Re: is "pure positioning" done per score or per bookpart?

2022-06-16 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 16/06/2022 à 01:35, Jeff Olson a écrit : Jean, I'm studying your "Overview of LilyPond’s inner workings" ( and trying to correlate the processing steps you

Re: is "pure positioning" done per score or per bookpart?

2022-06-16 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 16/06/2022 à 23:42, Jeff Olson a écrit : Thanks as always for your detailed explanations, Jean. My interest stems from trying to understand memory usage at various stages and whether there's anything I can do to conserve memory, like perhaps inserting my own \breaks, but that's a whole 'not

Re: L-R reversed mensural flag

2022-06-17 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 17/06/2022 à 13:10, Vaughan McAlley a écrit : Modifying the existing stencil is pretty cool. I never quite got that far into the “Extending Lilypond” section… By "Extending Lilypond", do you mean the official extending manual? Or this?

Re: Passing arguments to grob-transformer

2022-06-17 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 18/06/2022 à 00:24, Leo Correia de Verdier a écrit : Dear list! I’m quite likely just being somewhat dim, but is there a way to pass additional arguments to a function used by grob-transformer (or any callback for that matter)? Would it be possible to do something equivalent to this fol

Re: filter the nth note

2022-06-19 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 19/06/2022 à 10:58, Stefan Thomas a écrit : Dear community, I would like to do something like the following, but automatically, without typing all the music again: allNotes= { c'8 g' e' g' d' g' f' g' c' g' e' g'   } someNotes = { c' d' c' } In other words: I would like to filter out ever

Re: framework-ps.scm error

2022-06-19 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 19/06/2022 à 18:17, neuro黃學仁 a écrit : lilypond-user Q. my windows10 being re-installed, I re-instlaled the lilypond 2.22.2-1 for windows. Then, I run lilypond for modified previous doing-well files, and it goes --- [mypath] > lilypond GNU LilyPond 2.22.2 甇??? ?? ??銝?..

Re: framework-ps.scm error

2022-06-19 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 20/06/2022 à 08:00, Andrew Bernard a écrit : This is not something to do with Unicode characters in filenames, is it? Or has that been fixed since I last heavily used lilypond? Since I see Simplified Chinese in the email, is this a Chinese localised version of Windows 10? There may well

Re: question concerning arranger tool

2022-06-20 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 20/06/2022 à 14:12, Stefan Thomas a écrit : Dear community, I try to understand more of the arranger tool, have a look at Could someone give an instructional example, what the functions copy-out can do and how it works? I generally think taht there sho

Re: problems with smufl fonts on Windows 10

2022-06-23 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Hi Dimitris, Le 23/06/2022 à 13:49, Dimitris Marinakis a écrit : I'm getting some errors with smufl fonts even though I've installed everything properly No UTF-8 characters in any of the paths. Lilypond 2.33.7 warning: no glyph for character U+E4CE in font `C:/WINDOWS/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf`

Re: simplify the program code

2022-06-26 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 26/06/2022 à 20:25, Лысов Дмитрий a écrit : Thanks. That's not bad. Probably, the insertion of the \markup block in \score should not be done. Then you will get one midi file. Still, it is more convenient to listen to individual midi files. 1. It is usually more convenient if you move glob

Re: Access header-modules from inside markup-command

2022-06-27 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 27/06/2022 à 12:12, Thomas Morley a écrit : Hi, provides a markup-command to access header-entries for use in arbitrary markup. Alas it's limited to $defaultheader. Although there is a comment to add/access other headers like from \score, \bookpar ex

Re: simplify the program code

2022-06-27 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 27/06/2022 à 12:22, Лысов Дмитрий a écrit : It is interesting. There is something to think about. Since you say this, I suppose you are not completely satisfied with this solution. What could be better about it? Jean

Re: Problem with a snippet "shorthand for triplets [0.21429]"

2022-06-27 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 27/06/2022 à 13:26, mark damerell a écrit : It came from: %% Here is part of it: % First version, with a single argument, i.e. the % syntax is \triplet{ c d e } triplet = #(define-music-function (music) (ly:music?)   #{ \tuplet 3/2 $music #}) \score

