Hello list, hello Paul,
You wrote:
> Pedro's 2.1.32 packages are now apt-getable.
Thank You. :)
I've tested it, and EasyNotation works like I'd wanted.
But, this version seems to be a little buggy:
A) In a larger Piece (Study op.10,12 from F. Chopin), written with
version 2.1.28 and
ow can I get this?
Thanks and
Best regards Roland Goretzki
PS: If it would be no problem, because of I'd be corresponding with a
german speaking human, I'd prefer to continue the correspondence
in german language. :)
Hello list, hello Edward,
You wrote:
> On Sunday March 21 2004 10:09, Roland Goretzki wrote:
> > (Furthermore the most of these notes in my mind, but I think, that
> > it wouldn't be legal, if I would typeset it by my mind with some
> > correcting views to
Hello list, hello Edward,
You wrote:
> On Sunday March 21 2004 13:16, Roland Goretzki wrote:
> > Chris Sawer itself par example did typeset the music piece "Für Elise"
> > from L. v. Beethoven, and in the lilypond source file he marked the
> > source of the music
Hello list, hello Kilian,
You wrote:
> The *music* itself isn't copyrighted, since the composers died more
> than 100 years ago. If your printouts don't claim a copyright, and/or
> are underived work ("Urtext", i.e. reproductions of the autographs),
> they contain no "creative additions" to the co
Hello list, hello Mats,
before all:
I'm using lilypond version 2.1.28
You wrote:
> Sounds strange. I cannot really repeat your problem here.
> Can you send an example (OK to send it privately to me if
> you don't want to spread it to everybody).
I composed some files in a buch-Probe.tex, run lily
Hello list, hello Mats,
You wrote:
> I haven't found this irritating enough to really try to dig into the
> problem before, but now I have submitted a solution to the CVS
> archive, to be included in the next release version.
> If you want the fix but otherwise stick to your current LilyPond
Hello list, hello Gergo,
You wrote:
> I want to include some music staff into a dissertation.
> The music has lyrics, and all the accented stuff is gone, either if I
> enter it this (áéíóúö???) or that (\'a\'e\'i...) way.
> This just happens, if I process the file with lilypond-book.
> If I ju
Hello list, hello Mats,
You wrote:
> You can switch to a font that includes all latin1 characters if you:
> - Add '\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}' in your LaTeX file.
> - Tell LilyPond to use the corresponding font file:
> \property Lyrics . LyricText \override #'font-name = #"ecrm1000"
> [ ... ]
> -
Hello list, hello Gergely,
You answered per PM, and when I wanted to re-answer to
the mail was not delivered.
So I give my re-answer here to the list:
You wrote:
> > Try
> > \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
> > instead of
> > \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
> >
until now I used lilypond version 2.1.28 and it works fine. :)
Now I've installed successfully lilypond version 2.1.34, and there is a
problem with convert-ly:
The command
convert-ly -e --from=2.1.28 op-9.2.ly
creates an empty file named op-9.2.ly.NEW, and the original file is
Hello list, hello Jeremy,
You wrote:
> Can I make Lilypond just make the last line of this piece left justified
> instead of making it extend the whole width?
Perhaps not exactly what You wanted, but nevertheless a possible
Add the following two lines to Your paper block:
1. linewid
globaly I can set the distance between the two staves of piano-staves with:
\context {
\override VerticalAlignment #'forced-distance = #number
My question:
Is there a possibility to change the distances localy during a score?
I couldn't find in th
how can I adjust the end of a pagebreaked page?
I get a pagebreak with the command \newpage just at the place, where I
want it, but the page ends not so fine as the other, which end very fine
with the setting of interscorelinefill in the paper block.
Best Regards Roland
Hello list, hello Han-Wen,
You wrote:
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > I'm not sure what you're asking. Do you want me to use the code
> > fragment
> > I provided, /and/ set raggedright? That wouldn't work, because
> > Lilypond dies
> > once it encounters the code I gave above.
> oh, so
Hello list, hello Mats,
You wrote:
> Please describe in some more detail what you mean by "not so fine".
The interscorelinefill doesn't seem to work on the page with the page
break: The last staffline ends much more above the bottom of the page
than the last stafflines of the other pages do.
