At 07:49 on 01 Jun 2020, Sami Amiris wrote:
> Thank you for your response.
> I did research it and found nothing. Would you have a suggestion for
> me to look at?
Hi Sami,
Basically, there can only be a line-break on a note or rest boundary. So the
approach is:
1. Decide where you want the br
Hi Mark and Sami,
Basically, there can only be a line-break on a note or rest boundary. So the
approach is:
1. Decide where you want the break, say in this example halfway through the
second 4/8 bar
2. Split the note at that point into two, you will have to do the maths to make
this work. I
Le lun. 1 juin 2020 à 08:10, Josiah Boothby a écrit :
> Well, now at least I know of a way to move it around, but I have no
> idea what the pair of numbers for x-extent mean (and #'(-5 . 5) puts
> the clef in an even stranger place).
Maybe playing with other settings wil help for a better p
Maybe another solution could be to reduce the clef size, e.g.:
\version "2.20.0"
\paper {
line-width = 50
\layout {
indent = 0
system-count = 1
\new Staff { R2.*3 c''8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 }
\new Staff { R2. c''4 r r c'' r r r e'' r r d'' r }
\new Staff {
\clef F \time 3/
A great thank you to all!
I will implement these solutions to my piece. Thank you all once again!
Sent from:
Am Mo., 1. Juni 2020 um 12:32 Uhr schrieb Sami Amiris :
> A great thank you to all!
> I will implement these solutions to my piece. Thank you all once again!
> -S.A.
here my own take of it, using David K's \at
\layout {
indent = 0\cm
ragged-last = ##f
\context {
Hi Urs, hi Andrew,
Thank You for Your help. The solution with openlilylib works really great!
Thank you very much! A great solution!
Many thanks!
Sent from:
I am thinking of sharing my experiences as a user in this field by
contributing a tutorial or a practical experiences story (or whatever)
on this topic. It would make a distinction between:
1) temporary staves
2) divisi allocation over groups of staves
since these are different concepts, and t
On 6/1/20, Rutger Hofman wrote:
> And I could contribute a bit on techniques to have >2 voices per staff,
> rhythmically homophonic or rhythmically polyphonic, especially in the
> context of divisi staves.
That would certainly be interesting. As you can see in the patch I
posted earlier in this t
is it possible to place "some text" above a notehead (or a rest) regardless
of collisions with the staff? Maybe a start could be to use the Fingering
object, but I don't know how to change "1" to "some text"
\override Fingering.staff-padding = #'()
Paolo Prete writes:
> Hello,
> is it possible to place "some text" above a notehead (or a rest) regardless
> of collisions with the staff? Maybe a start could be to use the Fingering
> object, but I don't know how to change "1" to "some text"
> {
> \override Fingering.staff-padding = #'()
> \
Thanks David
On Mon, Jun 1, 2020 at 11:51 PM David Kastrup wrote:
> Paolo Prete writes:
> > Hello,
> >
> > is it possible to place "some text" above a notehead (or a rest)
> regardless
> > of collisions with the staff? Maybe a start could be to use the Fingering
> > object, but I don't know h
Is it possible to have ragged-right = ##f but then allow a single system to be
ragged-right after a forced \break or \pageBreak?
Any help on how to do this will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Michael,
ragged-last = ##t
Le mar. 2 juin 2020 à 06:13, Michael Winter via LilyPond user discussion <> a écrit :
> Hello,
> Is it possible to have ragged-right = ##f but then allow a single system
> to be ragged-right after a forced \break or \pageB
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