AW: Compress "empty" Bars when using a separate variable for structure

2020-01-27 Thread Aron Hanowski
Wow, thank you. I actually could have thought of that myself. Von: Pierre Perol-Schneider Gesendet: Montag, 27. Januar 2020 17:49 An: Cc: lilypond-user Betreff: Re: Compress "empty" Bars when using a separate variable for structure Hi, Try: struct = { \k

Center Table-of-Contents

2022-03-13 Thread Aron Hanowski
ike both of the horizontal lines to keep their width while having the ToC horizontally centered. Thanks in advance Aron Hanowski --- %%% SNIPPET STARTS \version "2.23.6" \paper {  tocItemMarkup = \tocItemWithDotsMarkup } \markup { \draw-hline } \markuplist {     \override #'(

Re: Center Table-of-Contents

2022-03-13 Thread Aron Hanowski
Hello Valentin, Jean and Thomas, many thanks. I'll definitely have a look at all these solutions. Greetings Aron On 13.03.2022 14:28, Jean Abou Samra wrote: Le 13/03/2022 à 14:21, Thomas Morley a écrit : Am So., 13. März 2022 um 12:32 Uhr schrieb Valentin Petzel : usually centering markups

AW: Polyrythmic Align Bars

2019-09-16 Thread Aron Hanowski
Hi, Thank You! That’s what I was looking for! Von: Pierre Perol-Schneider Gesendet: Montag, 16. September 2019 16:18 An: Cc: lilypond-user Betreff: Re: Polyrythmic Align Bars Hi, How about: \version "2.19.83" \layout { \context { \Score \re

AW: Custom Markup Command

2019-09-18 Thread Aron Hanowski
Yeah, I know that there is a better way. I added the chords to the melody with the "normal" method, but I need this if I just want to add one single chord to another instrument, without the need to set up a new chordstaff. But thanks, that is what I was looking for. > -Ursprüngliche Nachric