system), but not attached to
a staff or note.
Marc Shepherd
> What's wrong with hanging it off a note or rest? I do this all the
> time for long sloping lines for accel. and rall. indicators. Works for
> me.
> Can you send a sketch or image of your use case?
> Andrew
> On Mon, 12 Oct 2020 at 07:40, Marc Shepherd
s with the
first bar of a system.
Is there a setting that tells lilypond, "Please ignore any supposed
collision, and put the measure number where it would ordinarily go"?
[image: collision.PNG]
Marc Shepherd
e: Collision.PNG]
On Fri, Oct 16, 2020 at 3:58 PM Xavier Scheuer wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Oct 2020 at 20:55, Marc Shepherd wrote:
> >
> > In the example shown below, lilypond is shifting the measure number (85)
> down, because it thinks there is a collision with the rehearsal le
, 2020 at 7:09 PM Thomas Morley
> Am Sa., 17. Okt. 2020 um 00:28 Uhr schrieb Marc Shepherd <
>> Here is a minimal example showing this behavior:
>> \version "2.20.0"
>> \layout {
t 4:28 PM Marc Shepherd wrote:
>> Here is a minimal example showing this behavior:
>> \version "2.20.0"
>> \layout {
>> \context {
>> \name MarkLine
>> \type Engraver_group
>> \consists Output_property_
e_mark_engraver }
> <<
> \new Staff << \global \fakemusic >>
> \new Staff << \global \fakemusic >>
> >>
> >>
> }
> Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his)
> ‣ website:
> ‣ email:
Marc Shepherd
ently) to research it myself. No doubt
> someone else can help you with it!
> Cheers,
> Kieren.
> Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his)
> ‣ website:
> ‣ email:
Marc Shepherd
In a score where "RemoveAllEmptyStaves" is set, a staff will normally not
show in a system where it has all rests.
Sometimes, you may *want* a staff (temporarily) to appear on a specific
system, even though it contains all rests. What’s the command or setting to
do this?
Marc Shepherd
Thanks! The "showIt" / "hideIt" functions were exactly what I was looking
? The code used is
shown below:
\version "2.21.7"
\new Staff \relative c'' { \time 3/4
d4. d8 \tupletUp \tuplet 3/2 { d([ e]) c } | b2 b8.([ a16]) | g2.
\addlyrics {
\lyricmode { Here is some text to pon -- der. }
[image: Capture.PNG]
Marc Shepherd
-1.2)) ([ e]) c
> }
> |
> b2 b8.([ a16]) |
> g2.
> }
> Best regards,
> Jean
Marc Shepherd
Many thanks! Your manual shape override did the trick. I am new to LP and
honestly amazed how often it makes "pretty good" or great decisions.
Problems like this stand out for their rarity.
On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 3:59 AM Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> Le 20/10/2020 à 01:08, Marc
rses, this
> sort of things, for music students − composers are among the primary
> types of LilyPond users after all.
Marc Shepherd
o visual feedback to then proceed
> to "debug" such file after compiling is not a realistic alternative for the
> majority of users. In my Python script I'm using subprocesses in
> conjunction with OLL's partial compilation that let me make pdfs page by
> page (using pdftk), so that I can only update the page I'm working on
> without losing the rest of the pages.
Marc Shepherd
Any idea why that was chosen as the default behavior? When composers write
a repeat, they usually expect it to be performed. I would have thought that
automatically unfolding would be the more logical default.
Marc Shepherd
ll wish it could be solved.
Marc Shepherd
ate \keepWithTag #'score before each of the separate music
expressions that is input to partCombine.
I was able to discover this by trial and error, but there probably ought to
be a warning about it in the manual.
Marc Shepherd
What parameter controls the minimum amount of space between the bottom of
the header and the first line of music?
Marc Shepherd
That's it...thanks!
On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 9:19 AM Knute Snortum wrote:
> I think that would be "markup-system".
> --
> Knute Snortum
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 6:01 AM Marc Shepherd wrote:
>> What parameter controls the minimum amount
der "dim." to be a dynamic, as this
does not work. What would be the comparable spacing override for "dim."?
Marc Shepherd
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