Re: slashed noteheads

2008-10-26 Thread Bailey James E.
Yes, see section 1.1.4 of the Notation reference on NoteHeads. Am 25.10.2008 um 19:03 schrieb Stefan Thomas: Dear lilypond-users, is it possible to get slashed note-heads? ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: slashed noteheads

2008-10-26 Thread Bailey James E.
Where are you having difficulty? Am 25.10.2008 um 20:03 schrieb Stefan Thomas: Dear Bayley, sorry, I expressed it not quite clearly. I thought of a stroked out (hope this is the right expression in english) notehead. 2008/10/25 Bailey James E. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Yes, see section 1.

Re: Escaping text in title and composer?

2008-10-27 Thread Bailey James E.
title and composer accept normal text markups. I know nothing about web applications, but in a normal lilypond file, if I wanted the composer to be, say, "me\you", I would make it composer = \markup "me \you". Am 27.10.2008 um 03:33 schrieb Myron Marston: I have a web application (http://fra

Re: Definition of a word, was: Escaping text in title and composer?

2008-10-27 Thread Bailey James E.
al-and-error basis when lilypond fails (since my web app is setup to email me anytime an error occurs), but if someone knows the details of what characters will cause problems for lilypond and how to escape them, that would be really helpful. On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 1:08 AM, Bailey James E

line breaking help

2008-10-29 Thread Bailey James E.
I'm having some difficulty understanding where I'm going wrong. I have: Stimme = \relative d' { StimmeABC = \relative { c4 c2 << c2 {s4 \break } >> c2 c4 } StimmeXYZ = \relative d' { d2\fermata << r4 { s4 \break } >> f4 f4. f8 b2 } \score { \new Staff \new Voice \with { \remove

line breaking help

2008-10-29 Thread Bailey James E.
I'm having some difficulty understanding where I'm going wrong. I have: Stimme = \relative d' { StimmeABC = \relative { c4 c2 << c2 {s4 \break } >> c2 c4 } StimmeXYZ = \relative d' { d2\fermata << r4 { s4 \break } >> f4 f4. f8 b2 } \score { \new Staff \new Voice \with { \remove For

customising chords

2008-10-29 Thread Bailey James E.
I don't know if 2.7.2 on customising chords has been rewritten yet, but I'm having a difficult time understand how to customize chord names. First, to be absolutely clear, this is the first time I'm using \chords. Second, I've be reading and re-reading this section for about 10 minutes, and

Re: line breaking help

2008-10-29 Thread Bailey James E.
niel Hulme: On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 11:33:07PM +0100, Bailey James E. wrote: I'm having some difficulty understanding where I'm going wrong. I have: Well, if what you put in your mail is pasted straight from your file, it's easy. This line: Stimme = \relative d' { Stimme

Re: line breaking help

2008-10-29 Thread Bailey James E.
oh god, it's that easy? Am 30.10.2008 um 00:31 schrieb Neil Puttock: Hi James, 2008/10/29 Bailey James E. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: The first is directly from the documentation, and the second is from my actual musical example. Why doesn't mine work? You're not trying to

Re: Start lyrics of verse two at arbitrary point

2008-10-30 Thread Bailey James E.
There are two easy ways to start lyrics not at the beginning of the music: 1) Use skips in the lyrics to move them over, 2) define a different voice context in the music to align the lyrics to. You can find more specific ways to do these on the list archive or in the snippets. Am 31.10.2008

en and em spaces

2008-10-31 Thread Bailey James E.
I just realised this because of some trial and error, but en- and em- spaces are recognised by lilypond, but not treated as spaces. Particularly useful if you want to add comments at the end of the lyrics where there are no notes. ___ lilypond-us

Re: customising chords

2008-10-31 Thread Bailey James E.
Wow. For all intents and purposes, it's syrian to me, but I thank you for your time and diligence, and I will certainly try this out tomorrow. Am 31.10.2008 um 19:34 schrieb Roman Stawski: Hi James I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for but here's a snippet with examples ranging fro

Re: How to Update Syntax With Convert-ly on 2.11.61 on Mac OS 10.4

2008-10-31 Thread Bailey James E.
There's more in the archives, but is probably as good a place to start as any. Am 31.10.2008 um 23:02 schrieb Craig Bakalian: When I attempt to update my syntax on Mac OX with Lilypond 2.11.61 I am getting a request to upda

