Re: Transposing pitches in the lilypond file itself?

2022-01-13 Thread ebenezer
This made me smile - a lot. Thank you. On 2022-01-12 14:02, David Kastrup wrote: Emacs' LilyPond-mode is an abomination in desperate need of maintenance or possibly rewriting from scratch. There is no reason to use it unless you are one of those people who use Emacs for everything (in contras

Re: Transposing pitches in the lilypond file itself?

2022-01-13 Thread David Kastrup
Alasdair McAndrew writes: >> On Thursday 13 January 2022 01:02:17 (+11:00), David Kastrup wrote: >> >>> Emacs' LilyPond-mode is an abomination in desperate need of >>> maintenance or possibly rewriting from scratch. There is no reason >>> to use it unless you are one of those people who use Emacs

Lilypond's English Horn MIDI instrument is non-transposing?

2022-01-13 Thread James B. Wilkinson
I'm working on an arrangement fordable-reed quartet. Here's the score block: \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff = "oboe1" \with { instrumentName = "oboe1" midiInstrument = "oboe" } { \clef "treble" \soprano } \new Staff = "oboe2" \with { instrumentName = "oboe2" midiInst

Re: Lilypond's English Horn MIDI instrument is non-transposing?

2022-01-13 Thread David Kastrup
"James B. Wilkinson" writes: > I'm working on an arrangement fordable-reed quartet. Here's the score block: > > \score > { > \new StaffGroup ><< > \new Staff = "oboe1" \with { instrumentName = "oboe1" midiInstrument = > "oboe" } >{ \clef "treble" \soprano } > \new Staff =

Re: Lilypond's English Horn MIDI instrument is non-transposing?

2022-01-13 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Thu, Jan 13, 2022 at 04:40:17PM -0500, James B. Wilkinson wrote: [...] > If I make it with the English horn part correctly transposed, the MIDI > sounds terrible. If I make it with the English horn part untransposed, > it sounds fine. My conclusion is that the midiInstrument "english > horn" rea

Display Question Mark at center of a measure

2022-01-13 Thread Rajesh Baskar
Hi, I'm tying to display a question mark at the center of the 1st measure in a 2 measure score. I have got this working with hard-coding the offset (3 . 4.5) but this will not work when the number of notes in a measure is larger than 3. Is there a way to get this to work dynamically where th

Entering Chords using Nashville Number System

2022-01-13 Thread Sam Gibson
Good day. I wish to use the Nashville Number System, using numbers in place of chord names, for a simple lead sheet or chord chart. While it is possible to simply enter and position chords using \lyricmode, I do not know of a way to include the superscripts such as maj7 or sus4. Is there a way to

Re: Entering Chords using Nashville Number System

2022-01-13 Thread Tim's Bitstream
There was a thread earlier this year on that very topic: > On Jan 13, 2022, at 8:48 PM, Sam Gibson wrote: > >  > Good day. > > I wish to use the Nashville Number System, using numbers in place of chord > names, for a si