harp gliss spacing

2012-11-29 Thread Shevek
Hi all, I am trying to notate a harp gliss in an orchestral score, and I am having trouble figuring out a good solution that does not mess up the horizontal spacing of the other instruments. I am currently doing it like this: \version "2.16.0" \language "english" oboe = \relative c'' { a4 g f8

combining multimeasure rests

2012-12-21 Thread Shevek
I am finding that there are many situations in which it is useful for me to insert a tagged command in the midst of a block multimeasure rest, for example to manually set the partcombine mode. When I extract the individual parts, though, I need to be able to consolidate multimeasure rests except wh

new snippet: combine multimeasure rests

2013-04-18 Thread Shevek
I just finished writing my first Scheme extension for Lilypond! It is a function to take a sequential music expression and condense consecutive multimeasure rests into a single multimeasure rest. Since this is my first attempt at Scheme, I'd love suggestions on how to improve it. One thing I'd like

Re: new snippet: combine multimeasure rests

2013-04-21 Thread Shevek
Oh, oops! Fixed that in the new version. Other changes: * Added a wrapper function to recurse down nested music expressions, so it can now be called on arbitrary music expressions. * It now combines spacer rests as well as multimeasure rests, to help with things like << \global \music >> * Bar che

Re: An idea for a systematic development of a large score.

2013-05-17 Thread Shevek
I do all of my composing in Lilypond, and have completed numerous large ensemble projects of significant length. I'd estimate I've written around 20,000 lines of Lilypond and Scheme code in the last two years. My preferred file structure continues to evolve, but it is basically the following: Proj

cleanly dealing with variables and reducing code duplication in multimovement works

2014-04-02 Thread Shevek
Hello, I'm working on a multi-movement piece, so far using a separate file for the score of each movement. I'm trying to add a file to the project that compiles all the movements and frontmatter into a single pdf, using bookparts, and I'm having trouble figuring out the best way to do that. The ni

Re: cleanly dealing with variables and reducing code duplication in multimovement works

2014-04-03 Thread Shevek
Whoa, you can use \bookpart's without an enclosing \book block? I had no idea! This is definitely the simplest, solution, though it seems counter-intuitive. I definitely wouldn't have stumbled upon it if you hadn't mentioned it. -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble

Re: "Namespace" for includes

2014-05-08 Thread Shevek
Check out this recent thread on pretty much this exact topic: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/cleanly-dealing-with-variables-and-reducing-code-duplication-in-multimovement-works-td161112.html#a161152 Unfortunately, the answer is basically, no, Lilypond does not support this. The above thread

Re: Transposing instruments in orchestra score

2014-05-08 Thread Shevek
If I understand correctly, what Orm wants is to be able to write something like this: clarinet = \relative c' { \transposing bf c4 d e d | \transposing a c d e d } And get the output to show d e fs e ef f g f (using English spelling). Currently, in order to enter music in concert

best practices for divisi string writing

2011-09-26 Thread Shevek
I'm a composer that has been using Finale for around 10 years, but recently switched to Lilypond almost exclusively. The reasons for my switch are numerous, including that I run Linux, Lilypond's beautiful engraving, and the natural way Lilypond supports a variety of extended notations. I've been

Re: best practices for divisi string writing

2011-10-26 Thread Shevek
Keith OHara wrote: > > I find it awkward to split the music among variables, so I learned to use > the \tag system to mark different formatting options for part or score. > Aha! Tags are exactly what I wanted. I need to play around with it to figure out a nice general method, but I think some

Re: Divisi in separate staves

2011-10-26 Thread Shevek
Vaughan McAlley wrote: > > Greetings, > > I’m working on a string orchestra piece which has two cello parts, > both independent enough to warrant separate staves, except for 24 bars > in the middle where they are in unison. It would be nice in the score > to mark it "unis." and leave out the s

bug in tremolo snippet?

