Lyrics and repeats

2009-10-29 Thread Kris Van Bruwaene
I'm transcribing Six old Dutch Songs for choir and reed organ (harmonium), one of which has a repeat section with different lyrics and alternative endings (using LP 2.12.1 on Ubuntu 9.04.). For the voltas (1 measure ending) I used the procedure outlined on page 99 of the current notation reference

Clashing note columns

2011-12-06 Thread Kris Van Bruwaene
I am typesetting a choral piece wich has two voices coming in unisono on a single staff, one with a whole note (g1), the other with two half notes (g2 g2). The whole note and the first half note clash at the start of the measure. I tried to avoid the clash with the remedies given in the Lilypond m

Re: Clashing note columns

2011-12-10 Thread Kris Van Bruwaene
Here is an example. Kris David Kastrup wrote: > > Kris Van Bruwaene writes: > >> I am typesetting a choral piece wich has two voices coming in unisono on >> a >> single staff, one with a whole note (g

Alla breve for time 2/1

2013-08-20 Thread Kris Van Bruwaene
I want to use an alla breve or barred C for time 2/1. I found this snippet on a previous post: \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = #'(2. 2) but when I try it it gives an error in my Lily version (2.16.1): waarschuwing: type controle gefaald voor `timeSignatureFraction'; waarde `(2.0 2)' moet ty

alla breve for time 2/1

2013-08-20 Thread Kris Van Bruwaene
I want to use an alla breve or barred C for time 2/1. I found this snippet on a previous post: \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = #'(2. 2) but when I try it it gives an error in my Lily version (2.16.1): waarschuwing: type controle gefaald voor `timeSignatureFraction'; waarde `(2.0 2)' moet type

How to put a big number in the upper left or right corner of a score?

2023-08-28 Thread Kris Van Bruwaene
(Lilypond version 2.24.1, Guile 2.2). What is the easiest way to put a big number (e.g. font size 4 bold)  in the upper left or right corner of a score? In previous versions I used to manage this with a double header, one in \book and one in \score, and faking a second "poet" (left corner) o

Tie between staves of a PianoStaff

2024-05-08 Thread Kris Van Bruwaene
Is there a simple solution for putting a tie between staves of a pianostaff? I need to tie a note of the lower voice on the upper staff to a note of the upper voice on the lower staff. I found this on StackExchange: but

Re: Tie between staves of a PianoStaff

2024-05-09 Thread Kris Van Bruwaene
Van Bruwaene wrote: > Is there a simple solution for putting a tie between staves of a pianostaff? > I need to tie a note of the lower voice on the upper staff to a note of the > upper voice on the lower staff. I found this on StackExchange: >