Hi Fennel,
Not sure why some other incantations I tried didn’t work… but maybe this hack
will help you?
\version "2.24.3"
\layout {
\context {
\consists Horizontal_bracket_engraver
\relative c' {
\alterBroken extra-offset #'((0 . 0) (6 . -1.5)) Hori
Dear Carl,
For both examples, the difference is the example writes "\tuplet 5/8"
instead of "5/4" telling lilypond to put 5 notes in the space of 8
(which is not how people usually write 5-tuplets).
On 6/7/24 10:56, Carl Witthoft wrote:
Please take a look at these three snippets, f
I've run across some music that has octaves where the bottom note is the
size of a grace note, a cue note I'm guessing. See attached picture. I
can create what I want with this in LilyPond code:
\version "2.24.3"
\clef bass
<\single \override NoteHead.font-size = -2 c, c>4
...but repea
This is butt ugly, Knute, but maybe suggesting a possible way:
\version "2.25.14"
\language "english"
% see also
#(define (make-script x)
(make-music 'ArticulationEvent
I like the addStacc func; I will definitely use that!
But I need the top note of the octave normal size and the bottom one cue
sized. Your script seems to cue-size both notes in the octaves. Still,
thanks for your contribution! It was a way of doing it I hadn't thought of.
Knute Snortum