2011-10-26 Thread Shevek
I've been playing around with the " http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=604 consecutive tremolos " snippet, but I can't seem to get it to work. My output only ever produces single slash tremoli, and raises the error, "warning: tremolo duration is too long" whenever there are eighth notes or shorte

help with writing scheme function for divisi

2011-10-27 Thread Shevek
I just hacked together a couple simple functions to streamline the process of divisi writing. They basically work, but I have a couple issues. First, why does the instrumentCueName display three times? Is there a way to get it to only display once? Second, it's a bit annoying to have to enter \voi

\instrumentSwitch applies instrumentCueName to Staff context instead of Voice

2011-11-13 Thread Shevek
\instrumentSwitch applies instrumentCueName to Staff context instead of Voice. Is there a way to change this behavior so it only applies the instrumentCueName to the Voice context? The current behavior makes multiple instrumentCueName markings appear whenever there is simultaneous music on the Sta

Re: \instrumentSwitch applies instrumentCueName to Staff context instead of Voice

2011-11-13 Thread Shevek
Keith OHara wrote: > > Shevek saultobin.com> writes: > >> \instrumentSwitch applies instrumentCueName to Staff context instead of >> Voice. > Is there a way to change this behavior so it only applies the > instrumentCueName > to the Voice context? Th

Re: bug in tremolo snippet?

2011-11-26 Thread Shevek
Jay Anderson wrote: > > I think you need to add the following to the make-music section of the > make-tremolo function: > > 'tremolo-type dur > > I'm not sure when this was changed, but this made it work in 2.15.19. > I haven't looked at this in depth so there could be other issues. > > For

ERROR: Wrong type (expecting pair): ()

2011-11-26 Thread Shevek
I've recently started getting "ERROR: Wrong type (expecting pair): ()" when I compile the code for a rather large (5000+ lines) project, and I have no idea how to fix it. There is no line reference, and no indication what causes this problem. Google searches seem to indicate that it is a very gene

Re: ERROR: Wrong type (expecting pair): ()

2011-11-26 Thread Shevek
David Kastrup wrote: > > There have been a number of changes to Scheme function syntax. If your > file properly contains a > \version "x.xx.xx" > line corresponding to the last version _that_ _actually_ _compiled_, try > running > > convert-ly -ed > > on the file. > Thanks for the quic

Re: ERROR: Wrong type (expecting pair): ()

2011-11-26 Thread Shevek
Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: > > Try enabling guile's debug mode. A while ago, the debug mode was turned > off in lilypond, because it adds some performance penalty. But without > debug mode, guile does not print out line numbers for scheme errors. We > have recently enabled debug miode again. >

Re: ERROR: Wrong type (expecting pair): ()

2011-11-26 Thread Shevek
Graham Percival-3 wrote: > > Construct a tiny example. > http://lilypond.org/tiny-examples.html > >> The error message is at the very end of the debug output. I would love to >> post some relevant code, but I have no idea where to even start looking. >> Do >> you understand these error message

Re: Extending Lilypond's chord vocabulary PLUS Help on command definition

2011-12-17 Thread Shevek
Tim McNamara wrote: > >> I'm currently preparing a macro file "jazz-chords.ily" which contains (my >> version of) common jazz chord notation. I will share that file as soon as >> it is in a usable state. > Hi, I was just wondering what the status of the jazz-chords.ly project is. If it's in a

different instrumentDefinition's in score and parts

2011-12-19 Thread Shevek
The way I typically set up a project is to have a score file for the conductor's score and each of the parts, all of which \include a file which contains all the music for the piece. I also have each of these files (the score files and the music file) \include library files with my various snippet

modifying chordNameSeparator behavior

2011-12-20 Thread Shevek
I'd like to get Lilypond's chord symbols to appear more "Real Book" like. Part of that style involves not putting a slash between the basic suffix of a chord and its alterations. So far so good, as I can just set chordNameSeparator to \markup\null. The trouble is that doing that removes the slash

Re: modifying chordNameSeparator behavior

2011-12-21 Thread Shevek
James-379 wrote: > > Hello, > > On 21 December 2011 07:22, Shevek wrote: >> >> I'd like to get Lilypond's chord symbols to appear more "Real Book" like. >> Part of that style involves not putting a slash between the basic suffix >> of

Re: modifying chordNameSeparator behavior

2011-12-21 Thread Shevek
Carl Sorensen-3 wrote: > > This has been fixed in the development version, thanks to Adam Spiers. > > Version 2.15.21 or newer has separate properties for the suffix and the > bass note. > > HTH, > > Carl > Aha! Would you recommend upgrading to 2.15, then? -- View this message in context:

Re: Merry Christmas with Frescobaldi 2.0!

