Help with scheme

2024-08-21 Thread Michael Gerdau
Dear lilyponders, I've donwloaded some older lilypond sources (version 2.18.2) from and am trying to make them work with 2.25.18. Most things are straight forward however there is some scheme code that allows to switch between different clefs. Could someone with better scheme fu th

Re: Help with scheme

2024-08-21 Thread William Rehwinkel via LilyPond user discussion
Dear Michael, When I change #(define *clefs-option* (ly:get-option 'clefs)) to #(define *clefs-option* 'gamba) and (#t (define *use-gamba-clefs* #t)) to (#t (set! *use-gamba-clefs* #t)) ; note "set!" lilypond 2.25.18 compiles the code without any errors. But I don't know if this will ma

Merge two pitches of different

2024-08-21 Thread Volodymyr Prokopyuk
Hi, The the following snippet [image: image.png] How can the last pitch A from both voices be merged? I understand that durations of the two pitches are different, so the default pitch merging does not happen. How can I achieve the desired duration of the pitch A in the first voice? I want to achi

Re: Merge two pitches of different

2024-08-21 Thread Jean Brefort
Hi, May be something like: << \new Voice = voiceOne \relative { \voiceOne \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn b''8.*10/9 a16*2/3 } \new Voice = voiceTwo \relative { \voiceTwo \tuplet 3/2 { b''16 fis d } \tuplet 3/2 { b d a' } } >> Hope this helps, Jean B.

Re: Merge two pitches of different

2024-08-21 Thread Volodymyr Prokopyuk
Hi Jean, It worked! Thank you! On Wed, Aug 21, 2024 at 6:59 PM Jean Brefort wrote: > Hi, > > May be something like: > > << > \new Voice = voiceOne \relative { > \voiceOne > \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn > b''8.*10/9 a16*2/3 > } > \new Voice = voiceTwo \relative { >


2024-08-21 Thread Dimitri Sykias
How can I format text in \auto-footnote? For example: \markup {Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina was an Italian composer of late \auto-footnote "Renaissance" "Renaissance music is traditionally understood to cover European music of the 15th and 16th centuries." music. } I want "Renaissance musi

Aligning lyrics in multi-section song

2024-08-21 Thread Laurie Savage
Hi, I have a standard 32-bar song with the following structure: Intro-AA-B-A-"Outro". Laid out like this - Introduction volta 2 ||: 8 bars :|| Intro lyric 1 Intro lyric 2 Verse 1 & 2 volta 2 ||: 8 bars :|| Stanza 1 lyric Stanza 2 lyric Chorus/Bridge || 8 bars || Chorus lyric Verse 1 reprise

Inserting an inline Tie/Slur Symbol in LaTeX Documents Using LilyPond or Other Methods

2024-08-21 Thread Peter X
Dear LilyPond Community, I am currently working on a project where I need to incorporate musical notation symbols directly into a LaTeX document. Specifically, I am looking for a way to insert a tie or slur symbol (the curved line connecting two notes) as an inline element within the text. I unde

Re: Footnote

2024-08-21 Thread William Rehwinkel via LilyPond user discussion
Dear Dimitri, Actually, the \auto-footnote function operates a little weirdly (at least it didn't seem intuitive to me). The `text` and `footnote` in `\auto-footnote text footnote` are just the contents of the markup, so you write what you would write inside the brackets of \markup{}. Like b

Re: Footnote

2024-08-21 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> Actually, the \auto-footnote function operates a little weirdly (at > least it didn't seem intuitive to me). The `text` and `footnote` in > > `\auto-footnote text footnote` > > are just the contents of the markup, so you write what you would > write inside the brackets of \markup{}. It's not we

Re: Footnote

2024-08-21 Thread William Rehwinkel via LilyPond user discussion
Dear Werner, Oh, because it's all in a `\markup` bad. Probably because we can do % --- \version "2.25.18" \relative c' { \footnote #'(1 . 1) \markup {hello} c4 \footnote #'(1 . 1) "hello" c4 %\footnote #'(1 . 1) {hello} c4 % error %\footnote #'(1 . 1) \wordwrap {hell

Re: Footnote

2024-08-21 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> %\footnote #'(1 . 1) {hello} c4 % error > %\footnote #'(1 . 1) \wordwrap {hello} c4 % error Within a markup, `{ ... }` does *not* produce a markup argument! Instead, it produces a *markup list*. `\markup` itself is special; it accepts either a markup or a markup list as an argument. Howeve

Re: Inserting an inline Tie/Slur Symbol in LaTeX Documents Using LilyPond or Other Methods

2024-08-21 Thread David Wright
On Wed 21 Aug 2024 at 19:12:04 (-0700), Peter X wrote: > Additionally, if there is a specific glyph that represents a tie/slur > symbol that can be used within LaTeX, I would be interested in learning > about that as well. htt

Re: Help with scheme

2024-08-21 Thread Michael Gerdau
Dear William, thanks a lot for your help. With your changes I got the scores to compile. With the problem of getting the score compiled solved I investigated how possibly those options could be set or used. There is no documentation included as to how the option clefs is supposed to work. Ther