I wrote:
> My version: 2.1.28
> The spacing of midstaff-clef-symbol often doesn't look very nice.
> (Too far away from previous and too close to next)
> So how can I change the spacing of a midstaff-clef-symbol or shift it to
> the left?
Now I found the solution by myself:
Hello list, hello Mats, Kili and Han-Wen,
Han-Wen wrote:
> This is actually documented in the manual, under "Piano music" -> BUGS
With the help of Kili (per PM) and Mats (Thanks for both!) I found a
solution, You can view it in the examples under the Subject
Re: spacing of midstaff-clef-sym
in my E-Mail with the examples I've forgotten to rename the title and
the filename in the header block, so both examples now have the same
title "Good Example". :-(
But I think, it's easy to recognize, what's the bad example. ;-)
Best Regards Roland
Hello list, hello Mats,
You wrote:
> This is a workaround but it would be much better if LilyPond did
> the right thing directly.
Yes, it is a workaround, and I agree with You. :-)
> Could you please send a small example illustrating the problem (to the
> mailing list, of course).
But it's not
Hello list, hello Kili,
You wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 10:55:37PM +0200, Matthias Kilian wrote:
> > > Can You tell me, wether it is possible or not to determine more than one
> > > line to change the distance?
> > [ ... ]
> > I'll work on this in a few days, so stay tuned.
> Here it is. T
Hello list, hello Paul,
You wrote:
> Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
> >Thanks for all your efforts. Maybe we can ask another Debian/sid
> >developer to provide a 2.2.0 package instead?
> >
> I have no problem using Feri Wagner's packages on sid.
How can I get Feri Wagner's packages on sid?
I only fo
the first page of J.Seb.Bach's Partita Nr. 6 looks properly in the paper
output, but sounds terrible in the midi output.
There are tuplets with seven sixteenth on each quarter in the bars 3 and
4 and again in bar 7, and it seems, that these tuplets disturbe the midi
output, but not the paper
I wonder, if it is possible to determine, if there are alterations of
the notes above or/and below e.g. turns and pralls.
For example, with the following key-signature
\key e \minor
there would be a note a with a turn, written out as
a bes a gis a
then there it is necessary (and i
Hello list, hello Edward,
You wrote:
> On Sunday April 11 2004 09:54, Roland Goretzki wrote:
> > [ ... ]
> >
> > b
> > ~
> > #
> >
> > Meanwhile I did this cunstruct with text-markups, but this seems to be
> > very ugly, and
Hello list, hello Andrew,
You wrote:
> Bagpipe music has tons of grace notes, all of which are printed as 32nd
> notes. The main problem I'm having is with beamed grace notes. The
> stems on groups of grace notes are just a little too short, and
> sometimes the third beam actually collides with
Hello list, hello Stan,
You wrote:
> In the attached example, eighth rests collide with note stems. I'd
> appreciate suggestions about how to make it look better.
> The code for the measure(s) is
> 8 |
> <<{d8\rest [ c8\rest ]}\\{4 }>> |
> %%% measure 86
> 8
Give the following
lilypond-version is 2.2.0.
If there are two areas of repeats in a piano-piece directly one after
another, lilypond creates automatically a correct double-repeat-barline
Unfortunately, in one piece this double-repeat-barline appears at page
break, and what happens, is the following:
Hello list,
I wrote:
> Unfortunately, in one piece this double-repeat-barline appears at page
> break, and what happens, is the following:
Excuse me, it's not the page break, which causes the broken barline, but
the line break. (Tested with interscoreline = -5.0 \mm in the paper
The pro
Hello list, hello Edward,
You wrote:
> On Wednesday April 14 2004 12:21, Roland Goretzki wrote:
> > The problem remains. :-(
> Sounds like the bar line between the piano staves doesn't draw in measures
> starting with a bar line that starts a measure unless it is dr
Hello list, hello Steve,
You wrote:
> H... when I run convert-ly it outputs
> [ ... ]
> \property Hairpin #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -3.5)
I don't know, why convert-ly produces this,
but change only "\property" with "\override", and it will work. :)
In the case, You only want o
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