Semitone mark

2024-06-12 Thread Johannes Roeßler
Hi Group, is there a way to mark one tone and semitone steps in Lilypond? Haven't found anything on the web, maybe I am using the wrong English terms? Best regards Joei -- Diese E-Mail wurde von Avast-Antivirussoftware auf Viren geprüft.

Re: Chord-ike fingerings on multiple voices

2024-06-12 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Fennel, This might be a little hacky, but… %%% SNIPPET BEGINS \version "2.24.3" "fing13" = \tweak X-offset #-1 \tweak Y-offset 0 \finger \markup \override #'(baseline-skip . 1.25) \column { "1" "3" } \relative c'' { << { c4 d-2 } \\ a2-\"fing13" >> } %%% SNIPPET ENDS You could ea

Re: Centered number of bars of multi-measure rest in piano staff?

2024-06-12 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi all, >> Just like in a piano staff we can have centred dynamics between the two >> staves, can Lilypond also centre the number of bars a multi-measure rest >> lasts? > This is how I would do it If the vertical spacing changes, this would required manual adjustment: %%% SNIPPET BEGINS \ver