Re: shiftDurations and tempo

2022-06-27 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 27/06/2022 à 20:10, Simon Albrecht a écrit : Hello everyone, I’m trying to encode a piece such that I can switch whether or not durations will be shifted (note values halved/doubled). Unfortunately \tempo isn’t affected by \shiftDurations (that would be a sensible feature request, right

Re: shiftDurations and tempo

2022-06-27 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 28/06/2022 à 00:15, David Kastrup a écrit : David Kastrup writes: Jean Abou Samra writes: Le 27/06/2022 à 20:10, Simon Albrecht a écrit : Hello everyone, I’m trying to encode a piece such that I can switch whether or not durations will be shifted (note values halved/doubled

Re: Access header-modules from inside markup-command

2022-06-28 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 28/06/2022 à 01:27, Thomas Morley a écrit : I try to code sort of a tablature for Akkordzither. Instead of longish descriptions best look at the image at the bottom of Wow, that's quite challenging! Obviously I need sort of a

Re: lilybin is down - alternatives?

2022-06-30 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 30/06/2022 à 14:56, Paulo Matos a écrit : Hi is apparently down. Are there any alternatives? Regards, See the thread continuing here:

Re: Override multiple properties in one statement?

2022-06-30 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 30/06/2022 à 22:04, Ahanu Banerjee a écrit : Hello, Is it possible to override or tweak multiple properties of one object at once, using one statement? i.e., without typing "\tweak" or "\override" multiple times?  (Of course, defining a new function consisting of multiple statements is

Re: Moving /downbow & /upbow to the tablature

2022-06-30 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 30/06/2022 à 22:11, Viktor Mastoridis a écrit : the reason for why you do not get these above the tablature is because the context definition for TabStaff (in ly/ ) explicitely sets a few stencils to #f. So to get Scripts in you

Re: \repeat unfold has problems inside \repeat volta

2022-07-02 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 02/07/2022 à 16:04, Simon Albrecht a écrit : Hi David and others, On 01/07/2022 12:32, David Kastrup wrote: I don't think so.  The problem is that repeats now support putting the \alternative phrase inside of the construct since that is a saner way of doing things.  But the previous way i

Re: \repeat unfold has problems inside \repeat volta

2022-07-02 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 02/07/2022 à 16:04, Simon Albrecht a écrit : Hi David and others, On 01/07/2022 12:32, David Kastrup wrote: I don't think so.  The problem is that repeats now support putting the \alternative phrase inside of the construct since that is a saner way of doing things.  But the previous way i

LilyPond on macOS (was: \repeat unfold has problems inside \repeat volta)

2022-07-02 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 02/07/2022 à 18:14, Carl Sorensen a écrit : On Sat, Jul 2, 2022 at 8:55 AM Jean Abou Samra wrote: Le 02/07/2022 à 16:04, Simon Albrecht a écrit : > Hi David and others, > > On 01/07/2022 12:32, David Kastrup wrote: >> I don't think so.  The pro

Re: LilyPond on macOS (was: \repeat unfold has problems inside \repeat volta)

2022-07-02 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 02/07/2022 à 18:35, Carl Sorensen a écrit : On Sat, Jul 2, 2022 at 10:23 AM Jean Abou Samra wrote: Le 02/07/2022 à 18:14, Carl Sorensen a écrit : > I can't currently run 2.23.10 on my Mac, so I can't try it, What is the problem you are encountering?

Re: \repeat unfold has problems inside \repeat volta

2022-07-02 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 02/07/2022 à 19:54, Michael Gerdau a écrit : What I would need is a "This has changed" summary for new releases. Such as this? :-)

Re: \repeat unfold has problems inside \repeat volta

2022-07-03 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 03/07/2022 à 21:33, Simon Albrecht a écrit : On 02/07/2022 18:20, Jean Abou Samra wrote: Simon, you moved this from bug-lilypond to lilypond-user. Was that intentional? Did I? I’m sure I just clicked Reply All, and the thread as I received is on the user list… this e-mail of yours is the

Re: Lilypond not generating PDF

2022-07-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 04/07/2022 à 10:26, Andrew Bernard a écrit : I do know know how to _not_ install it with admin rights as the sole user, me, has admin permissions. I don't see that one should have to make a non admin user for LilyPond, and if so, why is it not in the basic instructions? It is not mentioned a

