#UP or
#DOWN, which places the small cue notes either above or below the rests.
If not, perhaps you could provide a minimal example? See
erCheck #6
> \myDisplayBarNummber
> R1*9 | \barNumberCheck #15
> \myDisplayBarNummber
> R1*7 | \barNumberCheck #22
> \myDisplayBarNummber
> R1*5 | \barNumberCheck #27 \break
> \myDisplayBarNummber
> R1*6 | \barNumberCheck #33
> }
On 26/12/2015 11:26, Menu Jacques wrote:
> Hello Greg,
> Yes, exactly, thanks for the trick!
> JM
>> Le 26 déc. 2015 à 11:54, Greg a écrit :
>> On 26/12/2015 09:40, Menu Jacques wrote:
>>> Hello folks,
>>> I find it c
7;Typeset file'. You may need to close re-open the PDF
file that LilyPond creates to see the changes you have made.
As Anders has said, Frescobaldi is a very useful editor, with many more
features than the basic LilyPond GUI.
Hope that helps. Welcome to LilyPond!
On 26/12/2015 13:44, judson collins wrote:
> Hi Greg
> Thanks
> yes I realised I could edit the scale that was presented mulike editing
> a web page.
> So now I have done dozens of tests trying to figure what the codes are.
> octaves, durations etc.
> I will lok at frescobal
asure rest is added before the cued full-measure
>>> rest, the ouput looks correct.
I think it's because appending an R1 to the start or adding '\new Voice'
creates a Voice context, whereas a \cueDuring at the start creates a
CueVoice context. It's not immediately obviou
you'll also see that the clarinet fingerings are not showing up. E is doing
something but its diagram is different for a reason I don't understand and
none of the other fingerings are showing on the vanilla clarinet key
diagrams? Can anyone pont to what's going on, please?
l-align #Y #DOWN \note #"4" #1
\version "2.18"
\relative c' {
\time 4/4
| c4 c c c
\tempo \crotchetequalscrotchet
\time 3/4
| c c c
\tempo \crotchetequalscrotchet
\time 4/4
| c1
Hope that helps,
On Fri, Apr 22, 2016, at 07:13 AM, Helge wrote:
Will it ever be possible to use fixed, partial-note-head note spacings for all
note values in the layout?
The old hand engraved march cards in our band library use extreemly small note
spacing to get it to fit on a card a bit smaller than A5 landscape.
I have had a fiddle with make-moment settin
w line breaking during ligatures (or at least ligature
brackets) as it is with horizontal (analysis) brackets?
Many thanks,
View this message in context:
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing
brackets but can't seem to find a way to make it look quite right. Currently
I'm having to use text markups containing the right-angle symbols above the
notes but it's not ideal.
Many thanks,
View this message in context:
Is is possible to center all lyric syllables, even those where the note has a
tie attached? I tried using \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #0, but
this property doesn't seem to affect notes with ties.
\version "2.10.10"
melody = \relative c
Many thanks! I have now upgraded.
On 4 Apr 2008, at 19:41, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Greg,
Is is possible to center all lyric syllables,
even those where the note has a tie attached?
Serendipitously, I sponsored this precise feature last summer:
\context { \Score
Is it possible to get AccidentalSuggestions to go below HorizontalBrackets by
default where there is a collision? I've tried outside-staff-priority on the
accidentals but there doesn't seem to be an outside-staff-priority property
for horizontal brackets. I'm using version 2.11.43
Brilliant, thanks. (I was sure I'd tried that but I guess not... it's working
now anyway!).
Neil Puttock wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> On 05/04/2008, Greg Swinford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Is it possible to get AccidentalSuggesti
I've attached a log file that sums up the problems I've been having.
I'm new to lilypond but I like what I see, but it seems I've hit a snag.
I'm sure I'm using all the right syntax: I copied this one from the website.
I hope you guys can help me with this.
Or I could just give up and get Linux :
Whoops. I forgot the attachment. Sorry. Here it is...
On Apr 4, 2005 3:33 PM, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:I guess you forgot the attachment (or maybe it was very large so it wasfiltered away from the email by the mailing list server).Please try again to send it to the mailing list
I am a complete Newbie in the wonderful world of Lilypond.
So far I can do everything I wish, except to put lyrics under the
appropriate staff in a system of several staves
for example a different set of lyrics for the soprano and the alto.
Greg Guest
Sorry for my question, I read some of the archive and found this question
answered by Rune Zedeler so I'm fine now.
Lilypond-user mailing list
I know this is not a lilypond question, but I'd
very much appreciate anyone's help in this matter.
After building guile, I end up with a binary in
/bin and a folder in /usr/share
Another question.
I found how to do French accents in the online
docs, but have not found how to make a cedilla for c's.
Could you tell me.
mdk8.2 and trying th RPM.
Thanks also to Laura Conrad, whose web page full of
wonderful music me convinced me to try Lilypond.
And I'm delighted with what Lilypond can do and how little time it takes to
input music.
