I'm pretty sure text fonts on Windows are kaput. Some work, some don't.
The fonts I'd like to use show up as installed properly in Settings and
work in all other apps I've tried, but not Lilypond. I'm on Windows 11,
but I've also tried on Windows 10.
I have installed quite a few fonts on my Wi
Done. Thanks for the tip, Werner.
On Sun, Jan 16, 2022 at 12:40 AM Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> >> Yes, I managed to figure that out. It would be nice if Lilypond
> >> could find fonts for the current user too.
> >
> > Definitely. Looks to be an issue with fontconfig [1] and not
> > LilyPond.
> >
If a user follows your steps, Windows will by default put the font in a
folder somewhere designated for the local user only. To install a font for
all users (as one currently has to do to get Lilypond to see it), one has
to right click on the font and select "run as administrator". Window