2011-12-26 Thread Shevek
Looks great! I had to install a few dependencies to compile it on Kubuntu 11.04, but then it installed without incident. The point-and-click feature seems to work MUCH better than in 1.2. Nice work on that. The templates feature also looks to be very useful, though I haven't played with it yet. I

strange lilypond errors in 2.15.24

2012-01-10 Thread Shevek
In another thread someone recommended that I try using the development version of Lilypond, in order to take advantage of the improvements to chord symbols. I finally got around to it, and the chord improvements look fantastic, but I'm getting some enigmatic compile errors in my files, despite hav

Re: strange lilypond errors in 2.15.24

2012-01-11 Thread Shevek
Francisco Vila wrote: > >> \global = { >> % stuff >> } > should be > global = { > >> \guitar = { > should be > guitar = { >> % stuff >> << >> \context ChordNames = "chords" \with { >> alignAboveContext = "Guitar" % commenting out >> this line solv

Re: strange lilypond errors in 2.15.24

2012-01-11 Thread Shevek
Francisco Vila wrote: > > With the typos corrected and some content inside braces I obtain no > errors or warnings. > The example also compiles fine for me. As I noted in my original post, that is one of the odd things about the error I'm getting. The line I marked causes a crash in the context

Re: strange lilypond errors in 2.15.24

2012-01-11 Thread Shevek
Francisco Vila wrote: > > > I don't see how can we help if we can not reproduce the error. > > The thing is that I've attempted to use process of elimination to identity the source of the error, to little success. As far as I can tell, there is no single line or combination of lines that ca

MetronomeMarks and MultiMeasureRest spacing

2012-01-18 Thread Shevek
I'm working on parts for a piece at the moment, and I ran into the problem of getting multimeasure rests to stretch to accommodate metronome markings. I did some searching and applied the suggested solution to the problem (http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=659), which is \override MetronomeMark

Re: MetronomeMarks and MultiMeasureRest spacing

2012-01-19 Thread Shevek
Keith OHara wrote: > > For a better solution, I suggest you search the mailing list archives > for "MarkLine" > http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2008-06/msg00159.html > The details of this solution seem to need updating to work with the > current > version of LilyPond, but the

Re: MetronomeMarks and MultiMeasureRest spacing

2012-01-22 Thread Shevek
James-379 wrote: > > > Could you add this to the LilyPond Snippet Repository? > > http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/html/whatsthis.html > > or if it doesn't work for 2.12 (the current version of LSR) > > Perhaps paste your code here for others to use? > > Depending on the code, I don't pretend to

force bookparts to end on even pages

2012-01-22 Thread Shevek
I'm creating instrumental parts in a single file using a separate bookpart for each part. This entails restarting page numbering for each bookpart, and omitting the instrument and page number from the first page of each bookpart. I've assembled a snippet that does those things, based on http://old

"V.S." on page turns

2012-01-22 Thread Shevek
I'm playing around with the page turn engraver, and occasionally it will opt to have a page with only one or two systems. It would be great if I could add a "V.S." indication in such cases, but I'm not sure how to do it without hardcoding the page turns. Is there a way to do this? -- View this me

enharmonic transposition of key signatures?

2012-01-24 Thread Shevek
I have a situation like the following, and I would like to have the second key display as D flat, rather than as C sharp. I can't figure out a way to do this without duplicating the global variable (but that would defeat the purpose of the global variable, wouldn't it?). Has anyone else come up wi

Re: Bounties

2012-01-25 Thread Shevek
Marc Hohl wrote: > > > I don't know about legal and organizational issues, but what about a > optional lilypond usage fee? > I am willing to pay about 50$ per year for using lilypond and supporting > the development team. > And I think there are some more users out therewho would join ... >

Re: enharmonic transposition of key signatures?

