Reduce extra space at end of stave

2022-12-21 Thread NickS
In the below minimal example, please how do I reduce the extra space at the end of the stave (between the last chord and the barline)? I'm happy with the proportional, uniform and strict spacing between the chords, and the space between the clef and first chord - these all match up with external

Re: Reduce extra space at end of stave

2022-12-21 Thread NickS] On Behalf Of NickS Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 6:09 AM To: Subject: Reduce extra space at end of stave   In the below minimal example, please how do I reduce the extra space at the end of the stave (between the l

Re: Reduce extra space at end of stave

2022-12-21 Thread NickS
2022 at 20:13, NickS wrote: > > Thanks for the suggestion Mark... adding ragged-right = ##t stretches out the > stave across the page width (175mm), ragged-right = ##f reverts to the > default behaviour (stave 78mm wide), with still too much clear space at the > end (18.75mm, th

Re: Feedback request on image formats

2023-01-12 Thread NickS
Personally I certainly much prefer vector formats, as these scale much better in documents, are more editable if customisation is required, and they can easily be batch-converted into raster formats of the required resolution if needed. My main usage case is including Lilypond snippets in large