Problem with partcombine and shape notes

2016-12-29 Thread Bumby Hymnal
I've run into a problem with using \partcombine while using \aikenHeads. The problem is that under certain circumstances the aiken shape note heads are not used in the output of \partcombine. The strange thing is that it sometimes works. The following snippet shows 4 different voices. The first

Re: Problem with partcombine and shape notes

2016-12-31 Thread Bumby Hymnal
On Sat, Dec 31, 2016 at 4:57 AM, Malte Meyn wrote: > > \aikenHeads is a shorthand for \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(do re miMirror fa > sol la ti) which affects only the current Voice context. \partcombine uses > sometimes one and sometimes two voices so it’s not always the same Voice > context. This

How to control how extra horizontal space is distributed when ragged_right is false

2017-01-03 Thread Bumby Hymnal
Hello, I've been working on typesetting hymns, and part of our style is that we want the systems to be full width (ragged_right is false), but we also explicitly break systems on hymn phrase boundaries. That means that we often have more than a typical amount of extra white space available, which

Re: How to control how extra horizontal space is distributed when ragged_right is false

2017-01-03 Thread Bumby Hymnal
Thank you very much. I've spent alot of time in the first link you sent with little luck. But for some reason I've skipped over the overview. That section is very well written, I must say. It has helped tremendously. There are still problems I'd like to fix; but the ones based upon note duratio