On 10/03/2024 12:41, Ole V. Villumsen wrote:
The classic fix is
\new Devnull { s1*5 \break }
This was exactly what I was after. It’s nice and simple and works well. Thank
I might wish for it being better documented. I see Devnull documented well in
the Internal
Hello Gian,
I believe this is what you are looking for:
Looking at your example, you might need to look at
as you have more than two voices per staff
I've got a guitar leadsheet that displays the guitar chord G# as Ab.
For me, it's more natural to read G# and I would like to change the
ChordNames to a preferred set but I can't find the (a?) description of
how to approach this.
I found some Scheme code to get rid of double-flats an