Re: customising chords

2008-11-01 Thread Bailey James E.
Again, thanks for all this. It's a bit too much for me at the moment, especially with a project due, but maybe one day in a couple of months, when I have time to break apart every piece of it and figure out what they all do, I'll get it. ___ lily

Re: Problem with grace note on first beat of first bar

2008-11-02 Thread Bailey James E.
Try adding \grace s8 to the other voice (which currently has no music). Am 02.11.2008 um 08:54 schrieb Peter Wright: Hi David, On 02/11 07:45:18, David Bobroff wrote: I only glanced at your PDF output but I suspect you've hit a known issue and there is a workaround. See:

Re: Problem with grace note on first beat of first bar

2008-11-02 Thread Bailey James E.
oops, sorry, I didn't realise what was going on there, you should move the clef change to the voice. \score { \new Staff << \new Voice { \clef treble \acciaccatura { \stemDown ais8 \stemNeutral } b4.-> } >>

Re: OT: A guide to compile lilypond on OSX

2008-11-02 Thread Bailey James E.
Unless I misunderstand your question, the best place for instructions is probably Nicolas Sceaux' at Am 02.11.2008 um 15:12 schrieb Jesús Guillermo Andrade: Hi. I wasn't sure if this is

german chords

2008-11-02 Thread Bailey James E.
I'm getting better with chordmode (I still don't really understand it, but that's okay). with the default chord settings, something like c:/g shows "C/G", with the german (or semiGerman) chord settings, c:/g shows "C/g". I'm okay with the difference, say, if I want a minor chord as the root

german chords

2008-11-03 Thread Bailey James E .
I think I've figured it out. If someone could just confirm for me (it seems to work okay) that this won't break anything fundamental, I'll add it to my \include file. partialGermanChords = { \set chordRootNamer = #(chord-name->german-markup #t) % \set chordNoteNamer = #note-name->german-m

Re: colliding rests puzzle

2008-11-03 Thread Bailey James E.
Your rests collide because they aren't where lilypond wants them. If you let lilypond place the rest, instead of specifically placing them (e2.\rest) then you'll see where lilypond wants them, you'll also shouldn't get that error. Am 03.11.2008 um 14:33 schrieb Tom Cloyd: If someone has a m

Re: Why do so many newcomers post to bug-lilypond?

2008-11-03 Thread Bailey James E.
Am 03.11.2008 um 15:12 schrieb Graham Percival: On Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 12:52:25AM +0100, Francisco Vila wrote: Which sometimes makes me think that the page is sooo bad that no one dares to comment it. Does anyone think it

Re: Why do so many newcomers post to bug-lilypond?

2008-11-03 Thread Bailey James E.
Am 03.11.2008 um 16:35 schrieb Toine Schreurs: Redundancy is not the solution. To which problem? Yes, in general, repetition is a good technique to become familiar with something unknown. The first read gives questionmarks, the second one gives the Aha's. But it is almost impossible to m

Re: Text markup stacking

2008-11-04 Thread Bailey James E.
Priority. See Controlling the vertical ordering of scripts in 1.3.1 Articulations and ornamentations Am 04.11.2008 um 14:09 schrieb Michael Käppler: Hi guys, following example: \version "2.11.63" << \relative c'' { a4^"blablablablablabla" g f e d1^"blablabla" } >> How can I decide whether

Re: Formatting of lyric syllables

2008-11-06 Thread Bailey James E.
Aha! this one I know. music = \new Voice = stimme \relative { c4 d e f g a h c } lyrik = \new Lyrics \lyricsto stimme { do \override Score . LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic re \revert Score . LyricText #'font-shape mi fa sol la \override Score . LyricText #'font-series = #'bold ti

Re: Formatting of lyric syllables

2008-11-06 Thread Bailey James E.
You mean onewordthatispartboldandpartregular? Oh, that would be difficult indeed, as Kieren indicated, \concat may be the only way. Am 06.11.2008 um 16:59 schrieb Till Rettig: Bailey James E. schrieb: Aha! this one I know. music = \new Voice = stimme \relative { c4 d e f g a h c

