Hello Stefano,
Here’s a slightly improved example, offering more control.
Am Mittwoch, 10. März 2021, 05:31:07 CET schrieben Sie:
> Thank you for the example Valentin,
> a very interesting approach. I think I was headed in that direction, in
> fact, although you code will ma
Hello Stefano,
Here’s an improved version that also allows for Markup between the examples.
Valentin#(define (string-replace-substring s substring replacement)
"Replace every instance of substring in s by replacement."
(let ((sublen (string-length substring)))
Hi Lilyponders,
Is it possible to turn off the log files created by oll-core?
I'm using this code:
\include "oll-core/package.ily"
\setLogLevel #'nolog
but still getting a log file created (an empty one) for every lilypond file.
All the best,
Craig Dabelstein
Owner, Maxime's Mus
Hello All,
Some time ago I took over the management of the Openlilylib project from
Urs Liska, who was forced to cease the work for personal reasons. I
created a server to host a new website, a Git repository and a Discourse
forum and Openlilylib specific mailing list. The old git repository
On 3/10/21, 3:21 PM, "lilypond-user on behalf of Andrew Bernard"
Hello All,
Some time ago I took over the management of the Openlilylib project from
Urs Liska, who was forced to cease the work for personal reasons. I
created a server to host a new website, a Git