somehow to the current version (2.2.0)?
Thank you,
I've been using jEdit for a while now, and it is really helpful.
Recently I noticed that the lilyPond Help still uses Version 2.1.6
06JAN04 of the lilpond doc.
Can I change this somehow to the current version (2.2.0)?
Thank you,
> Hello there,
Hallo Stefan,
> ...
> 1) In the created pdf-file is always a little "1" in the upper right
> corner of the page. How can I prevent this???
This is easy:
You can put
pagenumber = "no"
into the header block.
> 5) Can I get another music instrument for the midi output
Try to put it into the the \notes block.
> Hallo Thomas,
> Thank you very much for your answer. The pagenumber is now away.
> But I still can't get another Instrument then the piano in the
> midi-file. I already tried the /set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic
> guitar (steel)" instr
Hello list,
I would like to add a metronome mark to the following:
^\markup \large \bold {\hspace #-4.0 {Adagio}}
to get something like:
Adagio (4=108) (4 should be replaced by a note)
I have tried to find out how to move the metronome mark produced by
"\tempo 4 = 108" vertically and/or horizon
Thank you, I had read the manual before posting. :-)
What I want is the "Adagio" marking and the Tempo marking in one
line, or change the position of the \tempo mark manually.
Thank you
> > Hello list,
> >
> > I would like to add a metronome mark to the following:
> > ^\markup \large \bol
> Search the mailing list archives of lilypond-user for
> "tempo markup" to find some examples of typesetting the
> metronomization as part of a text markup.
Sorry, I did not find an example.
> To change the position of the metronome mark, you have to find out
> what kind layout object in Lil
Hello list,
I have a note tied to alternative endings. How can I get the tie for
the 2nd ending?
Thank you,
An example is here:
\version "2.2.0"
\header {title = "Tie for second ending?"}
\notes {
\relative c' {
\repeat volta 2 {
c d
Hello list,
I have a chord symbol above the first note in a volta bracket.
This chord symbol collides with the bracket. Is it possible to move a
single chord symbol?
Changing the bracket height with
"\override Score.VoltaBracket #'minimum-space = #3" does not help,
the number still meets the b
Hello list,
when changing the key lilypond (2.2.2, cygwin) prints a single
barline before the cautionary accidentals at the end of the line.
Isn't a double barline standard?
I looked at several examples in printed scores and always found a
double barline.
Thank you,
> On Friday 18 June 2004 09.16, Thomas Scharkowski wrote:
> > Hello list,
> >
> > when changing the key lilypond (2.2.2, cygwin) prints a single
> > barline before the cautionary accidentals at the end of the line.
> > Isn't a double barline standard? I loo
"||" \break
\key f \major
\repeat volta 2 { bes c d e }
\paper {}
--- Forwarded message follows ---
From: Thomas Scharkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
You are right, "||:" does it!
> I suppose you forgot to attach something, but it sounds like \bar
> "||:" is what you're looking for. (there seems to be a bug though, the
> bar line is not printed when in the middle of a line)
> Erik
Hello list,
I have tried to update jEdit on windows xp with the new
LilyPondTool.jar (397 kb) but with no success.
I get the following error message:
Plugin Error
The following plugin could not be loaded:
C:\Programme\jEdit 4.1\jars\LilypondTool.jar:
Cannot start: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundE
> - If I want to override something I hardly know what property to set,
> I type \override and using the autocompletion and the popup
> property-help I choose the appropriate property.
This does not work for me.
Perhaps I am missing something (again)? I get no popup at all.
cygwin on xp
--- Forwarded message follows ---
From: Thomas Scharkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:RE: Methods of working
Date sent: Sun, 27 Jun
Hello list,
maybe this is more of a linux question, but I dare to ask.
I have to admit that I am new to linux, but I thought: Just try it.
So I followed the instructions and compiled lilypond-2.2.3 on SuSe
Everything seemed to work correctly, great!
Typing "lilypond --ver" gives the expec
> I guess that you basically did
> ./configure
> make
> make install
That's what I did.
> which means that lily.scm should be installed in
> /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.2.3/scm/lily.scm
No scm directory there!
> Also, the command
> lilypond-bin --help --verbose
> should say
> local_lilypond_d
> Thomas Scharkowski wrote:
> >>I guess that you basically did
> >>./configure
> >>make
> >>make install
> >
> > That's what I did.
