Feathered beams issue

2023-01-04 Thread Paul Hodges
When I feather these beams, the third beam is simply absent.  I suppose this is a bug (or an undocumented "limitation"?), but is there a practical workaround? I guess I also need to make the beam thickness less so that the structure becomes more visible, though I suspect that will be less of a

Allowing a collision

2023-01-04 Thread Paul Hodges
I have a score which has two staves, for unrelated instruments.  To reproduce the composer's notation, I occasionally need to join the stems of simultaneous notes on the two staves.   In a piano staff this is catered for using the \crossStaff command.  However, in my case this is inapplicable;

Re: Allowing a collision

2023-01-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 04/01/2023 à 17:24, Paul Hodges a écrit : I have a score which has two staves, for unrelated instruments.  To reproduce the composer's notation, I occasionally need to join the stems of simultaneous notes on the two staves. In a piano staff this is catered for using the \crossStaff command.

Re: Allowing a collision

2023-01-04 Thread Paul Hodges
Because although I've used it a lot, I set it up initially a year ago and had forgotten that I'd had to add the Span_stem_engraver to the PianoStaff context.  Once reminded of that, I can of course see that it can equally be added to the StaffGroup context that I'm using. Thanks, Paul From

weird fonts in volta endings

2023-01-04 Thread Flaming Hakama by Elaine
Hi, I was hoping someone could help me figure out how to fix this font issue. For quite some number of years, I've been using this function that prints custom text for volta ending labels. But now it is producing strange results. The image from the below MWE is attached, it shows that some of t

Re: weird fonts in volta endings

2023-01-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 04/01/2023 à 22:42, Flaming Hakama by Elaine a écrit : Hi, I was hoping someone could help me figure out how to fix this font issue. For quite some number of years, I've been using this function that prints custom text for volta ending labels. But now it is producing strange results. T

Frescobaldi & edition engraver

2023-01-04 Thread Michael Dietz
Hi, after a few years, I come back to LilyPond. I just installed the latest stable version 2.24. Thanks a lot for it. Working on Ubuntu 22.04, I now have two issues: - How to use Frescobaldi (I really enjoyed it but it crashes on startup) - How to get the latest edition engraver (I heavily use

Re: Frescobaldi & edition engraver

2023-01-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Hello, Le 05/01/2023 à 01:21, Michael Dietz a écrit : Hi, after a few years, I come back to LilyPond. I just installed the latest stable version 2.24. Thanks a lot for it. Working on Ubuntu 22.04, I now have two issues: - How to use Frescobaldi (I really enjoyed it but it crashes on startup

Unexpected placement of accidental

2023-01-04 Thread Ahanu Banerjee
Hello, Please see the example below. I tried running it in 2.22 and 2.23 as well, and got the same result. Am I missing an obvious reason that the c-natural accidental is placed so far to the left? \version "2.24.0" \language "english" \relative { \clef bass \key a \major % unexpected place