Dear list,
In the following example, I would like to:
1) In the first voice: make the tuplet line to the right of the number into
a dashed straight line.
2) In the second voice: fix the appearance of the last tuplet in the
measure so that the number does not clash with the bracket, and the bracket
Hi list,
I usually use the following snippet to handle glissandi across hidden
glissandoSkipOn = {
\override NoteColumn.glissando-skip = ##t
\hide NoteHead
\override Accidental.transparent = ##t
\override = ##t
is it possible to implement something simila
> From: Aaron Hill
> To:
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2020 22:54:31 -0700
> Subject: Re: can bendAfter be made to skip over notes?
> On 2020-10-26 7:37 pm, 98123981293 1293812397123 wrote:
> > Hi list,
> >
> > I usually u
Abjad is the most robust tool for this, as far as I'm aware. It won't run
well on windows, so consider using a Linux virtual box if you're a windows
This is a helpful guide for installation and learning:
A not very high resolution
Hi list,
Any idea why, when compiling this code, the first nested triplet displays
with the custom bracket of tuplet on the top level? I would like the
bracket of the first nested tuplet to just display as a normal triplet. I
was not able to find this addressed in the archive, but please point me
Dear list, will the Lilypond google "summer of code" program run in summer
2021? Who should I be in touch with regarding possible projects and
preparation? Thank you, Kyle
Dear list,
On list thread Apr 6 2020, Harm provided a Scheme workaround for
half-dashed tuplet brackets in non-standard time signatures in version
2.20. However, in using his solution in 2.21.6, if a /tempo marking is
included in *any* staff, I observe that, for the *first* staff in the
score, the
Dear list,
1) Can someone please clarify to me how to increase the distance between a
notehead and its augmentation dot in general? I'm trying to use
extra-spacing-width property, and while setting the cdr of the pair induces
the expected space between the dot and the next notehead, setting the ca