Re: How does one get rid of a tagline?

2019-12-24 Thread DJF
On Dec 24, 2019, at 10:53 AM, Peter Toye wrote: > > I want an absolutely clean end to a score, but whatever I try I still get a > tagline advertising LilyPond. I've tried setting tagline to ##f and "" and > neither works. > When I’ve had this happen, I inadvertently put the line outside the \

Re: Espressivo marks

2020-07-26 Thread DJF
On Jul 26, 2020, at 12:32 PM, Martín Rincón Botero wrote: > > There's an old thread, where Thomas Morley came up with this script for > longer \espressivo marks. > This script however adds horizontal space before or after the note to make > room for the longer "articulation". Is there any way

Re: Multiple tempos at the same time and midi playback?

2018-12-13 Thread DJF
On Dec 13, 2018, at 7:33 AM, Yakir Arbib wrote: > > I write modern classical music in which each instrument has its' own > separate tempo. My question is, do you think it's possible to write > something like that in LilyPond using separate tempo commands for each > staff? > To get a separate t

Change right-end placement of VoiceFollower line

2019-05-15 Thread DJF
In the example below, I need the VoiceFollower line from the left hand to go to the A half-note in the right hand, not to the quarter rest. I’ve tried to see if I could move the right end of the line over using an \override, but I can only seem to move the entire line (like with VoiceFollower.b

Re: Change right-end placement of VoiceFollower line

2019-05-15 Thread DJF
On May 15, 2019, at 9:29 AM, Robin Bannister wrote: > > << s4 \new Voice r4 >> That worked perfectly. I’m thrilled and amused that it took such little code for a solution, though I’ll admit that it took me a few minutes to understand why it worked. Very clever. Thank you! -- Dan _

Re: Error message

2019-06-23 Thread DJF
> On Jun 23, 2019, at 1:38 AM, Craig Dabelstein > wrote: > > Hi Lilyponders, > > Can anyone tell me what this error message means when trying to compile a > file? > > Drawing > systems.../home/gub/NewGub/gub/target/darwin-x86/src/

Re: how to implement the snippet in the attachment

2019-10-31 Thread DJF
On Oct 31, 2019, at 10:02 AM, Jinsong Zhao wrote: > > hi there, > I am trying to transcribe a music sheet. I have encountered the snippet in > the attachment. I don't figure out a way to implement it. I am now using an > alternative way like: Use hidden notes in the second voice to accompli

Re: How to layout in unison and part music score?

2018-02-03 Thread DJF
On Feb 3, 2018, at 6:27 AM, wrote: > This would be what I need :) Unfortunately, I'm too dumb. Sorry, I'm a > c, c++, c#, python, ruby, latex and many other - developer, but the > lilypond syntax manages to confuse me every time. I'm happy to set > simple scores with

Re: fingering

2018-02-20 Thread DJF
> Gianmaria Lari wrote: > > But now the number inside the circle are too small. How could I keep the size > like in the first example and keep the fingering more separated? > My english didn't help me :) I would like to keep the different fingering > elements in a vertical line but introduce

Re: Using a tick as a bar line and vertically repositioning it

2017-03-14 Thread DJF
On Mar 14, 2017, at 2:57 PM, Joseph N. Srednicki wrote: > > \version "2.19.54" > \relative c { > \time 2/4 > c' c \bar"'" | > c c \bar "|." > } You can modify the \breathe mark or just \include “” in your file. You also have to set the regular bar line not to print, so I like

Cross-staff tie interferes with staff spacing

2017-04-07 Thread DJF
I’ve got a cross-staff tie in an organ piece which appears to be responsible for adding unwanted space between the L.H. staff and the Pedal staff. If I comment out the \shape line, the spacing then conforms as expected, using the values in the second VerticalAxisGroup block, but then the tie goe

Re: Phrasing Slur disappearing

2017-04-08 Thread DJF
It was difficult to decipher your very complex score, so I simplified it. It now appears to work, and I hope this helps you. -- Dan Description: Binary data > On Apr 8, 2017, at 10:25 AM, Gerard wrote: > > Dear All, > > at a certain point in my score the phrasing slur disappear

Re: Cross-staff tie interferes with staff spacing

2017-04-09 Thread DJF
On Apr 9, 2017, at 2:36 AM, Engraver wrote: > > I think the problem is the cross-staff tie itself. Without the \shape line it > is drawn above the right-hand staff, but the inner workings of lilypond > somehow 'remember' the original starting point, i.e. above the left hand > staff. If you us

Changing the length of voice follower lines

2017-04-28 Thread DJF
I’ve got a piano piece with many voice follower lines from one hand to the other. Most often the lines end up being too long and unsightly, extending through beams and stems. I know how to move them with VoiceFollower.extra-offset, but I can’t figure out how to change their length. I messed aro

