Re: Byzantine singing

2022-08-01 Thread Karlin High
On 7/31/2022 2:54 PM, Лысов Дмитрий wrote: Are there any developments on this topic at all? Web search found this: Encoding Byzantine Music Notation (ca. 1600-1814)

Re: Byzantine singing

2022-08-01 Thread Paul Hodges
(Dead links; Wayback Machine might help.) Sadly, no it doesn't.  And searching for Lilychant finds nothing but a different project on GitHub. Paul

Re: Byzantine singing

2022-08-01 Thread Лысов Дмитрий
Thanks Paul, it's interesting. I wrote a request to this site. 01.08.2022, 11:38, "Paul Hodges" :(Dead links; Wayback Machine might help.)   Sadly, no it doesn't.  And searching for Lilychant finds nothing but a different project on GitHub.

Re: Byzantine singing

2022-08-01 Thread Лысов Дмитрий
Thanks Karlin, it doesn't fit. 01.08.2022, 10:28, "Karlin High" :On 7/31/2022 2:54 PM, Лысов Дмитрий wrote: Are there any developments on this topic at all?Web search found this:Encoding Byzantine Music Notation (ca. 1600-1814)

Re: Byzantine singing

2022-08-01 Thread Karlin High
Okay, this site was the most interesting thing I'd found. "This is a growing list of music notation programs and resources which aren’t specifically Common Western Notations (CWN) programs." There is a list of Byzantine Chant proj

footnotes to lyrics

2022-08-01 Thread Mogens Lemvig Hansen
How do I get a footnote to lyrics – is it even possible. In the example below, “Sing” doesn’t get a footnote mark, “this doesn’t” vanishes, and no error message is given. \version "2.23.11" \markup { Some \auto-footnote regular "this works" text. } \score { { c d e f g } \addlyrics { \mar

Re: question about, export notes as text.

2022-08-01 Thread Eef Weenink
I could solve my issue with the workaround: \displayLilyMusic { \viola } and later copy paste the viola part from the logfile into my score again. regards, Eef Op 30 jul. 2022, om 22:46 heeft Eef Weenink>> het volgende geschreven: It gives error; "72:2: fout:

Re: question about, export notes as text.

2022-08-01 Thread Gilles Thibault
Le 2022-07-30 22:46, Eef Weenink a écrit : It gives error; Ah yes damn, the latest version of has a bug on line 112. [(= n 0) crashes when n is not a number)] I had reorganized this portion of code but I did not see this error because it only impacts a very small number of functio

Re: question about, export notes as text.

2022-08-01 Thread Eef Weenink
Merci beaucoup!! > Op 1 aug. 2022, om 21:13 heeft Gilles Thibault het > volgende geschreven: > > Le 2022-07-30 22:46, Eef Weenink a écrit : >> It gives error; > > Ah yes damn, the latest version of has a bug on line 112. [(= n > 0) crashes when n is not a number)] > I had reorgan

String roman numerals in 2.22.2

2022-08-01 Thread Matthew Pierce
New LilyPond user here, hello everyone. Fantastic tool. Anyone got a method for roman numeral string indications on artificial harmonics in 2.22.2? This code \romanStringNumbers \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(down) 8-1-4\2 gave me an 8th note with a diamondhead [c] above notehead [g]

Ending second repeat on final \bar "|."

2022-08-01 Thread steve
Hi, I know this has come up before, but I can't figure it out.. What is the right way to end the first section with a double bar that will go with the "D. C. al Fine". If I put the \bar "|.", the repeat at the beginning of the next repeat is wiped out. Is possible on 2.18.2? thanx

Re: question about, export notes as text.

2022-08-01 Thread Gilles Thibault
Le 2022-08-01 20:08, Eef Weenink a écrit : I could solve my issue with the workaround: \displayLilyMusic { \viola } Yes. uses display-lily-music which is the scheme version of \displayLilyMusic but has an additionnal parameter : the port which can be a file #(let ((port (open-f