Change size of all notes in one voice with partCombine

2021-06-28 Thread Dinh Hoang Tu
Hello Lilypond team and users, I tried to combine 2 voices having identical rythm: notes of 2 voices share same stem and same side, one note upper, other lower. I found \partCombine is suitable for this. Then I tried to make all notes of 2nd voice smaller, and found \tweak can be used (I did tried

Re: Change size of all notes in one voice with partCombine

2021-06-28 Thread Dinh Hoang Tu
{ \new Staff << \partCombineUp \soprano \tenor >> } % not expected Many thanks, Tu' DINH On Mon, 28 Jun 2021 at 22:31, Knute Snortum wrote: > Have you tried \magnifyMusic? > > >

Re: Change size of all notes in one voice with partCombine

2021-06-29 Thread Dinh Hoang Tu
Abou Samra wrote: > > > Le 29/06/2021 16:18, Knute Snortum a écrit : > > > > > > On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 6:07 PM Dinh Hoang Tu > wrote: > > > > > > Hello Knute Snortum, > > > Thanks for your reply. > > > I just tried \magnifyMu

Re: Change size of all notes in one voice with partCombine

2021-06-30 Thread Dinh Hoang Tu
Hello Jean, Xavier, I think these music functions are useful enough to be integrated into Lilypond itself. I put them in my local for personal use. But it will be helpful for Lilypond users, including myself, to have these handy features by default. Thank you and have a go

Re: Change size of all notes in one voice with partCombine

2021-06-30 Thread Dinh Hoang Tu
a'2 } \new Score { \new Staff << \partCombine \soprano \alto >> } \new Score { \new Staff << \partCombine \soprano \localFontSize -3 \basso >> } \new Score { \new Staff << \partCombine \soprano \tenor >> } Many thanks again to any help. Best, Tu'

Re: Change size of all notes in one voice with partCombine

2021-06-30 Thread Dinh Hoang Tu
Sorry for short description in my last email. I mean when 2nd voice has notes going upper and lower than 1st voice, \partCombine won't combine 2 notes. There is a gap between 2 stems, as in attached image. Many thanks, Tu' On Thu, 1 Jul 2021 at 09:35, Dinh Hoang Tu wrote: > Hello

Re: Change size of all notes in one voice with partCombine

2021-07-01 Thread Dinh Hoang Tu
tCombine. In the usual use case, > with the same notehead size you still want to be able to follow each voice, > so partCombine doesn’t merge them into chords when they’re crossed. (This > is obscured in your first example because you are using \stemUp there, > otherwise you would see the s

Re: Change size of all notes in one voice with partCombine

2021-07-01 Thread Dinh Hoang Tu
ake or missing. Thanks! On Thu, 1 Jul 2021 at 23:05, Leo Correia de Verdier <> wrote: > If you use the \partCombineChords command in one of the voices (as in the > snippet I sent with last mail) it should override the default behavior of > par

Re: Change size of all notes in one voice with partCombine

2021-07-03 Thread Dinh Hoang Tu
Hello Aaron, It works wonderfully, using combination of functions ^^ This really helps! Many many thanks!! Thank you and good day to all. Best, Tu' On Fri, 2 Jul 2021 at 12:55, Aaron Hill wrote: > On 2021-07-01 10:44 pm, Aaron Hill wrote: > > [...] > > Also, here's a minor refactor of \localF

Re: Make shortVocalName attach to lyrics like stanza

2022-03-31 Thread Dinh Hoang Tu
Ça marche parfaitement. Merci bcp pour ton "un peu de technique" 😅 It works like a charm! Thanks a lot for your "little" code 😊 Cordialement, Regards, Tu DINH On Wed, 30 Mar 2022 at 21:43, Jean Abou Samra wrote: > > > Le 30/03/2022 à 16:38, Dinh Hoang Tu a éc

Re: Make shortVocalName attach to lyrics like stanza

2022-03-31 Thread Dinh Hoang Tu
text 'currentCommandColumn))) (ly:spanner-set-bound! text RIGHT column))) \override StanzaNumberSpanner.horizon-padding = 1 } } \score { \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff << \new Voice = soprano \sopranoMusic \new Lyrics \lyricsto soprano \sopranoLyric

Re: Make shortVocalName attach to lyrics like stanza

2022-04-03 Thread Dinh Hoang Tu
orizon-padding = 10000 } } \score { \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff << \new Voice = soprano \sopranoMusic \new Lyrics \lyricsto soprano \sopranoLyrics >> >> \layout { indent = 0 } } Best regards, Tu On Fri, 1 Apr 2022 at 22

Re: Make shortVocalName attach to lyrics like stanza

2022-04-05 Thread Dinh Hoang Tu
It works amazingly! Thanks a lot for your expertise!!! Best, Tu Vào 22:50, T.6, 1 Th4, 2022 Jean Abou Samra đã viết: > > > Le 31/03/2022 à 17:26, Dinh Hoang Tu a écrit : > > Hi Jean and all, > > > > I ran into cases when chorus and first verse are continued on fir

Re: Make shortVocalName attach to lyrics like stanza

2024-05-31 Thread Dinh Hoang Tu
nfold 10 { bb } \repeat unfold 10 { bb } } >> } \score { \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff << \new Voice = soprano \sopranoMusic \new Lyrics \lyricsto soprano \sopranoLyrics >> >> \layout { indent = 0 } } Thank you for any