Hi, I am trying to put time signatures above the staffs according to
I discovered an issue, that is whenever a clef change is made, the time
signature on the next bar fails to align to the bar line, it aligns to the cue
clef in the previous bar inst
\new TimeSig \timeSignatures
\new Staff \relative c' { c4 ^\markup \column {"a" "b" "c"} ( d4 e4 f4 )
^\markup \column {"a" "b" "c"} ( g8 ) R2. c1 }
\new Staff \relative c' { R1 R4. \clef bass a2. c1 }
"below the time signature"
"when using \\textLengthOn"
d4 e4 f4 )
a''4 ( g8 ) R2. c1 }
\new Staff \relative c' {
\clef bass
a2. \> \break
c2 _\markup \column {
" "
d4 e4 f4 )
a''4 ( g8 ) R2. c1 }
\new Staff \relative c' {
\clef bass
a2. \> \break
c2 _\markup \column {
" "
"Hairpin stops below the time signature"
} c2\! }
\new Staff \r
Hi Kevin,
Thank you for your suggestion.
I have looked into the source files of lilypond, and the original
time-signature-engraver is written in c++.
For people who understand lilypond's internals, is it possible
Hi Aaron,
I've looked through the scheme code, and it doesn't seem like there is a
variable that controls how much horizontal space is given to the other staves.
So I wonder whether using a custom time signature engraver helps.
Due to a problem with the format in which I replied e-mails, I apol
Hi Kevin,
I will have to thank you again for all the help, this now works perfectly in my
One more minor suggestion will be to add
\override TimeSignature.break-align-symbol = #'staff-bar
in the context of the dynamics, this removes the extra spaces between the
cautionary time signature
Hi Kevin,
After I made some adjustments to my score, I was still able to find a problem
which only happens on rare occasions. That is, the bar widths don't expand
according to the time signatures' width when time signatures exceed the bar
lines (see attachment).
Later I found out that this pro