Re: Lilypond not generating PDF

2022-07-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 04/07/2022 à 10:50, Andrew Bernard a écrit : I'm only doing this ion behalf of the OP. But I'm sure he'd agree with me that this is confusing, as one normally expects basic initial instructions to have been tested and work. Especially since this is the Stable Release. The LilyPad app was

Re: Multimeasure rest shape and polymeter

2022-07-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 04/07/2022 à 06:20, Adam M. Griggs a écrit : Hello list, \enablePolymeter seems to be messing with multimeasure rests. In particular, MM rests with the shape of a breve rest are being rendered as semibreve MM rests. Please see the following code: \version "2.23.10" music = { \time 2/2 R1

Re: error handling

2022-07-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra
On 7/5/22 00:22, Thomas Morley wrote: Currently I'm doing some huge scheme-coding. Again and again I get error messages like: $ lilydevel GNU LilyPond 2.23.9 (running Guile 2.2) [...] Processing `' Parsing...srfi/srfi-1.scm:432:2: In procedure last: In procedure c

Re: error handling

2022-07-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra
On 7/5/22 01:10, Thomas Morley wrote: Am Di., 5. Juli 2022 um 00:34 Uhr schrieb Jean Abou Samra : I just detected I can't compile my code with 2.22. any more, due to the internal changes in \repeat volta. Ofcourse it could have been any other change as well. Should I code for both lily-ver

Re: Lilypond not generating PDF

2022-07-06 Thread Jean Abou Samra
On 7/4/22 11:06, Jean Abou Samra wrote: Do you volunteer to go update the installation instructions for the new binaries ( and test them on Linux + macOS + Windows? That would be very welcome (no irony intended). Well, saying that actually

Re: error handling

2022-07-06 Thread Jean Abou Samra
On 7/5/22 01:10, Thomas Morley wrote: Am Di., 5. Juli 2022 um 00:34 Uhr schrieb Jean Abou Samra : I just detected I can't compile my code with 2.22. any more, due to the internal changes in \repeat volta. Ofcourse it could have been any other change as well. Should I code for both

Re: Looking for the proper term to search for... like a... prelude? maybe?

2022-07-06 Thread Jean Abou Samra
On 7/5/22 16:03, Kevin Cole wrote: But your answer makes more sense to me and is what I really want to go with. (The introduction starts with a "\partial" and ends with an incomplete measure also. Then, when the vocals start it's another "\partial".) I just have no idea what the syntax for star

Re: Error message using AikenHeads with NullVoice

2022-07-06 Thread Jean Abou Samra
On 7/6/22 19:56, David F. wrote: I have a collection of SATB hymns that I would like to engrave using shape notes. The Lilypond files are all structured the same, as seen below—treble clef with music and a NullVoice for aligning lyrics, then the lyrics, then the bass clef. % \version

Re: Error message using AikenHeads with NullVoice

2022-07-07 Thread Jean Abou Samra
On 7/7/22 18:23, David F. wrote: On Jul 7, 2022, at 1:59 AM, Valentin Petzel wrote: A different way to approach the problem would be to also specify something like \context { \NullVoice shapeNoteStyles = ##() } It is still questionable why NullVoice would hickup on simply chang

Re: Double ossia with tabulature issue

2022-07-07 Thread Jean Abou Samra
On 7/8/22 02:23, Neo Anderson wrote: Hi! I've been trying to add an ossia to an existing guitar part with the tabulature. However, I run into this issue that the ossia gets doubled as long as the tab part is uncommented. As soon as I don't use the tab staff, everything is fine. I guess i

Re: Part of staff does not obey alignAboveContext

2022-07-09 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Le 9 juil. 2022 à 13:09, David Kastrup a écrit : > > Whether this constitutes a bug, I am not really sure. It definitely > constitutes a curiosity. Sounds like Best, Jean

Re: lilypond-book texinfo and a two-book-ly-file

2022-07-09 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 09/07/2022 à 13:41, Thomas Morley a écrit : Hi, for some huge custom code I'm going to write some documentation using texinfo. I started to set up the file manual.tely. In terminal then: lilypond-book manual.tely texi2html manual.texi At some point I have: @lilypondfile[quote]{.

