thank you all for these great suggestions!
However these solutions do more then my job for me ;-)
I need to learn to do this myself, not automate it.
The suggesions made me find this:
about colouring intervals. I will try to combine that and the
Hello Mark,
use the alignBelowContext property to tell Lilypond where to put the Lyrics:
\version "2.24"
SopranoMusic = \relative {
\repeat volta 2 {a' a a a }
AltoMusic = \relative { f' f f f }
TenorMusic = \relative { a a a a }
BassMusic = \relative { f f f f }
VerseOne = \lyricmode {
You wrote:
> use the alignBelowContext property to tell Lilypond where to put the Lyrics:
Thanks, Valentin!
I see how that is used now (section 5.1.7).
Much appreciated
I know that this is an old question but I'm seeing some strange behavior.
On Mac OS none of the suggested alternatives appear to work though it did
on Linux. The only way I can seem to get a cropped output is to output an
EPS file.
What tools does the cli option -dcrop='#t' use. Maybe I'm mis
Le jeudi 20 juillet 2023 à 15:55 +0200, Henrik Frisk a écrit :
> Hi,
> I know that this is an old question but I'm seeing some strange behavior. On
> Mac OS none of the suggested alternatives appear to work though it did on
> Linux. The only way I can seem to get a cropped output is to output an
> Hi,
> I know that this is an old question but I'm seeing some strange behavior.
> On Mac OS none of the suggested alternatives appear to work though it did
> on Linux. The only way I can seem to get a cropped output is to output an
> EPS file.
> What tools does the cli option -dcrop='#t' use.
Le jeudi 20 juillet 2023 à 17:52 +0200, Henrik Frisk a écrit :
> None at all, but maybe I'm misunderstanding the command. Here's what I do:
> $ lilypond --pdf -dcrop='#t'
> GNU LilyPond 2.24.1 (running Guile 3.0)
> Processing `'
> Parsing...
> Interpreting music...
> Preprocessi
Hello Eef,
if you are going to do something like this I’d suggest a somewhat modular
design. In part writing there are many rules that apply to different voices, so
I suggest to do something that allows to do arbitrary checks in a nice and
extendable manner. I’ve sketched up a small proof of co
Am Donnerstag, 20. Juli 2023, 18:26:58 CEST schrieb Trevor Bača:
> Can both subproperties be changed in a single call to grob-transformer?
> Or is it necessary to use something more complex (perhaps like Valentin
> proposes here)?
Yes, within one grob-transformer-call you can do arbitrary as we
Trevor Bača writes:
> %%% BEGIN %%%
> \version "2.25.6"
> \paper { indent = 0 tagline = ##f }
> \markuplist \column-lines {
> "TextSpanner.bound-details.text.left = \"red\" when spanner color is
> red;"
> "TextSpanner.bound-details.text.left = \"other\" when spanner color is
> not red
Thank you Valentin,
This is great stuff you made!
> Op 20 jul. 2023, om 18:54 heeft Valentin Petzel het
> volgende geschreven:
> Hello Eef,
> if you are going to do something like this I’d suggest a somewhat modular
> design. In part writing there are many rules that apply to diffe
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