2012-01-25 Thread Shevek
David Kastrup wrote: > > > global = #(define-music-function (parser location key2) (ly:music?) > #{ \key c \major s1*2 $key2 s1*2 #}) > >> \score { >> \new Staff { \transposition bf \transpose bf c' << \global \music >> >> } > > ... \global \key b \major ... > >> \score { >> \new St

Re: Hiding the RH piano staff

2012-01-25 Thread Shevek
JanTerje wrote: > > Hi, > > I'm writing a piano arrangement (of Pirates of the Caribbean) which has 19 > bars of solo left hand before the right hand enters. I'd very much like to > hide the right hand piano staff until the right hand enters. > > I've tried the hide staff options I've found in

Re: enharmonic transposition of key signatures?

2012-01-25 Thread Shevek
David Kastrup wrote: > > Again: have you tried running convert-ly -ed on your files? If you > didn't, it is not likely that your compile problems will _ever_ > disappear without manual intervention. > See http://old.nabble.com/strange-lilypond-errors-in-2.15.24-td33110205.html. I'm not terribl

Re: enharmonic transposition of key signatures?

2012-01-25 Thread Shevek
David Kastrup wrote: > >> That does not look like a version problem, but like a regression bug. >> It is not likely that it will go away on its own. So if you don't >> manage to actually get any debuggable evidence to developers, it will >> stick around. > > One additional hint: version 2.15.

Re: polychords proof of concept

2012-01-31 Thread Shevek
Jean-Alexis Montignies-2 wrote: > > Hi, > > Here is a report on my attempts to display polychords in lilypond. > Feedback and comments are welcome! As it's my beginnings in scheme, > programming style may not be very good :). > > I didn't have time to work my way through your code, and I mus

Re: "V.S." on page turns

2012-02-01 Thread Shevek
Xavier Scheuer wrote: > > You could ask to add this to the tracker as a new feature request. > http://lilypond.org/bug-reports.html > > Cheers, > Xavier > I may do that. What should a feature request look like? What information do I need to include? -- View this message in context: http://ol

Re: "V.S." on page turns

2012-02-01 Thread Shevek
Pavel Roskin wrote: > > I'm afraid it's not supported. You can find the discussion here (see > the end of the thread): > http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2010-02/msg00713.html > > Also see the documentation for item-interface: > http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.15/Documentation/int

help with side-position interface?

2012-02-01 Thread Shevek
I'm experimenting with using the side-position interface to manage collisions between RehearsalMarks and MetronomeMarks, according to http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.14/Documentation/notation/aligning-objects#using-the-side_002dposition_002dinterface. In my test file, setting x-offset to #ly:side-posit

Spacing issue with ledger lines and custom Marks context

2012-02-04 Thread Shevek
Hello, I posted a thread a week or two ago about the spacing issue with MetronomeMarks and multimeasure rests. The upshot of that thread was that I started using a custom context to display all my MetronomeMarks and RehearsalMarks. It works great, except that whenever there are ledger lines, the

possible bug with tupletSpannerDuration in quoted music

2012-02-05 Thread Shevek
In 2.14, tupletSpannerDuration doesn't get properly applied to quoted music unless tupletSpannerDuration is set in the quoted music itself. Bug, or am I doing something wrong? \version "2.14.2" \language "english" foo = \relative c' { \times 2/3 { c8 d e f e d } c2 | } baz = \relative c' {

Re: Spacing issue with ledger lines and custom Marks context

2012-02-05 Thread Shevek
Shevek wrote: > > The upshot of that thread was that I started using a custom context to > display all my MetronomeMarks and RehearsalMarks. It works great, except > that whenever there are ledger lines, the marks still affect the > horizontal spacing of the notes. What I'

Re: Spacing issue with ledger lines and custom Marks context

2012-02-05 Thread Shevek
Shevek wrote: > > I have no idea why this works, but apparently adding the following two > lines solves the horizontal spacing problem. > > \override RehearsalMark #'direction = #-1 > \override MetronomeMark #'direction = #-1 > Aha! Overriding #'direction

repeat barlines with wings?