> I hope you logged in as root when you did 'make install',
> otherwise you don't
When I run "make install" I get the following error messages:
./out/feta11tfm does not exist.
make[1]:***[local-install-outfiles] Fehler 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/.../lilypond-2.2.3/mf'
make: *** [install] Fehler 2
And "make install" did not create a "scm" directory.
I have run the "clea
Hello list,
on my SuSE linux machine "error list" does not show any errors or
Maybe I have changed something without noticing it?
I have tried to setup jEdit the same way like on my win xp / cywin
installation, where error list is o.k..
I work with lilypond 2.2.4 (linux) and 2.2.2 (wi
Hello list,
hello Bert,
I now found out that in some occasions error list does work:
removing/adding a "{" and saving shows the expected result:
...14:Block is not closed
clicking there jumps to line 14, o.k.!
Now I remove the "\" before my midi-block and run the console:
console shows:
Hello list,
hello Bert,
I now found out that in some occasions error list does work:
removing/adding a "{" and saving shows the expected result:
...14:Block is not closed
clicking there jumps to line 14, o.k.!
Now I remove the "\" before my midi-block and run the console:
console shows:
Hello list,
I think this is more of a linux (SuSE 9.1 ) than a lilypond question,
but I dare to ask:
When I run lilypond 2.2.4 as user I get some console messages in
german and some english. I do not like this, and jEdit with lilytool
does not like it either.
When I run lilypond as root everyt
Hi all,
I am using 2.4.0 on Suse 9.1.
In a 2.2.4 document I had: \paper {linewidth=18 \cm}
Convert-ly replaces "\paper" with "\layout", but this way I get different
margins on left and right sides of the page.
I manually added a "\page" Block: \page {linewidth=18 \cm \leftmargin=1.5 \cm}
Hi all,
I have just installed lilypond 2.4.2 from Bertalan Fodor.
Everything seems to work, but I get this error message:
Error invoking `latex \\nonstopmode \\input test24.tex > /dev/null
2>&1 '. Return value 256
Thank you,
> lilypond --verbose /cygdrive/f/lilypond/gitarre/Carulli/test24.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.4.2
Hello all,
did anyone else notice that the "opus" is not right aligned as it
should be?
Small example:
\version "2.4.2"
\header {
\score {c'}
\layout {}
I have attached a png.
Der folgende Teil dieser Nachricht enthält ein
Hello list,
I have noticed that a footer in the \header block is no more
supported. Where can I put it now? I do not understand the manual
(7.5.11) in this regard.
Thank you,
lily 2.4.2
lilypond-user mailing list
Ketils solution works on Suse 9.1 / LilyPond 2.4.0,
but on cygwin/LilyPond 2.4.2 I do not get the circle, but a
superscribed (?) h in a courier font instead of the circle, number
looks o.k..
Could anyone explain this?
Any other solutions?
Thank you,
> This works well for me:
Hello all,
I tried to change the alignment of instrument names with no success:
\override Staff.InstrumentName #'self-alignment-X = #1
but this does not work.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you,
2.4.2 on cygwin
lilypond-user mailing list
Sorry for the stupid question.
I forgot that I can use \markup \right-align.
Must have been a blackout. :-)
lilypond-user mailing list
Hi Nick,
you could try something like
\set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-9 . 12)
> Lilypond Version 2.4.2 on Cygwin...
> Is there a similar method of adjusting the positioning of Fret
> Diagrams? I've tried both \override Fret #'minimum-spacing = #5 and
> \override FretDiagram #'m
Hi Nick,
you could try somethinh like
\set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-9 . 12)
> Lilypond Version 2.4.2 on Cygwin...
> Is there a similar method of adjusting the positioning of Fret
> Diagrams? I've tried both \override Fret #'minimum-spacing = #5 and
> \override FretDiagram #'m
Hello list,
it seems to be an easy question, but I could not find a solution:
How can I change the formatting of "title" or "subtitle" to "normal"
instead of "bold", without editing "titling.scm"?
I know how to change e.g. "dedication" to "bold" via \markup, but I
could not find a reference for
> Can anyone tell me how to achieve numbers in circles? I used to be
> able to get this to work on 2.1.x: ces^\markup {"\\textcircled{\\tiny
> 1}"}
Hi Walter,
just tested: works for me on 2.4.2 cygwin. Strange!
lilypond-user mailing list
Slashed gracenote beams for "as fast as possible" are quite common. I
think they are not implemented, at least I did not find in the doc.