Re: Error with -dbackend=null (Lilypond 2.23.10)

2022-07-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Le 10 juil. 2022 à 12:43, Paolo Prete a écrit : > >  > Hello, > > lilypond -dbackend=null produces the following error: > > GNU LilyPond 2.23.10 (running Guile 2.2) > Processing `' > Parsing... > warning: no \version statement found, please add > \version "2.23.10" >

Re: Download of 2.23.7-9

2022-07-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Le 10 juil. 2022 à 12:39, Paolo Prete a écrit : > >  > Hello, > > When looking inside: > > > > ...I see that 2.23.7,8,9 are not available for download. Why? > > Thanks! That’s You can fi

Re: `ly:context-property` and empty alist

2022-07-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Le 10 juil. 2022 à 13:47, Werner LEMBERG a écrit : > >  > The documentation of `ly:context-property` is as follows. > > -- Function: ly:context-property context sym def > > Return the value for property SYM in CONTEXT. If DEF is given, > and property value is ‘'()’, return DEF.

Re: Error with -dbackend=null (Lilypond 2.23.10)

2022-07-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Hello, Please keep the list posted. Le 10/07/2022 à 14:19, Paolo Prete a écrit : It Is very useful when I have to quickly correct syntax errors on a code that doesn't compile: given that It doesn't produce output, It shortens the time required for compiling. Is there an alternative that I can

Re: `ly:context-property` and empty alist

2022-07-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 10/07/2022 à 14:32, Valentin Petzel a écrit : Hello Werner, the problem here is not really ly:context-property, but the C-implementation Context::internal_get_property, which uses SCM_EOL as default value. So Lilypond’s guile interface cannot know if a NULL is actually set or if the contex

Re: Error with -dbackend=null (Lilypond 2.23.10)

2022-07-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 10/07/2022 à 17:38, Paolo Prete a écrit : I just used -dno-print-pages as an alternative, and it works. Will it be removed too in the future? I can't speak for future developers of LilyPond. On the other hand, unlike -dbackend=null, -dno-print-pages is documented with an explanation of its

Re: Mark formatter changed in v2.23?

2022-07-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 10/07/2022 à 22:55, Benjamin Tordoff a écrit : Hi all, I was super excited to see the new D.S. and D.C. support coming in the next release (I have several scores where I've had to fake this) so decided to take a chance and upgrade to the devel release. Mostly everything works fine, but I

Re: Mark formatter changed in v2.23?

2022-07-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 10/07/2022 à 23:14, Benjamin Tordoff a écrit : Thanks for the rapid response - I’ll run the update. I’ve never tried Frescobaldi, but maybe I should! (I’ve been using lilypond from the command line for 20+ years and for hundreds of scores and parts so old habits are hard to break!) I w

Re: which installation files contain code for notehead styles?

2022-07-11 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 11/07/2022 à 22:55, Hans Aikema a écrit : On 11 Jul 2022, at 21:56, Karlin High wrote: On 7/11/2022 1:01 PM, jerome talkington wrote: file containing the code for predefined notehead styles I am not the greatest expert on this. But seems to have many things like t

A new Scheme tutorial

2022-07-11 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Hi, Last year, after I delivered a presentation on Scheme at a French-speaking virtual meeting of LilyPond users, I was asked if I could write that down in tutorial form, which I did as Over the past few days, I've set some time apart to translate that into

Re: bar number alignment

2019-05-26 Thread Jean ABOU SAMRA
> Many thanks for your help. Best regards, Jean Abou Samra. > Le 26 mai 2019 à 09:08, Pierre Perol-Schneider > a écrit : > > Close! Thank you Aaron. > I'd change the sign though : \override Score.BarNumber.self-alignment-X = > #(lambda (grob) (+ (ly:item-break-dir gro

Re: Error message

2019-06-25 Thread Jean ABOU SAMRA
Mac OS can investigate further with an example that triggers the issue? Regards, Jean Abou Samra > -- Aaron Hill > > ___ > lilypond-user mailing list > > https://li

