>> Note, however, that a lot of Emmentaler glyphs have been renamed
>> since the original release of the cadence fonts, and these glyphs
>> will certainly fail because LilyPond won't be able to find them.
>> In other words, your simple example works by chance only.
> Were that many glyphs rena
Hi Werner,
Wouldn’t ly:pitch-diff save some of your work?
Just a thought-experiment…
> On Jul 16, 2024, at 2:32 AM, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> I want to find the interval size of a two-note chord in a music
> function, and I came up with the following solution.
> ```tex
> showInter
> Wouldn’t ly:pitch-diff save some of your work?
(define (interval-string a b)
(number->string (1+ (ly:pitch-steps (- b a)
The `(- b a)` actually uses `ly:pitch-diff` behind the scene :-)
> So what you’d
> need to do is to replace the skips by notes:
> brackets = \new Dynamics {
> \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #DOWN
> c4 c\startGroup c c\stopGroup | c\startGroup c c\stopGroup c
> }
> Then this will still not work, as the Dynamics context does not create any
> Not