Re: EasyNotation in german

2004-03-21 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Paul, You wrote: > Pedro's 2.1.32 packages are now apt-getable. Thank You. :) I've tested it, and EasyNotation works like I'd wanted. But, this version seems to be a little buggy: A) In a larger Piece (Study op.10,12 from F. Chopin), written with version 2.1.28 and

OT: How to become a mutopia-writer

2004-03-21 Thread Roland Goretzki
ow can I get this? Thanks and Best regards Roland Goretzki PS: If it would be no problem, because of I'd be corresponding with a german speaking human, I'd prefer to continue the correspondence in german language. :) __

Re: OT: How to become a mutopia-writer

2004-03-21 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Edward, You wrote: > On Sunday March 21 2004 10:09, Roland Goretzki wrote: > > (Furthermore the most of these notes in my mind, but I think, that > > it wouldn't be legal, if I would typeset it by my mind with some > > correcting views to

Re: OT: How to become a mutopia-writer

2004-03-21 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Edward, You wrote: > On Sunday March 21 2004 13:16, Roland Goretzki wrote: > > Chris Sawer itself par example did typeset the music piece "Für Elise" > > from L. v. Beethoven, and in the lilypond source file he marked the > > source of the music

Re: OT: How to become a mutopia-writer

2004-03-21 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Kilian, You wrote: > The *music* itself isn't copyrighted, since the composers died more > than 100 years ago. If your printouts don't claim a copyright, and/or > are underived work ("Urtext", i.e. reproductions of the autographs), > they contain no "creative additions" to the co

Re: bug or feature? headers with lilypond-book III

2004-03-22 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Mats, before all: I'm using lilypond version 2.1.28 You wrote: > Sounds strange. I cannot really repeat your problem here. > Can you send an example (OK to send it privately to me if > you don't want to spread it to everybody). I composed some files in a buch-Probe.tex, run lily

Re: headers with lilypond-book II

2004-03-22 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Mats, You wrote: > I haven't found this irritating enough to really try to dig into the > problem before, but now I have submitted a solution to the CVS > archive, to be included in the next release version. > > If you want the fix but otherwise stick to your current LilyPond >

Re: accented chars and lilypond-book

2004-03-22 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Gergo, You wrote: > I want to include some music staff into a dissertation. > The music has lyrics, and all the accented stuff is gone, either if I > enter it this (áéíóúö???) or that (\'a\'e\'i...) way. > > This just happens, if I process the file with lilypond-book. > If I ju

Re: lilypond-book and pdflatex under Cygwin

2004-03-23 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Mats, You wrote: > You can switch to a font that includes all latin1 characters if you: > - Add '\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}' in your LaTeX file. > - Tell LilyPond to use the corresponding font file: > \property Lyrics . LyricText \override #'font-name = #"ecrm1000" > [ ... ] > -

Re: accented chars and lilypond-book

2004-03-23 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Gergely, You answered per PM, and when I wanted to re-answer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] the mail was not delivered. So I give my re-answer here to the list: You wrote: > > Try > > \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} > > instead of > > \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} > >

a problem with convert-ly (2.1.34)

2004-03-24 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello, until now I used lilypond version 2.1.28 and it works fine. :) Now I've installed successfully lilypond version 2.1.34, and there is a problem with convert-ly: The command convert-ly -e --from=2.1.28 creates an empty file named, and the original file is untou

Re: last line, left justify?

2004-03-25 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Jeremy, You wrote: > Can I make Lilypond just make the last line of this piece left justified > instead of making it extend the whole width? Perhaps not exactly what You wanted, but nevertheless a possible solution: Add the following two lines to Your paper block: 1. linewid

variable stave distances in piano-staves

2004-03-28 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello, globaly I can set the distance between the two staves of piano-staves with: \context { \PianoStaffContext \override VerticalAlignment #'forced-distance = #number } My question: Is there a possibility to change the distances localy during a score? I couldn't find in th

pagefill at pagebreaking

2004-03-28 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello, how can I adjust the end of a pagebreaked page? I get a pagebreak with the command \newpage just at the place, where I want it, but the page ends not so fine as the other, which end very fine with the setting of interscorelinefill in the paper block. Best Regards Roland __

Re: 2 Questions: spacing-increment and bar numbers

2004-03-28 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Han-Wen, You wrote: > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > > I'm not sure what you're asking. Do you want me to use the code > > fragment > > I provided, /and/ set raggedright? That wouldn't work, because > > Lilypond dies > > once it encounters the code I gave above. > > oh, so

Re: pagefill at pagebreaking

2004-03-29 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Mats, You wrote: > Please describe in some more detail what you mean by "not so fine". The interscorelinefill doesn't seem to work on the page with the page break: The last staffline ends much more above the bottom of the page than the last stafflines of the other pages do. You