Any tricks?
Thank you,
Lilypond 2.4.2 on cygwin
lilypond-user mailing list
> That's a slashed flag, not a slashed beam. Also, it's in the first
> example you find if you look up the section on Grace Notes in the
> LilyPond manual, so why would Thomas ask about that?
> /Mats
No. :-)
I will look for an example an post a link or a scan.
Thank you,
Here it is!
Nice piece btw.
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u example. After the 3rd
> note, or are all 7 notes included?
> Christ van Willegen
> On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 12:36:06 +0100, Thomas Scharkowski
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Here it is!
> >
> > Nice piece btw.
> > Can you point to some example (preferably some score available
> > on-line or a scanned copy) that shows the layout you are looking
> > for?
> >
> >/Mats
> I think it's just like a normal beam, with a small slash through the
> left corner of the beam, right?
Hello list,
\set Staff.instrument = \markup {"\\textcircled{\\footnotesize 3}"}
used to work in lily 2.2,
does not work in 2.4.2.
c^\markup {"\\textcircled{\\footnotesize 3}"} inside the score block
lily 2.4.2
> It certainly works, but the problem is that LilyPond thinks that
> the instrument name is extremely long, so it places it too far to the
> left. Try \layout{ indent=5\cm } to see where it actually ends up.
This still shifts the circled number outside the paper, the following
"= fis" is placed j
Try \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #0
> >> I would like so bring all rests to their standard-position, so that
> >> I have only one rest-sign for both voices.
> > Try using the command "\oneVoice".
> I'm using \voiceOne and \voiceTwo so it woul
\override Voice.MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position = #0
Hi Ole,
i strongly recommend the use of jEdit with lilypond plugin! It makes
working with lilypond a lot easier.
> > Try \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #0
> That works _a bit_: all "normal"
I am also using Cygwin. Just install jEdit normally under Windows.
> I'm working under Cygwin and fear, that jEdit is not available there!?
> Ole
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> http://lists.gnu.org/mailma
Hello list,
I tried to install 2.4.*, but only found 2.2.5-1 everywhere I looked.
Any hints?
lilypond-user mailing list
Hello all,
can anyony explain why the "a" in bar 82 is not moved to the right
automatically as the note before, and even \override Voice.NoteColumn
#'force-hshift does not work for this note?
% bar 82
s4 ais' \override Voice.NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1.0 a
s4 b,2 | s4 b2 | s4 b2 s2.|
Sorry, missed adding the attachment.
--- Weitergeleitete Nachricht / Forwarded message ---
Von:Thomas Scharkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
An: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Betreff:force-hshift question
Datum: Tue, 05 Apr 2005 11
Hello all,
can anyony explain why the "a" in bar 82 is not moved to the right
automatically as the note before, and even \override Voice.NoteColumn
#'force-hshift does not work for this note?
% bar 82
s4 ais' \override Voice.NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1.0 a
s4 b,2 | s4 b2 | s4 b2 s2.|
Hello list,
I could not find a "black" harmonic notehead for eights and quarter
notes in the feta font, only "noteheads-0harmonic". Shouldn't it be
there or did I miss something?
In the moment I am using "neomensural" with size and stem-offset
adjustments and it looks o.k., but...
After a linebreak, lilypond (2.4.3 on Cygwin) shows an accidental for
a tied note. Is this common notation practice? In some examples I
looked, the accidental for the tied note is never printed in the next
bar, regardless if there is a line break or not.
Is there a way to turn it off other than
It is very common in guitar music.
> I've never seen harmonics notated with black note heads,
> could you mention some examples where it's used?
lilypond-user mailing list
Problem solved. I forgot to insert \voice#.
> Could you please provide a complete example that shows the
> problem.
> /Mats
> Thomas Scharkowski wrote:
> > Sorry, missed adding the attachment.
> > --- Weitergeleitete Nachricht / For
> > > I've never seen harmonics notated with black note heads, [...]
> >
> > This is actually quite a common way to notate harmonics in Classical
> > Guitar, together with a number to indicate which harmonic it is.
> > [...]
> Can you provide a small image which shows it?
