I’d suggest to use two different \score s, one for \layout and the other
for \midi, then you can setup them differently.
I attached my own template – you can’t use it directly, since I left out
the file with my settings, and you probably don’t want that German
stuff, but you get an idea abo
Le 27/05/2022 à 03:40, Kevin Cole a écrit :
I have a score with an outline shown below. I managed to get the vocal
part doing "choir aahs", and the piano defaults to a piano instrument,
but is there a way to have ChordNames / FretBoards do anything with
"acoustic guitar (nylon)"? Even if th
I note in the documentation for LP 2.22 that "PDF bookmarks are now
supported and allow for \tocItems entries to appear..."
Is there anything I need to do to make this happen? Or is on by
default? I ask because in my environment--Mac M1 OS11.6, LP 2.22.1--I
generate the PDF, with ToC, f
Le 27/05/2022 à 10:08, Mark Probert a écrit :
I note in the documentation for LP 2.22 that "PDF bookmarks are now
supported and allow for \tocItems entries to appear..."
Is there anything I need to do to make this happen? Or is on by
default? I ask because in my environment--Mac M1 OS11.6,
Le 27/05/2022 à 10:12, Jean Abou Samra a écrit :
Le 27/05/2022 à 10:08, Mark Probert a écrit :
I note in the documentation for LP 2.22 that "PDF bookmarks are now
supported and allow for \tocItems entries to appear..."
Is there anything I need to do to make this happen? Or is on by
Le 27/05/2022 à 10:16, Jean Abou Samra a écrit :
Le 27/05/2022 à 10:12, Jean Abou Samra a écrit :
Le 27/05/2022 à 10:08, Mark Probert a écrit :
I note in the documentation for LP 2.22 that "PDF bookmarks are now
supported and allow for \tocItems entries to appear..."
Is there anythin
Hello All,
Having had to abandon the Openlilylib (OLL) work I took over from Urs
Liska, for various reasons, in the meantime I went over to Dorico
instead of Lilypond for my work. Having spent a lot of money on Dorico
(AUD$800+) and given it my best shot for more than year, it really falls
Welcome back, and thank you.
Having read your account of your situation, and knowing nothing else about
your circumstances or condition, I hope we'll have you around with us for a
good, long while yet.
On Fri, 27 May 2022, 17:27 Andrew Bernard,
> Hello All,
> Having had to abandon the
lsr-snippet "Variable bow thickness depending on length"
https://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?u=1&id=1028 looks at 'control-points
to calculate a modified thickness.
For recent lily-versions this throws
programming error: cyclic dependency: calculation-in-progress
encountered for Slur.thickness
Le 27/05/2022 à 11:22, Thomas Morley a écrit :
lsr-snippet "Variable bow thickness depending on length"
https://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?u=1&id=1028 looks at 'control-points
to calculate a modified thickness.
For recent lily-versions this throws
programming error: cyclic dependency: calc
I'm in the process of typesetting some music that includes an electronic
component – still working out the best way to show that in the score.
Clusters might work, but is there any way to change the fill style, so it's
not solid black? maybe dotted or hashed something?
Thanks, kind regards,
Am Fr., 27. Mai 2022 um 11:32 Uhr schrieb Jean Abou Samra :
> Le 27/05/2022 à 11:22, Thomas Morley a écrit :
> > Hi,
> >
> > lsr-snippet "Variable bow thickness depending on length"
> > https://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?u=1&id=1028 looks at 'control-points
> > to calculate a modified thickness
Am Fr., 27. Mai 2022 um 11:22 Uhr schrieb Thomas Morley
> Hi,
> lsr-snippet "Variable bow thickness depending on length"
> https://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?u=1&id=1028 looks at 'control-points
> to calculate a modified thickness.
> For recent lily-versions this throws
> programming error: c
Le 27/05/2022 à 11:54, Thomas Morley a écrit :
Thanks Jean!
After further thinking and testing I'll not reset the 'control-points:
It would trash a user-tweak for \shape and ua ser-override for \shape
returns a more serious ERROR:
#(define (variable-bow-thickness-harm min-l max-l min-t max-t)
Just another Dorico opinion, not in any way denying yours…
I’ve worked with Dorico for the last few years exclusively for mockups of
original work , transcriptions and orchestrations. It is a tremendous piece of
software in particular the playback engine. There is definitely a steep
learning cu
> "Paul" == Paul McKay writes:
Paul> I’m inputting Scottish dance music for the accordion. It has my
Paul> own preferences about chord naming and positioning and also
Paul> fingering on the notes themselves. Each one has a shape like
Paul> this:
What I do for this kind of thing is use a slig
Hello everyone,
I’m a bit surprised that the following doesn’t work and don’t know where
to look for a solution.