Re: spacing of midstaff-clef-symbol

2004-03-29 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello, I wrote: > My version: 2.1.28 > > The spacing of midstaff-clef-symbol often doesn't look very nice. > (Too far away from previous and too close to next) > > So how can I change the spacing of a midstaff-clef-symbol or shift it to > the left? Now I found the solution by myself: \clef

Re: variable stave distances in piano-staves

2004-03-30 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Mats, Kili and Han-Wen, Han-Wen wrote: > This is actually documented in the manual, under "Piano music" -> BUGS With the help of Kili (per PM) and Mats (Thanks for both!) I found a solution, You can view it in the examples under the Subject Re: spacing of midstaff-clef-sym

Re: spacing of midstaff-clef-symbol

2004-03-30 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello, in my E-Mail with the examples I've forgotten to rename the title and the filename in the header block, so both examples now have the same title "Good Example". :-( But I think, it's easy to recognize, what's the bad example. ;-) Pardon Best Regards Roland ___

Re: spacing of midstaff-clef-symbol

2004-03-30 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Mats, You wrote: > This is a workaround but it would be much better if LilyPond did > the right thing directly. Yes, it is a workaround, and I agree with You. :-) > Could you please send a small example illustrating the problem (to the > mailing list, of course). But it's not

Re: variable stave distances in piano-staves

2004-04-02 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Kili, You wrote: > On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 10:55:37PM +0200, Matthias Kilian wrote: > > > Can You tell me, wether it is possible or not to determine more than one > > > line to change the distance? > > [ ... ] > > I'll work on this in a few days, so stay tuned. > > Here it is. T

Re: Debian SID packager for 2.2.0? [WAS: Lily 2.2.0 is out]

2004-04-02 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Paul, You wrote: > Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote: > >Thanks for all your efforts. Maybe we can ask another Debian/sid > >developer to provide a 2.2.0 package instead? > > > I have no problem using Feri Wagner's packages on sid. How can I get Feri Wagner's packages on sid? I only fo

Probably a midi-bug with tuplets?

2004-04-08 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi, the first page of J.Seb.Bach's Partita Nr. 6 looks properly in the paper output, but sounds terrible in the midi output. There are tuplets with seven sixteenth on each quarter in the bars 3 and 4 and again in bar 7, and it seems, that these tuplets disturbe the midi output, but not the paper

alterations above and below turns, pralls ...

2004-04-11 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi, I wonder, if it is possible to determine, if there are alterations of the notes above or/and below e.g. turns and pralls. For example, with the following key-signature \key e \minor there would be a note a with a turn, written out as a bes a gis a then there it is necessary (and i

Re: alterations above and below turns, pralls ...

2004-04-11 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Edward, You wrote: > On Sunday April 11 2004 09:54, Roland Goretzki wrote: > > [ ... ] > > > > b > > ~ > > # > > > > Meanwhile I did this cunstruct with text-markups, but this seems to be > > very ugly, and

Re: Bagpipe Music and Grace Notes

2004-04-13 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Andrew, You wrote: > Bagpipe music has tons of grace notes, all of which are printed as 32nd > notes. The main problem I'm having is with beamed grace notes. The > stems on groups of grace notes are just a little too short, and > sometimes the third beam actually collides with

Re: rest collision

2004-04-13 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Stan, You wrote: > In the attached example, eighth rests collide with note stems. I'd > appreciate suggestions about how to make it look better. > > The code for the measure(s) is > > 8 | > <<{d8\rest [ c8\rest ]}\\{4 }>> | > %%% measure 86 > 8 Give the following

double-repeat-barline at page break not good :-(

2004-04-14 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi, lilypond-version is 2.2.0. If there are two areas of repeats in a piano-piece directly one after another, lilypond creates automatically a correct double-repeat-barline (":|:"). Unfortunately, in one piece this double-repeat-barline appears at page break, and what happens, is the following:

Re: double-repeat-barline at page break not good :-(

2004-04-14 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, I wrote: > Unfortunately, in one piece this double-repeat-barline appears at page > break, and what happens, is the following: Excuse me, it's not the page break, which causes the broken barline, but the line break. (Tested with interscoreline = -5.0 \mm in the paper block.) The pro

Re: double-repeat-barline at page break not good :-(

2004-04-15 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Edward, You wrote: > On Wednesday April 14 2004 12:21, Roland Goretzki wrote: > > The problem remains. :-( > > Sounds like the bar line between the piano staves doesn't draw in measures > starting with a bar line that starts a measure unless it is dr

Re: Hairpin movement??

2004-04-15 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Steve, You wrote: > H... when I run convert-ly it outputs > [ ... ] > > \property Hairpin #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -3.5) I don't know, why convert-ly produces this, but change only "\property" with "\override", and it will work. :) In the case, You only want o

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