> Werner
Hello list,
sorry for the long example, but I could not shorten more.
In bar 9 and 10 of the attached example the rests in voice "Bass" are
shifted, but the dots remain at the default position.
If I delete or shorten voice "Middle" the problem disappears.
This is a short extract of my code:
Hi Erik,
I looked at "testrest.dvi" with MikTex Yap and get the same output.
> On Sunday 08 May 2005 19.38, Thomas Scharkowski wrote:
> > Hello list,
> >
> > sorry for the long example, but I could not shorten more.
> > In bar 9 and 10 of the atta
Hello list,
how can I get double glissando lines for e.g.:
Any tricks similar "\set doubleSlurs = ##t"?
I could not find a reference in the doc.
Thank you,
lilypond-user mailing list
I have now tested the example with lilypond 2.4.6 on cygwin and get
the same result (misplaced dots)
> Erik Sandberg wrote:
> > On Monday 09 May 2005 13.46, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> >
> >>I can confirm the bug on Cygwin 2.4.3 as well as Erik's observation
> >>that it doesn't happen in 2
The jDvi-viewer doesn't seem to work.
I get the message: "There are missing fonts. I'm creating them now,
please wait..." and nothing happens.
The windows taskmanager shows kspewhich.exe with "0" cpu-activity.
After waiting all I can do is terminating jEdit via taskmanager.
I have updated to lily
Thank you,
I tried lily4jedit-devel and jDvi does not crash (I can close it
normally), but does no seem to work either.
But I get a "Bean Shell Error" when trying to process a ly file via
So I gues I have to wait for a new version.
> That may be a bug. Do you have the latest LilyP
> Could you send me an error log or the bean shell error msg you see?
> Joshua
Yes, here it comes:
java.lang.Error: Cannot call invokeAndWait from the event dispatcher
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeA
Hello list,
I have a bar with a "cis", some other notes and then "ces".
Lilypond prints a "cancellation-natural" before the flat for the note
"ces". (How) can I turn this off?
Thank you,
lilypond-user mailing list
Hi Ted,
try replacing
"bottommaragin" with "bottommargin"
> I have been typesetting some renaissance choir music with beautiful
> results, except for the overall page layout. It would be great if the
> manual could have some more information about page layout and complete
> working
> hi ed, han-wen,
> i mentioned this today as well, and have seen it since approx. 2.5.18
> or so. stan sanderson also mentioned it in an email from 12.04.2005
> with the subject "2.5.18 bar line thickness error(?)"
> what stan and i have in common is macos 10.3.x.
> ed: are you also on a
Hello list,
I have just used the intaller for the above package.
Double-clicking on a *.ly file works, also contex-menu.
But I'd like to use jEdit, how can I?
I cannot even use a Dos-box, typinf "lilypond" with or without
parameters produces nothing, not even an error message.
Using the command
> Thomas Scharkowski writes:
> > But I'd like to use jEdit, how can I?
> Use environment sitting LYEDITOR=jedit.
What is environment sitting? :-)
> > I cannot even use a Dos-box, typinf "lilypond" with or without
> > parameters produces not
> > ERROR: In procedure primitive-load-path:
> > ERROR: Unable to find file "ice-9/boot-9.scm" in load path
> That is odd. Can you double check if you are using the right
> lilypond.bat wrapper, and if the GUILE_LOAD_PATH listed there is
> correct?
I have found this entry and this path exis
> Thomas Scharkowski writes:
> > I have found this entry and this path exists/seems to be correct:
> > set GUILE_LOAD_PATH=C:\Programme\LilyPond\usr\share\guile\1.7
> Can you double check that you are not using Cygwin's guile, that one
> will not grok the
I have several old (< LilyPond 2.11) small music examples with only
some staves, where I changed the default spacing with e.g. "\override
Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-12 . 4)".
Since Lilypond 2.11. this does not work anymore (See attachments).
What is the preferred solution n
Hello all,
I have just noticed that some descriptions e.g. for the checkboxes
and the path fields are not shown here (any more?) in jEdits Plugin
Options > LilyPondTool windows.
> General
Enable LilyTool bar (missing)
Which lilypond to use (present)
Path field descriptions (e.g. external PDF vi
Displays correctly here:
Windows XP SP3, Inkscape 0.46, Firefox 3.06.