Re: Lilypond 2.19.83

2019-07-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra
These mis-predicted force programming errors look like this issue: ticket only mentions this problem appearing on Windows but I had also encountered it on Mac OS starting from LilyPond 2.21.0 (pre-release) but not 2.19.83, which is exactly yo

Re: Controlling midi dynamics

2019-07-15 Thread Jean ABOU SAMRA
c-absolute-volume-function a'8\pp b' cis'' d'' e''-.\ff d''-. cis''-. b'-. a' } \midi { } \layout { } } You understand that default 'piano' is not so pian

Re: Controlling midi dynamics

2019-07-16 Thread Jean ABOU SAMRA
hy define the alist empty to append to it later? And why not just use assoc-get? It could be easily improved. Best regards, Jean Abou Samra > Le 15 juil. 2019 à 18:26, David Sumbler a écrit : > > Hi Jean > > That's great - I certainly now can get a greater range of dynamic

Re: Incorrect letter spacing in header

2019-07-18 Thread Jean ABOU SAMRA <> and your corrected code below. This produces correct output. Regards, Jean Abou Samra. \version "2.21.0" notes = \relative c&#x

Re: Incorrect letter spacing in header

2019-07-18 Thread Jean ABOU SAMRA
(see previous message) fixed it in 2.18.2 and 2.19.83. Jean Abou Samra ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to increase the distance between staves?

2019-07-24 Thread Jean ABOU SAMRA
ion/fixed-vertical-spacing-paper-variables.html>). Regards, Jean Abou Samra. > Le 24 juil. 2019 à 13:54, Peter Toye a écrit : > > I want to increase the distance between the staves in a short 1-page piece. > I've tried the following (culled from the notation refer

Re: How to increase the distance between staves?

2019-07-24 Thread Jean ABOU SAMRA
> Le 24 juil. 2019 à 18:03, Thomas Morley a écrit : > > Am Mi., 24. Juli 2019 um 14:26 Uhr schrieb Jean ABOU SAMRA > : >> >> Hi Peter, >> Any overrides you can do in StaffGrouper are related to the space between >> staves >> of the _same_ system whe

Re: Strange results from simultaneous RehearsalMarks

2019-07-28 Thread Jean ABOU SAMRA
> Your code is based on a LSR-snippet, you may try some of the others dealing > with simultaneous RehearsalMarks. In particular: to prin

Re: Generating a spiccato

2022-07-13 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 13/07/2022 à 11:45, Jacques Menu a écrit : Hello folks, Here is the info I’ve been supplied with about this: In MusixXML, this sign is (The element | MusicXML 4.0 ( ), the same sign is named \staccatissim

Re: Frescobaldi incantation for lilypond docker image?

2022-07-13 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 13/07/2022 à 16:31, Graham King a écrit : I'm looking for a way to run a recent lilypond version on Ubuntu 18.04. Currently, I have a docker image[1] of lilypond 2.23.10 that I can invoke successfully from the command line, using: docker run -v $(pwd):/app -w /app jeandeaual/lilypond:deve

Re: Installing Lilypond 2.23.10

2022-07-13 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 13/07/2022 à 19:04, David Sumbler a écrit : The last version of Lilypond I installed was 2.23.5.  For that I have a shell script entitled , and similar scripts for previous development and stable versions. Having updated my OS to Ubuntu 22.04 I want to install

Re: Installing Lilypond 2.23.10

2022-07-13 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Hello, Please keep the list in CC so that everyone can chime in and benefit from the answers. Le 13/07/2022 à 20:26, David Sumbler a écrit : Thank you for that.  Yes, I should have noticed that the contents of the tar file were not source code.  As it is, though, I'm not entirely sure what to

Re: Installing Lilypond 2.23.10

2022-07-14 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 14/07/2022 à 18:33, David Sumbler a écrit : On Wed, 2022-07-13 at 23:00 +0200, Jean Abou Samra wrote: Le 13/07/2022 à 20:26, David Sumbler a écrit : Thank you for that.  Yes, I should have noticed that the contents of the tar file were not source code.  As it is, though, I'm not ent

Re: Installing Lilypond 2.23.10

2022-07-14 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 15/07/2022 à 02:56, Jean Abou Samra a écrit : Hm. Does this help? sudo find /usr/local/lilypond/usr/lib/lilypond/2.23.10/ -name "*.go" -exec touch {} \; Wait, rather try sudo find /usr/local/lilypond/ -name "*.go" -exec touch {} \;

Re: Code pointer from end-BarLine to previous NoteHead.?

