Hi, I have a piece of music written in the key of G major and I want the
pitches to transpose to e minor. How do I do this.
When I use the command \transpose g e it changes to E major (all g notes are
Hi ponders, I have a piece of music with alternative ending. The last measure
prior to the alternative is a single voice has a tied note to both endings. I'v
e tried two methods but both methods produce similar error: {with no tie} Any
help would be appreciated.
*.ly:100:42: warning: unterminat
Cc: Butter Cream ; lilypond-user@gnu.org
Subject: Re: Ties across voices; tried two methods
Also: your tie needs to end in the same voice it started. \new Voice and the
<<\\>> construct both create other voices. If you remove \new Voice = “melody”
from your first attempt it will
I am trying to slur to the middle of a triplet, which engraves correclty , but
gives a warning. I'd like to get rid of the warning for a clean build.
Any solution?
(e4 d e d |
\tuplet 3/2 {e8 d) b~} b4 r2 |
log output:
warning: Unattached SlurEvent
(e4 d e d |