2012-02-08 Thread Shevek
I'm used to seeing repeat barlines with "wings" (like in the picture I've attached). Is there a way to do this in Lilypond? http://old.nabble.com/file/p33290846/reapetbarsci9.png -- View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/repeat-barlines-with-wings--tp33290846p33290846.html Sent fr

vertical spacing of scripts attached to spacer rests

2012-03-12 Thread Shevek
I have a passage something like the following. I want to get the last bowing to display vertically as if it were attached to a note at the same staff position. Any ideas? \new Staff \relative c''' { a1\downbow % without this line, an error occurs? << { a1 } { s2\upbow s2\downbow }

vibrato squiggle

2012-06-19 Thread Shevek
Hi all, I'm trying to figure out how to create a squiggle above some notes to indicate the width and frequency of vibrato. I wish I had a picture of what I'm looking for, but I can't seem to find one (though for some reason I have this feeling that I saw a snippet that does something like this).

Re: vibrato squiggle

2012-06-27 Thread Shevek
m...@apollinemike.com wrote: > > If you google "vibster lilypond", there used to be a snippet for 2.12 that > did something like this. I'm not sure if it works in 2.14. > If you file a bug report asking for this feature to be added to LilyPond, > it'll get added to the tracker. > > If you know

midi for orchestral scores

2012-06-27 Thread Shevek
I was wondering if anyone has developed a good workflow for dealing with midi playback for scores using more than 16 instruments. I've been playing around with the various options for midiChannelMapping and playback programs, but I can't seem to figure out a way to get playback of all the parts wi

thinking of submitting divisi snippet to LSR; comments?

2012-06-27 Thread Shevek
Hi all, I wrote a snippet several months ago to facilitate notating divisi staves, but I couldn't submit it to LSR because LSR was on 2.12 until recently. Now that LSR has been updated to 2.14, I'd love to get some comments on my snippet before I submit it. It's a bit long, so I've attached it as

Re: turning off partcombine

2012-06-27 Thread Shevek
m...@mikesolomon.org wrote: > > Hey users, > > Is there a way to turn off partcombine so that I can change staves and > then turn it back on when the voice comes back to its original staff? > > Cheers, > MS > > Yes, just use \partcombineApart. Are you trying to do http://old.nabble.com/thi

Re: midi for orchestral scores

2012-06-28 Thread Shevek
R. Mattes wrote: > >> Yes, we have at least three ways of writing midi files now. There are >> at least two theoretical ways of setting many more instruments than 16 >> and we support two (using ports and instrument per track, ignoring >> channel); but as far as I know there are no midi players

Re: thinking of submitting divisi snippet to LSR; comments?

2012-06-29 Thread Shevek
Phil Holmes-2 wrote: > > The general aim of the LSR is not to be too prescriptive about what users > put there for other users to find and use. However, to be useful in this > way, it works best if snippets are short and easily understood. They > should > really also compile error free. Fr

grace note/time signature spacing?

2012-07-02 Thread Shevek
Is it possible to override so that grace music has no effect on spacing? For example, the space between the time signature and the barline in should not be compressed: { \numericTimeSignature \time 4/4 s1 \grace s8 \time 3/4 s2. \time 4/4 s1 } I also want to remove the extra whit

Re: grace note/time signature spacing?

2012-07-02 Thread Shevek
-Eluze wrote: > > not sure I catch it all, but does NR 4.5.3 Changing horizontal spacing > (look for \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'strict-note-spacing = ##t) meet > what you want? > \once\override Score.SpacingSpanner #'strict-grace-spacing = ##t doesn't seem to affect the spacing one way

Re: grace note/time signature spacing?