% \version "2.23.9" pieceTitle =
#(define-scheme-function (str) (markup?) #{ \markup \huge $str
\noPageBreak #}) \pieceTitle "I. Kyrie" { c
Le 27/05/2022 à 12:21, Simon Albrecht a écrit :
Hello everyone,
I’m a bit surprised that the following doesn’t work and don’t know
where to look for a solution.
% \version "2.23.9" pieceTitle =
#(define-scheme-function (str) (markup?) #{ \markup \huge $str
Sorry for the garbled line breaks, I’ll try again:
%%% \version "2.23.9"
pieceTitle =
#(define-scheme-function (str) (markup?)
\markup \huge $str
\pieceTitle "I. Kyrie"
{ c'1 }
Hi Andrew,
sorry that your investments into Dorico didn’t work out! It’s great to
have you back in the Pond :)
I have been thinking that it would be nice to invest more time into Lily
myself, but I don’t yet know whether/how/when I can make that happen.
Best, Simon
On 27/05/2022 10:24, And
Hi Jean,
On 27/05/2022 12:34, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
The solution for now is to use a plain Scheme function:
Thanks a bunch for the solution and explanations, that does it!
Best, Simon
Am Fr., 27. Mai 2022 um 12:05 Uhr schrieb Jean Abou Samra :
> Le 27/05/2022 à 11:54, Thomas Morley a écrit :
> > Thanks Jean!
> > After further thinking and testing I'll not reset the 'control-points:
> > It would trash a user-tweak for \shape and ua ser-override for \shape
> > returns a more
Am Fr., 27. Mai 2022 um 11:58 Uhr schrieb Thomas Morley
> Am Fr., 27. Mai 2022 um 11:22 Uhr schrieb Thomas Morley
> :
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > lsr-snippet "Variable bow thickness depending on length"
> > https://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?u=1&id=1028 looks at 'control-points
> > to calculate a modifie
Le 27/05/2022 à 13:28, Thomas Morley a écrit :
I decided to go for a better approximation of the bow-length, but
dropped some comments what to do, if execution time gets worse.
Here's an experiment:
\version "2.23.9"
#(define (bezier-curve contr
Am Fr., 27. Mai 2022 um 14:59 Uhr schrieb Jean Abou Samra :
> Le 27/05/2022 à 13:28, Thomas Morley a écrit :
> > I decided to go for a better approximation of the bow-length, but
> > dropped some comments what to do, if execution time gets worse.
> > https://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?u=1&id=10
Am Fr., 27. Mai 2022 um 11:22 Uhr schrieb Thomas Morley
> Hi,
> lsr-snippet "Variable bow thickness depending on length"
> https://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?u=1&id=1028 looks at 'control-points
> to calculate a modified thickness.
> For recent lily-versions this throws
> programming error: c
Le 27/05/2022 à 11:41, Simon Bailey a écrit :
I'm in the process of typesetting some music that includes an
electronic component – still working out the best way to show that in
the score. Clusters might work, but is there any way to change the
fill style, so it's not solid black? maybe d
Welcome back, Andrew, and thanks for picking up the OLL work again!
After a bit of a break I recently worked with LilyPond again and had to
search the mailing list for some time to get everything up and running with
the newest version and OLL again, which made me realise how much I rely on
OLL whi
That's absolutely amazing, thanks so much!
However, unlike the "regular" clusters, it doesn't extend to the barlines,
leaving some empty holes. See attached screenshots. (I'm running 2.23.9 on
I can provide a MWE of my score if you'd like.
Thanks, kind regards,
On Fri, 27 M
Hi Jean,
sweet, that does the trick perfectly! Thanks for your help.
Kind regards,
On Fri, 27 May 2022 at 20:31, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> Le 27/05/2022 à 20:57, Simon Bailey a écrit :
> > Jean,
> >
> > That's absolutely amazing, thanks so much!
> >
> > However, unlike the "regular" clusters
Hi Jean,
actually, there seems to be a bit of a problem:
\new Voice {
R1*3 | r2 r4.
