I'm having trouble avoiding collisions in the following case, can anyone point
me at some relevant documentation or example code?
\version "2.10.25"
ragged-last = ##t
\time 2/4
%% grace notes collide with the triplet beam here:
gis'8[ cis''] \appoggiatura{ gis'16[
Can anyone recommend a more elegant way to force the second of a pair
of tied notes to display an accidental? I have been using constructions
such as this:
#(set-accidental-style 'forget)
\clef bass
\override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
\override Stem #'t
I write music that is not strictly tonal, and years ago I adopted the
convention of always using the same enharmonic spellings. So my chromatic
scale goes: c cis d ees e f fis g aes a bes b. I never write something like
an A sharp or a G flat.
Of course Lilypond doesn't know about my silly ideas
Thanks, works great!
lilypond-user mailing list
Let's say I have something like:
\clef bass
cis1~ cis!1~ cis!1
I want all the accidentals to appear and I do not want the tie to be moved
really far away like it is now. I preferred a few versions ago when it
would go right through the accidental.
I realize this is arguably crude and will m
gt; \clef bass
> \once \override Tie.staff-position = #-2
> cis1~ cis!1~ cis!1
> }
> You don’t really want the tie to cross the accidental, do you?
> Andrew
> On 3/09/2015 12:40, "robert edge" gmail@gnu.org on beh
I have no idea why, but this interface won't let me ask a question. It says
I am top posting.
I am not top posting. I have not quoted anything.
How do I send a message to this list?
lilypond-user mailing list
hey there,
So this:
\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff {
\bar ".|:" c'1 c'1 \bar ":..:" c'1 c'1 \bar ":|."
\new Staff {
\bar ".|:" c'1 c'1 \bar ":..:" c'1 c'1 \bar ":|."
does what I would expect to do, the repeat bar lines are drawn across the
Thank you, that is precisely what was happening.
On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 2:49 AM, Nathan Ho wrote:
> On 2016-07-23 21:05, Robert Edge wrote:
>> I have no idea why, but this interface won't let me ask a question. It
>> says
>> I am top posting.
So there is a snippet here: http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=1032
That gets pretty close.
I am assuming that no one writes that much scheme code unless the
functionality is broken in Lilypond proper. I'll prepare a bug report.
lilypond-user maili
> I'd also add that it is not so much the case the lilypond is broken
> and fails to function, but that lilypond just fails to provide a
> particular function that you have need of.
By broken I mean failing to behave as the documentation says it should.
see here:
> Out of interest, what interface are you using?
This is coming directly from my email account, as was the message that
posted successfully in my other thread. The experienced the issue with the
gmane web interface.
It appears that the '<<' characters in some lilypond code was the issue.
> So I'd say this part of the code is not broken but works as it should,
> it's just not like you'd expect it should be.
I'm not sure where you are seeing charts drawn like that.
I'm used to seeing this:
or this: http://www.ejazzline
> And now I'm pissed, maybe I should revert this part of the code.
Okay, you do whatever you want man.
We'll just say it works as intended by the developer. Or doesn't, but is
too hard to fix. Or whatever. There will be no bug report. Got it.
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