Adam Spiers> writes:
> I've noticed that MIDI generation doesn't honour transparent notes,
> e.g. in
> f8( \hideNotes \grace { c16 \glissando } \unHideNotes f8)
> a NoteOn event is generated for the c16. Hopefully I should be able
> to address this if someone gives me a f
Adam Spiers> writes:
> On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 9:30 AM, Johannes Rohrer>
>> Adam Spiers> writes:
>>> I've noticed that MIDI generation doesn't honour transparent notes,
>>> e.g.
* 2015-04-23 01:29 +0200:
> Translators are program elements that convert music expressions to output.
> Engravers are translators that create printed output. Performers are
> translators that create midi output.
> Translators examine the music expressions that are contained in the
> context,