Re: convert-ly one point release behind

2008-11-06 Thread Bailey James E.
convert-ly -s shows the changes that convert-ly makes to a file between versions. You'll note that there are no syntax changes between 2.11.62 and 2.11.64. Additionally, you'll note on the lilypond front page, the changes in 2.11.62 and 2.11.63 are mostly documentation and translation updat

Re: Lyrics font problem

2008-11-09 Thread Bailey James E.
I don't know how you're trying to change the font, but LyricText supports font-interface, which has font-name as a user-settable property. Remember that for lyrics, you have to have a space on both sides of the period, i.e.: \override LyricText . font-name On 09.11.2008, at 03:24, 胡海鹏 Hu Hai

building documentation

2008-11-10 Thread Bailey James E.
I have just general questions bout building the documentation, texi2html or otherwise. I've been successfully building lilypond for a while for OSX 10.5, but I've never been able to build the documentation. It isn't a really big deal for me, I just disable the documentation in my configure

Re: LilyPond is excessively slow on Windows Vista

2008-11-12 Thread Bailey James E.
Am 12.11.2008 um 21:02 schrieb Jonathan Kulp: Francisco Vila wrote: 2008/11/12 Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: For the sake of testing, I booted into my Vista Home Premium partition and installed the latest Lilypond binary from the download page. I ran a lilypond file once and it took

Re: em dash problems

2008-11-12 Thread Bailey James E.
Am 12.11.2008 um 21:43 schrieb Nick Payne: I attempted to use an em dash on some fingerings. Two problems: 1. It causes the font size of the fingering number to increase by about 50% 2. There is a space between the em and the 1 See attached png, which is the output from \version "2.11.63"

download page links

2008-11-13 Thread Bailey James E.
I just noticed that the "first use" and "User help" links take new users to the 2.10 documentation. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

fontconfig caches

2008-11-13 Thread Bailey James E.
Since there's so much talk of fontconfig caches, I thought I'd ask a question. On my lilypond build, the fontconfig cache is recreated in the working directory. So, for ~/lilypond\ project\ 1/ when I compile that file, I'll get the fontconfig directory structure in ~/ lilypond\ projec

Re: 8ths on one line, smaller than regular notes, indicating "play as fast as you can"

2008-11-13 Thread Bailey James E.
those are grace notes, with some cross-staff beaming Am 13.11.2008 um 13:16 schrieb August Lilleaas: I have no idea what this particular kind of notation is called. Here's an image that has an example of the kind of notation I'm looking for.

Re: fontconfig caches

2008-11-13 Thread Bailey James E.
what am I looking for? I don't have /etc/fontconfig. BTW, I'm using osx 10.5 and I build lilypond from sources. Am 13.11.2008 um 15:01 schrieb Han-Wen Nienhuys: Look at /etc/fontconfig ; the default locations may be distribution dependent. On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 10:02 AM, Bail

Re: fontconfig caches

2008-11-14 Thread Bailey James E .
e per directory. I just wish I didn't have the annoying NONE/ all the time. Am 13.11.2008 um 20:25 schrieb Patrick McCarty: Hi James, On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 6:15 AM, Bailey James E. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: what am I looking for? I don't have /etc/fontconfig. BTW, I&

Re: Absolute newbie: how do I ... ?

2008-11-14 Thread Bailey James E.
Am 12.11.2008 um 13:49 schrieb guysnape: I've just got Lilypond working, I want to use it to print some music reading practice sheets for my son who is learning piano. Is it possible to produce a page containing the following? A text instruction (e.g. "Write the note name underneath each

Re: Lighter appearance

2008-11-14 Thread Bailey James E.
While I'm sure there is, I'll say that lilypond's heavier look is intentional (see . I'll say that the lighter look of the scores produced by most other programs makes them almost impossible for me to read, at the very le

Re: Absolute newbie: how do I ... ?

2008-11-14 Thread Bailey James E .
Sorry, totally forgot that _ has to be enclosd in quotes to show up. May bad. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Absolute newbie: how do I ... ?

2008-11-14 Thread Bailey James E .
and that the Bar_engraver lives in the Staff, not Score context. Gosh, I must be asleep. ___ lilypond-user mailing list