I'm seeking a way to create rhythmic examples, as in the sample code below,
while positioning breath marks above the rhythmic staff rather than along
the line. I thought ^\breathe might do the trick at first, but no dice. Any
advice on how to properly accomplish this is deeply appreciated. Thank yo
Perfect! Thank you so much, David.
lilypond-user mailing list
Hi All,
I'm working on compiling excerpts that undergo changes in time signature
while keeping the beat constant. My hope is to find a way to incorporate a
general tempo instruction reading something like:
4 = 4 = 120.
Thus far I haven't found a way of accomplishing this. Any suggestions you
Issue resolved - thank you both!
On Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 11:42 PM, Jacques Menu Muzhic wrote:
> Hello Reilly,
> Can you post a drawing of what you’re after?
> JM
> Le 16 avr. 2018 à 00:18, Reilly Farrell a
> écrit :
> Hi All,
> I'm working o
Hi All,
I'm editing a short score with tuplets and I could use a spacing solution
that would keep all tuplet brackets at a fixed minimum distance above the
staff. (Feedback I've received so far is that the tuplet indications look
messy when printed inside the staff rather than above it.) My ques
Thank you both! I appreciate the quick turnaround. If the difference in
opinion persists I'll return with a minimal example, but in light of what
you've told me I think we can just proceed as we are.
On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 9:40 AM, Simon Albrecht
> On 02.05.2018 18:24, R
I'm looking for a way to control the alignment of markup text.
Specifically, I'm looking to align "D.C. al Fine" to the very right side of
a measure, rather than having it float above a given note. Here's a
snippet of the markup text in its current form:
c4 c4^\markup{ \italic { D.C. al Fine } }
Hi All,
Is there an easy way to configure dynamics and markup text so that they
occupy they share the same vertical alignment relative to the staff? My
hope is that I can align regular dynamic marks with special dynamic
instructions (\cresc won't cut it in this case) as seamlessly as possible.
Hi All,
I'm looking for a solution for printing a C Delta 7 chord name (so that 7
prints clearly after the delta symbol). I started off wth the failed
attempt below and haven't had much success anyway else:
\version "2.18.2"
\score {
\relative c' {
c4 c c c |
\chords {
Hi All,
Is there a simple way of modifying chord names in the \chords field with
markup text? More specifically, I'm looking for a way to print C7alt as a
chord name (with alt printing clearly after the 7), and I'm having some
trouble figuring out the syntax.
\version "2.18.2"
\score {
Thank you Thomas! Works like a charm. :)
On Sat, Jun 30, 2018 at 1:08 AM, Thomas Morley
> 2018-06-30 8:37 GMT+02:00 Reilly Farrell :
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I'm looking for a solution for printing a C Delta 7 chord name (so that 7
> > prints clearly after t
Question related to printing a book pdf with lilypond-book and LaTeX: is
there an easy way to set footnote spacing on a case by case basis, as
opposed to globally? The intent is to take the effect of a line like this:
and have it apply only to pages for which footn
Hi All,
I'm creating some sight-singing examples for a class and would like to
start with some examples with no staff,no clef,no key signature, though
keeping bar lines and system brackets (for duet examples) (Solfege
syllables are provided as lyrics.)
Currently I am doing something like this
It works! Issue resolved - thank you so much for your support.
On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 5:50 AM, Karlin High wrote:
> On 7/11/2017 11:11 AM, Reilly Farrell wrote:
> > I'm creating some sight-singing examples for a class
> Are you aware of this sight-singin
We are compiling several hundred melody and rhythm examples. Each example
references the same .ily file where global settings and formatting are
handled. Is there code for setting automatic behavior of beams that we can
put in the .ily file (not within a \relative { } block) to resolve the
For editing and consistency purposes, can anyone tell me what font LilyPond
uses to print title information in its pdfs by default? Based on the
documentation, I'm wondering if it might be New Century Schoolbook in the
roman (serif) font family - is this correct?
Thank you!
ince Emmentaler
> > is for music symbols, it's probably Tex Gyre Schola (bold, in the
> > case of titles).
> https://www.ctan.org/pkg/tex-gyre-schola?lang=en
> > On 07/20/2017 08:56 PM, Reilly Farrell wrote:
> > >For editing and consistency purposes,
,2,2,2 % beatStructure
Is there something I've overlooked in the formatting?
On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 11:48 AM, David Wright
> On Thu 20 Jul 2017 at 11:24:25 (-0700), Reilly Farrell wrote:
> > We are compiling several hundred melody and rhythm examples. Each example
Hi All,
I'm in the process of editing out collisions and have come to need a
solution for adjusting the vertical alignment of dynamic marks on a
case-by-case basis. I've been over the documentation and have tried
different solutions based on my findings there, but so far I've had no luck
moving d
Hi All,
I've been noticing that the usual solution for adjusting the shape of a
phrase mark:
\shape #'((0 . 0) (0.5 . 1.0) (0.5 . 1.0) (0 . 0)) PhrasingSlur
...doesn't seem to apply to instances in which phrase marks extend across
multiple systems. At best I can find ways to modify the first ha
Hi All,
I've come to a point where I need manual control over the vertical spacing
between musical systems. The most prominent solution I've found seems not
to be behaving as expected: no matter how I change the values in the \paper
block, each configuration returns the same pdf.
Is there someth
me this problem are deeply appreciated.
Thank you.
On Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 12:43 PM, Thomas Morley
> Hi Reilly,
> please keep the list cc-ed until conservation turns real private
> 2017-07-30 19:35 GMT+02:00 Reilly Farrell :
> > Based on this feedback, I'v
; In my last large document,
> \newcommand{\betweenLilyPondSystem}[1]{\vspace{4mm}\linebreak}
> in the preamble of the LaTeX file did the trick.
> Best
> Lukas
> 2017-07-31 18:29 GMT+02:00 Reilly Farrell :
>> Thanks! Your second solution:
>> \pap
Hi All,
I'm curious to know if there is a way to apply \lyricmode to a certain
number of measures and then terminate it. My chief concern is that using
lyricmode creates excess space between the system and dynamic markings for
measures where no lyrics are present. Ideally, I would like to be abl
We're working with a system of .ly files referencing a .ily template file
for formatting beaming behavior. Now we'd like to apply the formatting to
some .ly files, but not others, and were hoping to accomplish this by means
of conditional statement.
That said, conditional statements in LaTeX have
Hi All,
I'm discovering the need to revise chord numbers when working with lead
sheet templates in LilyPond. For example, in the following blocks:
melody = \relative c' {
cis8 d e g a4-. g8-> b~-_ |
chordSymbols = \chords { \leadFormatting
a2:7 c2:13
...my intention is to have c2:13 show u
Hi All,
I'm searching for a way to add extra space between the tempo indication and
the first system of music, to make room for markup content above the
staff. (The default space allotted to the markup content right now is not
sufficient and the score looks a bit cluttered.) Is there a simple wa
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