2012-07-03 Thread Shevek
-Eluze wrote: > > I've just sent a report to the bug-list: > http://old.nabble.com/issue-with-strict-grace-spacing-ts34109767.html > > there you also find a link to the issue tracker where another bug report > about strict-grace-spacing has been opened. > Great! Thanks. From the description y

Re: grace note/time signature spacing?

2012-07-04 Thread Shevek
-Eluze wrote: > > _Known issues and warnings_ > ... > \partcombine... functions cannot be placed inside a \times or \relative > block. > The example further up the page does exactly what I did, though: instrumentOne = \relative c' { \partcombineApart c2^"apart" e | \partcombineAutomatic e

Re: Hauptstimme Brackets?

2012-07-04 Thread Shevek
me-110 wrote: > > > Here's a solution using markup paths and text spanners: > > Thanks so much for posting this! I had been wondering how to accomplish the same thing. Would you consider submitting this to LSR? -- View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Hauptstimme-Brackets--

updating tremolo snippet for 2.16

2012-08-28 Thread Shevek
First off, thanks to all the people who worked on 2.16! I'm super excited about it, and I'm already noticing drastically reduced compile times for my large projects, compared to 2.14. I'm looking at updating my snippet library, and the first issue I've run into is that http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/

Re: updating tremolo snippet for 2.16

2012-09-03 Thread Shevek
Thanks a lot, David! I'm going to have to study this for a while before it makes sense to me. -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/updating-tremolo-snippet-for-2-16-tp131548p132142.html Sent from the User mailing list archive at Nabble.com. ___

changing part combine mode breaks spanners

2012-09-03 Thread Shevek
I use partcombine a lot because I am working on a full orchestral score and I need to switch between writing e.g. clarinets on a single staff and clarinets on separate staves. Because of the demands of this notational situation, I always use the manual partcombine commands, rather than the automati

Re: Does the optimal-page-breaker work?

2013-05-27 Thread Shevek
I recommend playing with system-count and systems-per-page. I have found this to be the best way to get Lilypond's page breaking algorithms (I usually use optimal page breaking, but this goes for any of them) to give good results. -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabb

Re: moving LilyPond blog to our website

2013-06-04 Thread Shevek
Have you considered using a Jekyll based CMS? -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/moving-LilyPond-blog-to-our-website-tp146656p146679.html Sent from the User mailing list archive at Nabble.com. ___ lilypond-user mai

Re: Auto-transposition

2017-12-12 Thread Shevek
> But as a user of Lilypond for over fifteen years, I *will* recommend that you consider avoiding relative entry mode — using absolute mode (and, when appropriate, \fixed) will like save you headaches (like the one you're encountering right now) in both the short and long term. The alternative is

Re: Transposing Keyless Brass Parts

2018-03-15 Thread Shevek
For my brass parts, I use the OpenLilyLib auto-transpose snippet, and \remove Key_engraver. -- Sent from: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/User-f3.html ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/li

Re: Is lilypond suitable for big composition projects?

2018-03-23 Thread Shevek
I have been using Lilypond + Frescobaldi for all my compositions for the last 8 years or so, including jazz, chamber music, and a symphony. The symphony is currently at 120 pages, and will probably end up around 170 pages. I certainly don't rely on continuous engraving — for one thing, if I'm doin

Ugly slur with large leap - help?

2016-12-23 Thread Shevek
I have a passage similar to the following: \version "2.18" \language "english" \relative c''' { \grace { f8( } c,8 b c2.) } In context, the automatic slur ends up looking very disconnected from the grace note, and in some instances colliding with a downward stem. Is this a bug? Is there a way

Re: Is there a short way of forcing a particular octave?

2016-12-23 Thread Shevek
I compose in \relative mode, and my practice is to use \resetRelativeOctave at the beginning of every new phrase. It is a lot of characters to type, but I've found that creating unnecessary aliases makes code harder to read and libraries harder to maintain. I even use \resetRelativeOctave at the b

Re: Ugly slur with large leap - help?

2016-12-23 Thread Shevek
Flipping the slur avoids the worst problems, but it's not really correct. Ideally, it should bend dramatically underneath the stem then upwards towards the grace note. -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/Ugly-slur-with-large-leap-help-tp198395p198401.html Sent

Re: Ugly slur with large leap - help?

