partCombine misinterprets Solo

2022-03-23 Thread David Santamauro
Hi, The MWE … %% \version "2.22.2" \include "" vOne = \relative { c''1\> c1\! c1 \bar "||" c1 c1 c1 } vTwo = \relative { e'1\> R1\! R1 e1 R1 R1 } \score { << \new Staff \vOne \new Staff \vTwo \new Staff \partCombine #'(0 . 0) \vOne \vTwo >> \layout {

Re: partCombine misinterprets Solo

2022-03-23 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2022-03-23 1:52 am, David Santamauro wrote: mm 1- 3 and 3-6 are note-identical. The only difference is the decrescendo in m. 1, terminated in m. 2. I believe the terminating decrescendo in vTwo/m. 2 causes the partCombine code to think there's music in vTwo/m. 2 -- I could be wrong, but the re

Re: partCombine misinterprets Solo

2022-03-23 Thread David Santamauro
From: Aaron Hill On 2022-03-23 1:52 am, David Santamauro wrote: > > mm 1- 3 and 3-6 are note-identical. The only difference is the > > decrescendo in m. 1, terminated in m. 2. I believe the terminating > > decrescendo in vTwo/m. 2 causes the partCombine code to think there's > > music in vTwo/m.

Re: partCombine misinterprets Solo

2022-03-23 Thread David Santamauro
I believe this is all related to the dynamics (more to the point, the termination: \!. If we forget the misplacement of “Solo” for a moment and observe the behavior of \partCombine with just the dynamics, it seems to have real difficulties with dynamics termination. \version "2.22.2" \include

Re: Ambitus_engraver causes ghost laissezVibrer ties on first note of Voice

2022-03-23 Thread Valentin Petzel
I have nothing against ghosts, just against this type of ghost. This is the user mailing list. For requests like "please fix this" you might also send this to the bug mailing list. If you need a quick fix: Adding an empty grace column \grace{ s } before the first note will fix this, as will put

Re: partCombine misinterprets Solo

2022-03-23 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 06:34:52AM -0400, David Santamauro wrote: > I believe this is all related to the dynamics (more to the point, the > termination: \!. If we forget the misplacement of “Solo” for a moment > and observe the behavior of \partCombine with just the dynamics, it > seems to have rea

Re: Ambitus_engraver causes ghost laissezVibrer ties on first note of Voice

2022-03-23 Thread Jeff Olson
On 3/23/2022 5:18 AM, Valentin Petzel wrote: I have nothing against ghosts, just against this type of ghost. This is the user mailing list. For requests like "please fix this" you might also send this to the bug mailing list. If you need a quick fix: Adding an empty grace column \grace{ s } befo

Re: text spanner around a line break restates the text, this is not wanted

2022-03-23 Thread Carl Sorensen
On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 11:57 PM Kenneth Wolcott wrote: > Thank you for your assistance, Leo. > > With your example I was able to remove the duplicate text in the text > spanner, but I was not able to get the text spanner to continue beyond bar > #38. > > So, I will spend more time studying what

split vocal parts

2022-03-23 Thread Steve Roth
Greetings, The "Hiding Staves" section of the Lilypond manual describes how to write two separate parts and have them show up as separate voices on a single staff most of the time, but split into separate staves at other times. However, I have been unable to figure out how to extend this to work f

Re: split vocal parts

2022-03-23 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Steve, In an include file, I have the following: showMMRs = { \set Staff.keepAliveInterfaces = #'( rhythmic-grob-interface multi-measure-rest-interface lyric-interface stanza-number-interface percent-repeat-interface) } letStaffVanish = \set Staff.keepAliv

Re: text spanner around a line break restates the text, this is not wanted

2022-03-23 Thread Kenneth Wolcott
I missed some pertinent code: bars 37-42; enclosed below. %\break % \tempo 2.=42 4(g' q | % m37 % \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##f 2.)\stopTextSpan| % m38 \tempo \markup { \bold \fontsize #3 "Moderato" } 2.=44 4(4. 8 | % m39 2.)| %

Re: text spanner around a line break restates the text, this is not wanted

2022-03-23 Thread Xavier Scheuer
On Wed, 23 Mar 2022 at 20:39, Kenneth Wolcott wrote: > > I missed some pertinent code: bars 37-42; enclosed below. > > (snip) > Hello, You have \stopTextSpan in measure 38, so it ends in measure 38. Furthermore you have Moderato in measure 39, do you really want the TextSpanner to continue until

Re: text spanner around a line break restates the text, this is not wanted

2022-03-23 Thread Kenneth Wolcott
Hi Xavier; Thank you. Why is it so obvious when somebody points out what you do not see? :-( \facepalm :-( It seems (mostly) correct now. How do you get the text spanner to display all the way to the end of the bar? I'll look at the manual again to try to find out how I missed that

Re: partCombine misinterprets Solo

2022-03-23 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi there, > I use \partCombine quite extensively, and have observed that it's very > finicky when it comes to dynamics. Agreed. > This applies not only to dynamics per se, but also to any additional > events in the two parts aside from notes Yes. > Because of these issues, I have resorted to t

Desired: text spanner to end at the end of the bar, not at the beginning of the bar

2022-03-23 Thread Kenneth Wolcott
Hi; I see the following snippet that displays the hairpin at the end of the bar instead of the beginning of the bar. \relative c'' { e4\< e2. e1\! \override = ##f e4\< e2. e1\! } Is there something similar to instruct Lilypond to extend the text spanner to the en

Re: Desired: text spanner to end at the end of the bar, not at the beginning of the bar

2022-03-23 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 23/03/2022 à 23:36, Kenneth Wolcott a écrit : Hi; I see the following snippet that displays the hairpin at the end of the bar instead of the beginning of the bar. \relative c'' { e4\< e2. e1\! \override = ##f e4\< e2. e1\! } Is there something simi

Re: Desired: text spanner to end at the end of the bar, not at the beginning of the bar

2022-03-23 Thread Kenneth Wolcott
Thanks, Jean! On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 3:39 PM Jean Abou Samra wrote: > > > > Le 23/03/2022 à 23:36, Kenneth Wolcott a écrit : > > Hi; > > > >I see the following snippet that displays the hairpin at the end of > > the bar instead of the beginning of the bar. > > > > \relative c'' { > >e4\<


2022-03-23 Thread Molly Preston
Is there any way of changing the angle of tremolo markings? \version "2.22.1" \repeat tremolo 16 { 32 e'' 32 } I am wondering if there is a way to get the tremolo marking to be angled instead of straight? -Molly

Re: tremolos

2022-03-23 Thread Vaughan McAlley
On Thu, 24 Mar 2022 at 11:05, Molly Preston wrote: > Is there any way of changing the angle of tremolo markings? > > \version "2.22.1" > > \repeat tremolo 16 { 32 e'' 32 } > > I am wondering if there is a way to get the tremolo marking to be angled > instead of straight? > > -Molly > It looks