Hello Calvin,
we can use grob properties to change the behaviour of the function. This
example uses the flag details.calvin-repeat to switch to this behaviour. Else
it default to make-colon-bar-line (which is not public, so we need to extract
it from bar-line.scm).
This would be easier if Lily
Hello everyone,
I am trying to position the notes of my custom music notation as in the
I tried using a custom callback for staffLineLayoutFunction. I thought it was
going to be enough, but it won't allow decimal numbers.
Does anybody have any idea how I can implement this behaviou
Hello Robert,
I’m not exactly sure what you want to do. If you want to achieve the results
from the screenshot maybe using StaffSymbol.line-positions is what you want.
Am Mittwoch, 2. März 2022, 18:22:25 CET schrieb Robert Mengual:
> Hello everyone,
> I am trying to position
Hello Robert,
mathematically 1/3 instead of 1/2 means 50% more, this 3*1.4 = 4.5 notes
should fit.
But the same thing should be doable by simply increasing the distance between
lines, like this:
\new NoteNames { c d e f g a b c d e f g a }
\new Staff \with {
\override StaffSymbol.line-p
Hello Valentin, thanks for the response.
That's not really what I want, instead of defining a new Staff (which I already
did btw) I want to position the notes so that more noteheads fit in the same
For example, let's take the height starting from the e bar to the b bar in
treble. In th
Hello Valentin,
By increasing the distance between lines it fits, yes, but that is not how this
music notation was specified. They specify 1/3 notehead size vertical distance
between chromatic notes.
My staff, for example, is defined as follows:
\layout { \context {
\override StaffSy
Have you tried something like this?
\new Staff \with {
\override NoteHead.Y-offset =
#(grob-transformer 'Y-offset
(lambda (grob orig)
(let* ((cause (ly:grob-property grob 'cause))
(pitch (ly:event-property cause 'pitch))
(st (ly:pitch-alteration pitch))
Le 01/03/2022 à 16:41, Thomas Scharkowski a écrit :
I’d like to have key cancellation naturals at the beginning of a score for f, c
and g.
How can I do this?
Thank you,
Try this:
\version "2.22.1"
\new Staff {
\set Staff.lastKeyAlterations = #`((3 . ,SHARP)