Alignment issues of Time signature above the staff

2020-03-28 Thread Chen Leo
Hi, I am trying to put time signatures above the staffs according to "";. I discovered an issue, that is whenever a clef change is made, the time signature on the next bar fails to align to the bar line, it aligns to the cue clef in the previous bar inst

Re: Alignment issues of Time signature above the staff

2020-03-28 Thread Chen Leo
\new TimeSig \timeSignatures \new Staff \relative c' { c4 ^\markup \column {"a" "b" "c"} ( d4 e4 f4 ) a''4 ^\markup \column {"a" "b" "c"} ( g8 ) R2. c1 } \new Staff \relative c' { R1 R4. \clef bass a2. c1 } \ne

Re: Alignment issues of Time signature above the staff

2020-04-05 Thread Chen Leo
"below the time signature" "when using \\textLengthOn" } \textLengthOff d4 e4 f4 ) a''4 ( g8 ) R2. c1 } \new Staff \relative c' { R1 R4. \clef bass a2. \> \break c2 _\markup \column { " " "↑"

Re: Alignment issues of Time signature above the staff

2020-04-11 Thread Chen Leo
extLengthOff d4 e4 f4 ) a''4 ( g8 ) R2. c1 } \new Staff \relative c' { R1 R4. \clef bass a2. \> \break c2 _\markup \column { " " "↑" "Hairpin stops below the time signature" } c2\! } \new Staff \r

Re: Alignment issues of Time signature above the staff

2020-04-16 Thread Chen Leo
Hi Kevin, Thank you for your suggestion. I have looked into the source files of lilypond, and the original time-signature-engraver is written in c++. For people who understand lilypond's internals, is it possible

Re: Alignment issues of Time signature above the staff

2020-04-17 Thread Chen Leo
Hi Aaron, I've looked through the scheme code, and it doesn't seem like there is a variable that controls how much horizontal space is given to the other staves. So I wonder whether using a custom time signature engraver helps. Due to a problem with the format in which I replied e-mails, I apol

Re: Alignment issues of Time signature above the staff

2020-04-20 Thread Chen Leo
Hi Kevin, I will have to thank you again for all the help, this now works perfectly in my score! One more minor suggestion will be to add \override TimeSignature.break-align-symbol = #'staff-bar in the context of the dynamics, this removes the extra spaces between the cautionary time signature

Re: Alignment issues of Time signature above the staff

2020-04-23 Thread Chen Leo
Hi Kevin, After I made some adjustments to my score, I was still able to find a problem which only happens on rare occasions. That is, the bar widths don't expand according to the time signatures' width when time signatures exceed the bar lines (see attachment). Later I found out that this pro