Lilypond-user mail
Hi all,
I loaded Mandrake 8.2 and Lilypond happily installed, and produced a .tex
output, but LaTeX would not work with it and produced the following error
[greg@localhost greg]$ ly2dvi -P w.ly
bash: ly2dvi: command not found
[greg@localhost greg]$ ly2dvi -P w.ly
Running LilyPond...
ake[1]: *** [out/parser.hh] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/lilypond-1.5.9/lily'
make: *** [all] Error 2
[root@localhost lilypond-1.5.9]#
I would appreciate anyone's help in getting past this.
Thanks again in advance, and also for lilypo
other directories.
an RPM for Mandrake 8.2 IS available at:
Lilypond-user mailing list
Why are you (and the GNU community) so imbued with the Confucian value of
benevolence, that you not only make great software freely available to the
world, but you also spend time helping complete newbies?
Thanks again
ext: I started using Lilypond this morning and have gone
through the tutorial, part of the manual, and part of the "snippets"
page. So it's quite possible that this is documented and I've just
missed it.
2. An eighth and 4 thirty-second notes
3. A sextuplet consisting of:
1. 1 eighth note
2. 4 sixteenth notes
Thanks for your help!
asure bars or numbers?
commercial packages and I think my results are
every bit as beautiful as theirs, if not more so (which may be, in part, of
the effort I am putting into crafting the score). And the support on this
list is far beyond anything I could have expected. Thanks to all for your
hard work and dedication.
l. I can place dynamics or other notations as I please.
Thanks for any tips or help you can provide. Again, I have a good
workaround so please don't spend a lot of time on this unless you just
really love the challenge.
Wow! This works GREAT! Thank-you!
On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 3:35 PM Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> Le 26/10/2021 à 21:47, Greg Lindstrom a écrit :
> > This is not a high priority request. I'm just wondering if the
> > following can be done.
> >
> > I'm
I'm using Lilypond 2.22.1 and would like to add a page break but when I use
"\pageBreak" the score "stretches" to fill the page. Is there a command to
fill the page so the next score starts at the top of the next page without
stretching the previous page?
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
ossia are below (see
snippet). Is there a way to control where the slur marks appear, in the
same spirit as stems up and down? Is it preferred to break the ossia out in
its own staff:?
[image: image.png]
And the code to generate it
<<{f16(e f g\!) a
most cases). Otherwise _( and ^( works
> too.
> /Leo
> 30 aug. 2022 kl. 19:30 skrev Greg Lindstrom :
> I am finishing up engraving my first full score. It's a piece for brass
> band where we could not find a score anywhere and the one we've orde
number of the piece in a smaller font than the
first page?
Perhaps all of this is in the manual which will be arriving in the next few
days. But any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your help. I hope to start writing code snippets and answering
questions as I gain more experience.
etting into some of the development efforts.
Best Regards,
; this, is there
a better (easier, "lilypond") way?
gs in the documentation
before asking.
On Fri, Sep 30, 2022 at 1:36 PM Hans Aikema wrote:
> Greg,
> I think what you're looking for is present in the selected snippets
> section of the documentation:
> https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.22/Documentation/snipp
Hello All,
I keep learning and my score is looking even better! With help from this
list, I separated the Coda from the main body of the score and even figured
out how to suppress a time signature which was appearing at the end of the
"blank" line between the main part and coda. The even better pa
have to do
\time 4/4
c4 d e f |
c4 d e f |
c4 d e f |
but this:
\time 4/4
c4 d e f |
I've looked through the docs and can't find it. I don't even know what to
call it. Can anyone help me on this (or, perhaps, I'm just imagining I saw
back to playing
together again
I'm currently using "ossia" notation, but it's cluttering the part up,
though it's nice to see what others are doing.
Is there anything I can do short of having 2 copies of the parts differing
only by the few measures I've changed?
Thanks Everyone!
o!! This is EXACTLY what I'm looking for and it works
like a champ. I can now arrange custom parts for my section based on the
technical ability of my players.
Thanks. And THANKS to the developers for thinking of this and coding it up.
On Sat, Mar 18, 2023 at 3:38 PM wrote:
> Hi
[image: image.png]
Thanks for any help you can provide. I have the Lilypond 2.12 Notation
Reference so if you even point me to the section to reference I'll work it
Kind Regards,
putting in silent quarters thinking it might do the trick:
df2\mf df\<|
\time 3/2 df df(f)\!|
\time 2/2 <<{f1}{s4\f\>s4 s4 s4}>>\breathe|
f2\mf c|
c ef\<|
Is there a way I can specify the length of the measure or otherwise make it
eans things up a bit:
\time 3/2 af bf(c)\!|
\time 2/2 df1\f \lDcresc 7 \breathe|
c2\mf af|
Thanks for the help!
On Fri, Sep 6, 2024 at 7:55 PM Kieren MacMillan
> Hi Greg,
> > I would like it to be longer so the decrescendo is a bit more prominent.
> &g
There are a couple typos in my last post. It should be minLen, of course.
On Sat, Sep 7, 2024 at 10:12 AM Greg Lindstrom
> Kieren (and friends) -
> Thank-you. This works great. And since I want to use it in a number of
> locations I made a couple of functions:
48 matches
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