On Friday, December 20, 2019, Robert Blackstone
> Dear all,
> I’m presently transcribing some piano-scores in which schords, sustained
with a pedal are notated in a way had not seen before (see screenshot).
> I would like to copy it but I have no idea how to do it.
> I would be grateful for
I'd like to make my midi file with a metronome sound or click track, but
for this part to be completely absent from the PDF. I'd also prefer to
avoid custom-made solutions if I can, because of their tendency to "rot" as
new versions of Lilypond make them obsolete. Can I just add an ordinary
David Stocker wrote:
Hi Bert,
It's been a few years and I'm afraid my German has gotten rusty, but
I'll give it a try anyway.
"- how would you call the 4-voice arrangements of hymns used in
presbiterian liturgy. Just "hymn arrangement"? (Choralsatz in German)"
I'm an Amercian raised in a P
fiëé visuëlle wrote:
The meaning of "reich" in this example is extremely uncommon in (modern)
I *guess* it refers to the old stem of "-rich" (like in names) that
means "ruler", similar to "Reich" (empire, see "dein Reich komme" in
German paternoster).
In that case, it might be render
>> In that case, it might be rendered as "ever reigning God" or "ever
>> ruling God" as in "Jesus Lives, and So Shall I" (based on "Jesus lebt,
>> mit ihm auch ich," by Christian F. Gellert, tune commonly attributed
>> to Joachim Neander)
Oops, that's wrong. The tune for "Jesus lebt, mit ihm auc
>> Thunderbird contain "Reply to list" option ...
Sorry, I'm a member of the "Reply-To Considered Harmful" camp so I'm not
inclined to make your requested change. Perhaps the "Reply All" button
or "ctrl-shift-r" will mee
>> To: Eduardo Vieira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: How many users?
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pedro =?iso-8859-1?Q?Kr=F6ger?=)
>> Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2006 16:23:49 -0300
>> Eduardo Vieira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > I was just curious, nothing else, to know how many users are
enerating it so
this seems like a more useful way for them to get help than for
me to try to help directly.
David R. Linn - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (a) mailing list maintainer for
the Lilypond project
lilypond-user mailing list
>> To rephrase your advice - "Don't bounce. Either bounce or accept and
>> discard".
>> "reject" and "bounce" are the same thing!
I'm sorry but "bounce" and "reject" are not the same thing. One
implies sending a message back to the putative sender; one merely
implies telling the incoming SMT
the desire to make readable copies of hand-written,
often copied and nearly impossible to read barbershop quartet scores was
my initial reason for organizing the original GNU Music Project (which was
later merged with the Lilypond project).
David R. Linn - [EMAIL PRO
ng list (it is one of the main
>> configuration options). ...
As noted in previous discussions, the state of Reply-To handling for this
list, and other Lilypond lists, is as it is due to an explicit choice, not
merely due to an unchanged default.
David R. Linn - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - ma
>> From: Bertalan Fodor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >> Sorry, but I don't understand why I can't send mails.
>> >
>> >
>> Sorry, I've forgot to write the cause:
>> The reason it is being held:
>> Message has a suspicious header
>> And I've subscribed with this address, to see whether it
post to it.
It *is* possible but not necessarily desirable, particularly on *this*
list to which the documentation points new users with questions. This
question has arisen a number of times before now and each time the project
leaders have chosen explicitly to leave the discussion lists open.
>> X-Unix-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Aug 13 08:23:00 2002
>> From: Jérémie Lumbroso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> CC: lilypond users mailinglist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*many* copies of the "Hey SEXY" message. Most of these things happen only
once and then there is a new and different problem to chase so I plan to
wait for a repeat of this problem before I act.
David R. Linn -
>> Good points about -devel and bug-. IMO if we don't advertize
>> info-lilypond, we should junk that list. :)
>> ... I'm not arguing that we /shouldn't/ get rid of info. The
>> current webpage supports RSS, so if we dump the news items into
>> RSS, then people could get their instant notificati
As a bit of administrivia: did anyone who reads the -user digest receive
lilypond-user Digest, Vol 125, Issue 96?
Please reply directly to d...@gnu.org and *not* to the list.
David R. Linn - david.r.l...@vanderbilt.edu - d...@gnu.org
On 04/22/13 11:40, David R. Linn wrote:
As a bit of administrivia: did anyone who reads the -user digest receive
lilypond-user Digest, Vol 125, Issue 96?
For those interested, at least two people (the original reporter and I)
did not receive this digest; at least a few other people *did
ed (more specifically, use
the "Unsubscribe or edit options" button in the section at the
bottom of the page labeled "lilypond-user Subscribers"
2) Send a message *from* the address that you wish to unsubscribe
to "lilypond-user-requ...@gnu.org" with a Subject: header val
>> From: Joerg Anders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > Likewise, you have
>> >
>> >\times 3/2 { c c } : 2 notes take time of 3; `common' tuplet
>> >
>> Oh, oh! I always thought a tuplet only shortens the
>> play length. --> Next version!
Nope. For example, last night my church choir was sing
>> From: Jan Kohnert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Mailing list settings
>> Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 01:33:47 +0200
>> User-Agent: KMail/1.5
>> Content-Disposition: inline
>> X-Mailman-Version: 2.1b5
>> List-Id: Lilypond user discussion
>> From: Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 14:35:33 +0100
>> To: Nick Busigin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: Mirror for lilypond.org?
>> there are intermittent problems with lilypond.org's connectivity. We
>> will move to a new server in a few days. This n
available, what Han-wen and Jan think should happen. Thus, when Han-wen
speaks here, an "owner" is speaking.
David R. Linn - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - mailing list manager for the GNU Music project
Lilypond-user mailing list
y caused by the server being overwhelmed.
Moderation delays should be no more than a few hours during the
UTC-6 work day upto no more than couple of days over the weekend
*and* will *only* apply to messages that trigger the anti-spam
David R. Linn - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - mail
between your submission of a message and its appearance on the list has
increased, please understand that it is possible that it has been held for
review and that it will be released as soon as we are able to review it.
Thank you,
Since this is a question of philosophy, I'll give a philisophical
response. I think you (Micheal Edwards) are asking the wrong question.
You compare Lilypond with Finale and Sibelius so I think you are looking
for a visual music composition tool. Such a tool seems to be a
requirement for meeting
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