\makeClusters { 8 | q1 | q8 2. | q1 | q1 | q2 r2 }
\barNumberCheck #10
\makeClusters {
1 | q4. 8 2 | q1 | q2 2 |
\barNumberCheck #14 %1
q2 2 | q2 | 2 q8. 8. 8 | q1 | q1 | q2.
4 |
Le 27/05/2022 à 20:57, Simon Bailey a écrit :
That's absolutely amazing, thanks so much!
However, unlike the "regular" clusters, it doesn't extend to the
barlines, leaving some empty holes. See attached screenshots. (I'm
running 2.23.9 on Windows).
I can provide a MWE of my score if y
Le 27/05/2022 à 22:20, Simon Bailey a écrit :
Hi Jean,
actually, there seems to be a bit of a problem:
\new Voice {
R1*3 | r2 r4.
\makeClusters { 8 | q1 | q8 2. | q1 | q1 | q2 r2 }
\barNumberCheck #10
\makeClusters {
1 | q4. 8 2 | q1 | q2 2 |
\barNumberCheck #14 %1
q2 2
I am having trouble getting a fermata to appear inside the staff when
textScript (markup) is specified on the same side of the staff as the
fermata. (This is needed for a multi-voice context with tight spacing.)
Changing outside-staff-priority did not help. Is there an easy fix?
Hi Jean,
thanks for reporting that bug. I'd also noticed that the MM rests didn't
terminate the clusterspanners, so did a bit of a workaround by inserting
"normal" rests.
However, I've found another weird manifestation: the attached .ly file
won't compile. Unless you either comment out the additi
Le 27/05/2022 à 23:45, Simon Bailey a écrit :
Hi Jean,
thanks for reporting that bug. I'd also noticed that the MM rests
didn't terminate the clusterspanners, so did a bit of a workaround by
inserting "normal" rests.
However, I've found another weird manifestation: the attached .ly file
Le 27/05/2022 à 23:45, Ahanu Banerjee a écrit :
I am having trouble getting a fermata to appear inside the staff when
textScript (markup) is specified on the same side of the staff as the
fermata. (This is needed for a multi-voice context with tight
spacing.) Changing outside-staff-
In lilypond 2.20.0, I was able to use "afterGrace" like this:
\version "2.20.0"
\language "english"
\relative c' { d2 \afterGrace 4 { cs16 d } }
However, this now presents an error: "warning: \afterGrace exceeds duration
of main argument". Running ly-convert does not fix it.
If I change
Thank you!
On Fri, May 27, 2022, 18:32 Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> Le 27/05/2022 à 23:45, Ahanu Banerjee a écrit :
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am having trouble getting a fermata to appear inside the staff when
> > textScript (markup) is specified on the same side of the staff as the
> > ferma
Hi, Jean.
>> Ah… Actually, I guess what might be going on. Are you using
>> a version of LilyPond that uses Guile 2? Homebrew, for
>> example? What does #(display (version)) print?
I have two different systems: one is Homebrew, the other not. They
(homebrew)> GNU LilyPond 2.
Thanks Helge, quite elegant!
> Le 21 mai 2022 à 18:46, Helge Kruse a écrit :
> Weitergeleitete Nachricht
> Betreff: Re: Stanzas with different rythms
> Datum:Fri, 20 May 2022 13:01:10 -0600
> Von: Carl Sorensen
> An: Helge Kruse
> My way of doing i
I've created a new server to run a portal site for OpenLilyLib project
and related topics.
I'll be making the Discourse server today, for OLL specific discussion
and support.
Also, I'll be providing access and support for the OLL repository on
GitHub, which is aft
I was asked about this site. It's quite defunct and withered. I don't
have access to it, never did. If people want to continue it I would be
happy. alongside the OLL project, to run up a blog to host it. My only
condition is that we pick another name. I never liked this one. Most of
the New Com
I've recreated a server to run a portal site for OpenLilyLib project and
related topics.
I'll be making the Discourse server today, for OLL specific discussion
and support.
Also, I'll be providing access and support for the OLL repository on
GitHub, which is after
I was asked about this site. It's quite defunct and withered. I don't
have access to it, never did. If people want to continue it I would be
happy. alongside the OLL project, to run up a blog to host it. My only
condition is that we pick another name. I never liked this one. Most of
the New Com
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