2016-12-23 Thread Shevek
My question was specifically if there is a way to fix this behavior *without* manually tweaking each slur. Or failing that, if this is a known bug. -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/Ugly-slur-with-large-leap-help-tp198395p198403.html Sent from the User maili

Converting a large project from 2.18 to 2.19: what to expect?

2017-04-04 Thread Shevek
Hi, I'm currently in the process of composing a symphony in Lilypond 2.18.2. There are a few graphical bugs that are making me consider converting the project to the current 2.19 (parentheses/accidental collision, tempo mark spacing with uniform-stretching), but I'm hesitant to jump immediately be

Re: Converting a large project from 2.18 to 2.19: what to expect?

2017-04-05 Thread Shevek
It appears that the glissando slope and the cross-staff dynamics bugs would be relevant to my project. If I'm reading correctly, the glissando slopes issue is already present in 2.18, so that behavior wouldn't change in 2.19 as it's not yet fixed (a good thing for me, since I'm pretty sure I used a

Re: Converting a large project from 2.18 to 2.19: what to expect?

2017-04-05 Thread Shevek
The change documentation vaguely mentions that functions defined the old way will continue to work for some time, so I'm unclear the degree to which this matters to me, or in what circumstances I should worry about it. -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/Conve

Re: Converting a large project from 2.18 to 2.19: what to expect?

2017-04-05 Thread Shevek
That's pretty much the process I used from 2.16 to 2.18, and that I planned to use here. It would still be really helpful if I had a sense of likely situations where the graphical output could be significantly different. Obviously ultimately, I just have to try and see how it goes, but if you can t

Frescobaldi input latency

2017-04-26 Thread Shevek
Does anybody else find the input in Frescobaldi to be sluggish? I find that the cursor lags noticeably when typing, navigating by arrow keys, or selecting with the mouse. I have auto-complete and "synchronize with cursor position" disabled but point-and-click enabled because I use it. This is the c

Re: Frescobaldi input latency

2017-04-26 Thread Shevek
Yes, this is a project with many large files. Well, I'm glad at least it's a known issue. Unfortunately I don't have the means to contribute to solving it. Here's hoping somebody will! -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/Frescobaldi-input-latency-tp202665p2026

parts sharing a staff

2017-06-15 Thread Shevek
I often run into situations where two parts share a staff some of the time and have individual staffs the rest of the time. The way I handle it is like this (including only relevant details): \new StaffGroup \with { instrumentName = "Flute " shortInstrumentName = "Fl." } << \new Staff = "Fl

Re: parts sharing a staff

2017-06-15 Thread Shevek
Kieren MacMillan wrote > That's very interesting! Right now I'm putting together a comparative > analysis of the different methods of coding shared/split staves; this is > not one I had previously seen or considered. As it relies on the > partcombiner — which is both feature-poor and limited to two

Re: parts sharing a staff

2017-06-15 Thread Shevek
I don't mind having to insert the occasional layout-related command — I actually prefer the ability to switch between clearly defined behaviors, rather than have Lilypond try to guess which to use. (IMO, the fact that the Automatic mode exists is the biggest design philosophy problem with partcombi

Re: parts sharing a staff

2017-06-16 Thread Shevek
Okay, I see what you're doing. I can see how this would be helpful if you're an engraver doing multiple editions of a piece. From my perspective, this type of separation of concerns is actually counterproductive, because as I compose I may add or subtract measures many times. Having to keep the edi

Re: parts sharing a staff

2017-06-16 Thread Shevek
> Being able to do score and parts from the same music is yet another reason I always want to keep the music code clear of any presentation-layer commands. I just make sure to precede every partcombine instruction with a \tag for the score it pertains to. >> The biggest problem caused by inserti