2022-07-16 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Le 16 juil. 2022 à 13:01, Thomas Morley a écrit : > > Hi, > > I'm trying to code an engraver setting a pointer from BarLine to > previous NoteHead and an override for BarLine.Y-offset acting upon > that pointer. > It does not work, if the BarLine is at end. > > Here a stripped down exampl

Re: Code pointer from end-BarLine to previous NoteHead.?

2022-07-16 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 16/07/2022 à 20:47, Thomas Morley a écrit : Hi Jean, thanks for the hint. Alas, the code below _ensures_ the NoteHead _before_ the BarLine is taken (if I'm wrong here, I am completely lost), and again the override for BarLine.Y-offset fails. Ah, yes, sigh. This is caused by prebreak substit

Re: Code pointer from end-BarLine to previous NoteHead.?

2022-07-17 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 17/07/2022 à 01:25, Thomas Morley a écrit : Thanks for your explanations, right now I had only a quick glance over them. I'll hopefully have some time soon to dive into it... Nevertheless, before I posted the problem I searched for an 'original'-BarLine-grob, as we have for broken spanners

Re: Piping contents of SVG directly to stdout

2022-07-17 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 15/07/2022 à 21:15, DoubleFelix a écrit : Hello, I'm using lilypond to programmatically generate sheet music. I already have a system in place to crop the SVGs, but now I need to load them in my software. I could use the default behavior of letting lilypond write to some file, and then rea

Re: subito PP

2022-07-17 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 17/07/2022 à 10:11, Benjamin Tordoff a écrit : Hi all, I'm typesetting a score that uses "subito p" and "subito pp" in a couple of places. I've found snippets explaining how to get this to look right (subito in normal italics, the "p" or "pp" in dynamic font), and another snippet showing ho

Re: subito PP

2022-07-17 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 17/07/2022 à 19:14, Benjamin Tordoff a écrit : Thanks David & Jean, both approaches work well and look good. The original indications were left aligned to the note so the alignment adjustment isn't needed in this case. I have no idea if one of these is technically superior to the other, a

Re: grace note arpeggio tied to chord

2022-07-17 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 17/07/2022 à 20:00, Jim Cline a écrit : Hello, sorry if I missed it, but I did not find it by searching the archives.  I would like to have a grace note arpeggio where each note is tied to the chord that follows: \grace{g16~ c~ e~}4 I only get the tie between the e's, not the other note

Re: Piping contents of SVG directly to stdout

2022-07-17 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Hi, Please keep the list posted, which allows everyone to comment and benefit from the answers. Le 17/07/2022 à 22:11, DoubleFelix a écrit : Oh I see. Thank you! While we're here, do you have any tips for speeding up lilypond generation times? If you're using the SVG backend, it is likely t

Re: Piping contents of SVG directly to stdout

2022-07-17 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Again, please keep the list in the recipients. In your mail client, click "Reply to all", not "Reply". Le 17/07/2022 à 23:19, DoubleFelix a écrit : Oh I see. I looked at compiling LilyPond, but I'm windows and it seems like a pain (I have to set up some VM for a custom OS is what I got from th

Re: Code pointer from end-BarLine to previous NoteHead.?

2022-07-17 Thread Jean Abou Samra
I tried to use ly.grob-original, though, in the real code it first returned #. Namely a dead grob, on which ly:grob-suicide! was called, and on which grob::is-live? will return #f. That's the sort of thing that can happen if your callback gets called after line breaking, at a point where t

Re: Tempo arguments

2022-07-17 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 18/07/2022 à 00:35, David F. a écrit : \tempo 4 = 90 How is tempo able to take ‘4 = 90’ as an argument? Is this hardwired into the language or can any function take ‘x = y’ as an argument? It is hardwired. Music functions cannot take arguments with '='. Jean

Re: Code pointer from end-BarLine to previous NoteHead.?