Windows Vista SP1, Inkscape 0.46, Firefox 3.06.
(K)Ubuntu 8.04, Inkscape 0.45, Firefox 3.06.
> On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 2:25 PM, Patrick McCarty
> wrote: > > I plan on fixing this in the future. When you manage to
> in
it is really that simple:
I replaced "currentColor" with "#000" in the whole svg-file and it
> Hi Thomas,
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 1:10 AM, Thomas Scharkowski
> wrote:
> > Inkscape 0.46 (Windows XPSP3) does no
> t.scharkow...@t-online.de wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I had installed Frescobaldi on my Kubuntu 8.04 KDE 4.1.2 system. Now
> > I have upgraded to 8.10 KDE 4.2 and get the following error:
> >
> > Any hints?
> > Thank you
> >
> IFAIK in kde 4.2 you don't need lilypond-kde4. I suggest to remove i
> t.scharkow...@t-online.de wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I had installed Frescobaldi on my Kubuntu 8.04 KDE 4.1.2 system. Now
> > I have upgraded to 8.10 KDE 4.2 and get the following error:
> >
> > Any hints?
> > Thank you
> >
> IFAIK in kde 4.2 you don't need lilypond-kde4. I suggest to remove i
The linewidth is always around 190 mm (+-), so this my be the reason
for LilyPonds default margins. I'd prefer letter format, but in
Germany (Europe?) letter format paper is not easily available.
I even more I like 9x12 inch (Breitkopf & Härtel), but even if I
found paper in ths format, my printer
some time ago the default midi extension for windows was changed to
How can change it back to "midi"?
lilypond-user mailing list
> Hi,
> > Some time ago i tried to publish scores; therefore i was in touch
> > with several music publishers, in 2 or 3 european countries. As one
> > might expect, they have a few basic requirements on the look of the
> > scores. Sadly, lilypond does not meet all of them.
> Can you list t
Hi list,
I have a number of seperate files which call a "header-paper.ly" file
with common settings (e.g. line-width, #(ly:set-option 'backend 'eps)
and so on.
Now I want to change the TimeSignature style to numeric for all these
Is it possible to do this from the included file, so that
I do not want to display an accidental for a tied note after a line
break (lilyponds default is to diplay one [why?]).
\once \override Accidental #'stencil = ##f
\once \override Accidental #'transparent = ##t
works, but the tie at the beginning of the line gets shortened to
reserve sp
the first two (commented out) overrides give the expected result.
"\override Staff.Accidental #'stencil = ##f" pushes the tie away from
the staff, see the attached png.
Am I missing something or is it a bug?
\version "2.13.0"
\relative c' {
I'm sure it is a little more, but not much ;-)
Intel E6750 @ 2.66Ghz, 2 GM RAM
Windows Xp SP3, LilyPondTool
Processing `C:/LilyPondFiles/test/time.ly'
Interpreting music...
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Solving 1 page-breaking chunks...[1: 1 pages]
Drawing systems...
> Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
> > and at least in my installation
> > of 1.13 there's no german.ly (must investigate further...)
> >
> No, but there is a deutch.ly, so
> \include "deutch.ly"
> is probably what Alexander had in mind.
> /Mats
should be "deutsch.ly"
> _
in the followng example the \override does not seem to have any effect.
What ist wrong?
\version "2.13.4"
\score {
\new Staff {
\new Staff {
to atach here, but I can e-mail
it if anyone wants to have a look at it.
Nick Payne
This seems to be connected with the problem described here:
Betreff: Re: Vertical spacing
Datum: Wed, 7 Oct 2009 14:28:57 +0200
Von: Francisco Vila
An: Thomas Scharkowski , Joe Neeman
CC: l
Hello all,
I noticed a strange behaviour of convert-ly in LilyPond 2.17 today:
Converting a 2.15.25 file with 2.17.6 gives:
> convert-ly (GNU LilyPond) 2.17.6
> The document has not been changed.
applying convert-ly to the same file with 2.16.0 gives:
> convert-ly (GNU LilyPond) 2.16.0
Thomas Scharkowski wrote
Hello all,
I noticed a strange behaviour of convert-ly in LilyPond 2.17 today:
Converting a 2.15.25 file with 2.17.6 gives:
> convert-ly (GNU LilyPond) 2.17.6
> The document has not been chan
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