Changing the length of voice follower lines

2017-04-28 Thread DJF
I’ve got a piano piece with many voice follower lines from one hand to the other. Most often the lines end up being too long and unsightly, extending through beams and stems. I know how to move them with VoiceFollower.extra-offset, but I can’t figure out how to change their length. I messed aro

Re: Changing the length of voice follower lines

2017-04-28 Thread DJF
2017-04-28 21:04 GMT+02:00 DJF : >> I’ve got a piano piece with many voice follower lines from one hand to the >> other. Most often the lines end up being too long and unsightly, extending >> through beams and stems. I know how to move them with >> VoiceFollower.extra-of

Note spacing issue with accidental

2017-05-11 Thread DJF
In the code below, the last eighth note in voice two of both the right and left hand are too far to the right (even slightly more so in the piece from which this excerpt is taken, shown in the attached image). I’ve fiddled with various values using \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift and \

Re: Note spacing issue with accidental

2017-05-11 Thread DJF
> On May 11, 2017, at 1:40 PM, Knute Snortum wrote: > > I think you have to move the accidental to get the note to move. I don't > really like the way the following looks, but at least it's an example of > moving the accidental: > > rightTwo = \relative c' { > c4 \tuplet 3/2 { d4 \tweak Ac

Tied note with accidental over bar line adds unwanted space

2016-04-20 Thread DJF
When there’s an accidental on the uppermost note in a chord which is tied over a bar line, Lilypond makes space in the next bar as if the accidental were reprinted when two other conditions are true: there’s an accidental in a lower chord note, and--no surprise--if the interval between the notes

Re: Tied note with accidental over bar line adds unwanted space

2016-04-20 Thread DJF
On Apr 20, 2016, at 12:41 PM, David Kastrup wrote: > > Kieren MacMillan writes: > >> Hi Dan, >> >> \version "2.19.39" >> >> \score { >> \new Staff \relative c' { >> \key ees \major >> \time 2/4 \clef treble >> 4 >> 4 >> 4 >> <\tweak Accidental.stencil ##f aeses des>4 >> 4 a~ >>

Re: Replying to posts

2016-04-28 Thread DJF
On Apr 29, 2016, at 12:20 AM, Andrew Bernard wrote: > > Hi Tim, > > On 29 April 2016 at 13:48, Tim McNamara wrote: > >> Most mailing lists send a copy of the rules with the "welcome e-mail" that >> is sent someone subscribes to the list. It's been long enough that I don't >> remember what t

making a dashed line from one staff to another

2016-06-13 Thread DJF
I’m trying to draw a dashed line between notes in two staves. Ideally (using my example below), the line needs to start in the middle of the left-hand staff immediately above the first grace note and be long enough to end directly below the E-flat of the right hand. I can only manage one or the

Re: making a dashed line from one staff to another

2016-06-14 Thread DJF
Thank you, Andrew & Klaus. Both solutions are excellent and very helpful. I learn quite a lot every week from being on this list! Cheers, Dan ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Custom / Fine tuning vertical space between piano staff lines

2016-06-19 Thread DJF
On Jun 16, 2016, at 8:28 PM, Harald Christiansen wrote: > > I need to add some supplemental white space between piano staff lines (to > avoid a crowded look and near clashes). Harald, I think you were on the right track with staffgroup spacing, but sometimes implementing this stuff in scores

Re: Custom / Fine tuning vertical space between piano staff lines

2016-06-21 Thread DJF
On Jun 21, 2016, at 5:57 PM, Harald Christiansen wrote: > > So, I eventually ended up solving the problem by using \markup with a > two rows of blank strings attached to the E6, something like: > e^\markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 5) \column { " " " " } } i.e. > adding an empty box with the

Notes on wrong side of stem in triads

2016-10-16 Thread DJF
I’ve used Lilypond extensively—especially for organ music—and have never seen noteheads in a chord appear on the wrong side of the stem. Unfortunately, I can’t reproduce the enclosed problem in a minimal example because the same code works fine in a file by itself. This is in the left hand of an

Re: Notes on wrong side of stem in triads

2016-10-18 Thread DJF
tive! And no, removing the forced A natural sign doesn’t change anything. > 2016-10-17 9:48 GMT+02:00 Davide Liessi <>>: > 2016-10-17 3:46 GMT+02:00 DJF>>: > > Unfortunately, I can’t reproduce the enclosed problem in a min

Re: Dorico release and tutorials

2016-10-20 Thread DJF
On Oct 19, 2016, at 8:21 PM, Andrew Bernard wrote: > > There's no trial download version, and no educational or other discount > pricing. > Actually, at