2022-07-17 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 18/07/2022 à 00:44, David Kastrup a écrit : Jean Abou Samra writes: [Harm:] You are aware that you are not talking to a C++ programmer? Not exactly a motivating message under the circumstances... I learnt C++ (like many things) by pretending I was a C++ programmer while I wasn't

Re: Code pointer from end-BarLine to previous NoteHead.?

2022-07-18 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 18/07/2022 à 00:59, David Kastrup a écrit : Harm is not a C programmer either. Scheme is his only language and he learnt it because of LilyPond. So he has no exposure to the low-level nature of C++, nor to the basics of imperative programming languages that are sort of a required firm footin

Re: error handling

2022-07-18 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 17/07/2022 à 23:33, Thomas Morley a écrit : Sorry for the delayed reply! I now tried to make some steps for scm-files/ly:load/autocompile. Though, as far as I can tell ly:load doesn't work with relative pathes. As said on the issue, I misremembered what ly:load does, sorry. Use add-to-load

Re: Installing Lilypond 2.23.10

2022-07-18 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 17/07/2022 à 17:03, David Sumbler a écrit : At the moment I am testing it on a short file - in fact, your "grow-in-up-direction" example from the Extending Lilypond document.  Compiling it is taking over 80 seconds each time; after the first time, I would expect a file like this to take only

Re: Piping contents of SVG directly to stdout

2022-07-19 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 19/07/2022 à 04:59, DoubleFelix a écrit : So I have my Ubuntu VM setup and per the link from Jean, I've ran autogen, but when I try to do "../configure --enable-cairo-backend", it says "configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH". How should I fix this? Have you installed t

Re: Piping contents of SVG directly to stdout

2022-07-19 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 18/07/2022 à 20:54, William a écrit : Thanks for this, David. As unfortunately my method (set \header{tagline=##f} and run lilypond -dbackend=eps —png doesn’t work for SVGs. I haven't completely understood the discussion, but it sounds like you just want to use lilypond --svg -d

Re: Code pointer from end-BarLine to previous NoteHead.?

2022-07-19 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 18/07/2022 à 18:43, Lukas-Fabian Moser a écrit : Forgive me for piping up: I'm not able to say what happened, I'm not able to debug because of that unhelpful (oh, I'm very polite this evening) guile messages, see the other thread. I'm overtired like hell, close to trashing the whole proje

Re: Code pointer from end-BarLine to previous NoteHead.?

2022-07-19 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 18/07/2022 à 19:28, Thomas Morley a écrit : Am Mo., 18. Juli 2022 um 18:43 Uhr schrieb Lukas-Fabian Moser : I regularly switch back to old Guile v1.8 LilyPond versions (that's very easy in Frescobaldi) if my Scheme code gets to complicated for me - this happens quite often :-) - and I want t

Re: Code pointer from end-BarLine to previous NoteHead.?

2022-07-19 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 19/07/2022 à 15:00, David Kastrup a écrit : Jean Abou Samra writes: Meanwhile, like Lukas, I have been unashamedly switching back to 2.22 when I wished a better diagnostic. This is what we advise most users to use, so I'm not bothered. The issue is marked as a regression, so it will

Re: Piping contents of SVG directly to stdout

2022-07-19 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 19/07/2022 à 15:43, DoubleFelix a écrit : Have you installed the necessary packages as explained in Ah, I had to install a C compiler. I just found instructions for how to do that o

Re: Installing Lilypond 2.23.10

2022-07-19 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 19/07/2022 à 18:26, David Sumbler a écrit : I should think that most users only use one version at a time, unless they have the understanding to help in testing development versions, in which case they would probably know that they can have several versions. There are also those who write

Re: debug scheme part working with Frescobaldi

2022-07-20 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 20/07/2022 à 08:22, Eef Weenink a écrit : I use 2.22 and  (from Giles Thibault) My question is more general. (and maybe mostly related to Frescobaldi as an enviroment). I have several lines of scheme, somewhere is probably an syntax error. The only message

Re: Change to \rest markup in 2.23

2022-07-20 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 20/07/2022 à 05:57, David F. a écrit : In 2.23, the rest markup command changed from taking a string to taking a duration. \version "2.22" \markup \rest #"4.." \version "2.23" \markup \rest { 4.. } It would be nice if this change were backward compatible, at least for a version or two.