Re: parts sharing a staff

2017-06-16 Thread Shevek
Kieren MacMillan wrote >> it would be less readable, because it obscures the >> musical reason for combining or separating staves. > > Not sure I understand your meaning…? > What is an example of a musical reason, *not* part of the presentation > layer, for combining/separating staves? Well, it i

dynamic text spanner after breaking

2017-07-02 Thread Shevek
For some reason, TextSpanners by default repeat the text at the beginning of a line after breaking, while DynamicTextSpanners do not. I became very confused by this inconsistency when I wanted to make my crescendi and diminuendi show text after line breaks, because for the life of me I couldn't fig

snippet to properly align dynamics with expressive text

2017-07-07 Thread Shevek
Dynamics with expressive text, like "p espressivo" are meant to have the dynamic aligned on the notehead the same as ordinary dynamics, with the expressive text following. Here is a snippet I've written to align custom dynamics correctly. \version "2.18.2" \paper { ragged-right = ##f indent =

Re: snippet to properly align dynamics with expressive text

2017-07-07 Thread Shevek
Agreed about the optical spacing. My goal was to get the alignment to be identical between the bare dynamics and the dynamics + text. To my eye, the fff and fff espressivo are aligned the same, so it seems more like something that could be improved in Lilypond's dynamic alignment in general. I wou

Re: print rehearsal marks in multiple parts

2017-07-14 Thread Shevek
My recommendation is to use a MarkLine context, as in this snippet: http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=1010 You might need to modify the exact definition of MarkLine depending on your needs. -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/print-rehearsal-marks-in-multipl

Re: improving Janek's \dynamic function (for combo dynamics)

2017-08-19 Thread Shevek
I posted a snippet to do correct custom dynamic alignment a month or so ago. I haven't had time to integrate it into the OpenLilyLib snippet, but here's my code: \version "2.18.2" dynText = #(define-event-function (parser location dyn expr) (markup? markup?) (let* (

Temporary independent rhythmic spacing between staves?

2017-10-21 Thread Shevek
Hi all, In my current project, I have a situation where the piano has fast arpeggios at the same time as the strings play a steady, slower rhythm (see screenshot). My feeling is that the best looking solution would be to temporarily sacrifice rhythmic alignment between the piano part and the rest

How to get \fromproperty to work with score headers?

2017-10-29 Thread Shevek
Does anyone know if there's an updated version of http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Snippet?id=467 to work with score-level headers? It's listed as "to do" in the snippet, but I believe that dates back to several years ago. I'd like to use \fromproperty #'header:piece to put movement titles at the top of

Harmonics and quoted music

2017-11-12 Thread Shevek
I just noticed that the following code works fine on 2.19, but crashes on 2.18 without an error message: \addQuote "test" { 2 } \new Staff { \quoteDuring #"test" { s2 } } I don't see anything about this in the 2.20 changes documentation. What's going on here? -- Sent from: http://lily

Different behavior of \partcombine + \change Staff in 2.19

2017-11-12 Thread Shevek
In order to cleanly manage wind parts sharing staves in an orchestral score, I have been using a pattern like the following throughout my projects: \paper { indent = 2.5\cm short-indent = 1.5\cm } global = { s1*4 \break s1*4 \break s1*4 } bsnI = \relative { \tag #'score { \pa

Scheme help? snippet for movement page headers

2017-11-20 Thread Shevek
Hi all, It would be quite nice to be able to use \fromproperty #'header:piece in oddHeaderMarkup and evenHeaderMarkup, so that the title of the current movement will display in the page header. Unfortunately, after investigating the Lilypond source code, I can't see how to make that work, because

Re: Scheme help? snippet for movement page headers

2017-11-20 Thread Shevek
Hi Timothy, Where are you defining #'header:piece, inside or outside a \score block? To clarify, I'm talking about using \fromproperty with score-level headers. Saul -- Sent from: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/User-f3.html ___ lilypond-user

Re: Scheme help? snippet for movement page headers

2017-11-20 Thread Shevek
Here is a cleaner, updated version of the snippet. It now gives the stencil the extent of the longest table of contents entry. Not ideal, but close enough for practical use. Also added comments and cleaned up variable names. \version "2.18.2" #(define-markup-command (current-toc-section layout pr

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