Re: Change to \rest markup in 2.23

2022-07-20 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 20/07/2022 à 14:57, David Kastrup a écrit : The rule was used for converting all the old stuff in the repo, so it wasn't broken at one point of time. This would suggest either a Python update effect or some editing. Or for some reason this particular input escapes the pattern match. I'll

Re: Installing Lilypond 2.23.10

2022-07-21 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 20/07/2022 à 17:52, David Sumbler a écrit : This worked perfectly, although I don't fully understand it.  At first I assumed that your 'LilyPond-lilypond-command' was a typo for 'LilyPond-command-lilypond', but that wasn't recognized as a command whereas your version was.  I now see that you

Re: SVG bounding box

2022-07-21 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 21/07/2022 à 18:26, Paulo Matos a écrit : Hi, I am trying to remove the bounding box around a specific snippet of music. For example: \version "2.22.2" \header { tagline = "" } \score { \relative c' { c4 } \layout {} } Initially I thought that what I wanted was crop

Re: Passage to 2.23 still a problem with scheme

2022-07-21 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 21/07/2022 à 22:26, Vincent Gay a écrit : Good evening to all I frequently use opening and closing parenthesis to frame not only one note or chord but several. For example : or The lsr snippet : here

Re: Undertie in lyrics to show no breath

2022-07-22 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 22/07/2022 à 10:27, Simon Albrecht a écrit : Hi mancunius, On 20/07/2022 12:34, mancunius wrote: Hello. In the following example I want the undertie to be placed between the 2 “O sacrum convivium” lines of lyrics, to indicate that no breath should be taken by the singers - as per the nor

Re: Ties between voices

2022-07-22 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 23/07/2022 à 03:49, Andrew Bernard a écrit : I know that we can't natively make ties between notes in different voices. I know that there was a Google Summer of Code task that could not be completed. This is such a critical feature for keyboard music. When there are hundreds of such ties i

Re: Ties between voices

2022-07-22 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 23/07/2022 à 08:11, Andrew Bernard a écrit : I thought there may be a roadmap that contributors create? Or is current development just more or less ad hoc? Like most community-driven free software projects, LilyPond is developed as a hobby by contributors who do that each for their own reas

Re: \vshape and custom curve-stencil for TextSpanner

2022-07-23 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Hi Harm, Le 23/07/2022 à 10:59, Thomas Morley a écrit : I'm attempting to create a s-curve stencil for TextSpanner. While so far all works as wished and it is possibel to use \shape, \vshape doesn't print the control-points. What am I missing? \shape works because it's an override/tweak to

Re: Ambitus + Cue gives spurious note column warning

2022-07-23 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 23/07/2022 à 15:58, Richard Shann a écrit : The combination of Ambitus and a cue seems to provoke a strange warning: 8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8>< \version "2.22" MvmntIVoiceI = { c'1 c'} MvmntIVoiceII = { \cueDuringWithClef #"1 Treble on

Re: Ties between voices

2022-07-23 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 23/07/2022 à 12:49, Lukas-Fabian Moser a écrit : Hi Andrew, Am 23.07.22 um 03:49 schrieb Andrew Bernard: I know that we can't natively make ties between notes in different voices. I know that there was a Google Summer of Code task that could not be completed. A few weeks ago, I sent y

Re: Ties between voices

2022-07-23 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 23/07/2022 à 19:14, Jean Abou Samra a écrit : to = #(define-music-function (ctx mus) (symbol? ly:music?)    (make-music 'ContextExclusiveMusic 'target ctx 'element mus)) P.S. With some parser fiddling (and at the cost of making \to a reserved identifier), it should be possi

Re: A new Scheme tutorial (Jean Abou Samra)

2022-07-23 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Thanks a lot Peter and others (privately) for your suggestions. Sorry for the very late reply, I've been distracted by other things. Your comments are most appreciated. Le 13/07/2022 à 18:15, Peter Toye a écrit : This looks great! Just what I'd needed a couple of years back when I was still pro

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