Hi Chen,
1. I was able to mostly solve this - you can now click on the time
signatures (but it doesn't seem to work for all of them - I don't know
2. This should work now
3. This is done using callbacks (it's a hacky solution that brings
back the time signature stencil for just that purpose
Hi Kevin,
I will have to thank you again for all the help, this now works perfectly in my
One more minor suggestion will be to add
\override TimeSignature.break-align-symbol = #'staff-bar
in the context of the dynamics, this removes the extra spaces between the
cautionary time signature
When in
http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/notation/bars#bar-lines I
engage the link "Schnipsel":Rhythms it is not found:
D-79853 lenzkirch
www.b-kleine.com, www.urseetal.net
Ich darf a
Am Mo., 20. Apr. 2020 um 13:16 Uhr schrieb Bernhard Kleine
> When in
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/notation/bars#bar-lines I
> engage the link "Schnipsel":Rhythms it is not found:
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/snippets/rhythmus.
The german doc points to
Am Mo., 20. Apr. 2020 um 13:44 Uhr schrieb Thomas Morley
> Am Mo., 20. Apr. 2020 um 13:16 Uhr schrieb Bernhard Kleine
> :
> >
> > When in
> > http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/notation/bars#bar-lines I
> > engage the link "Schnipsel":Rhythms it is not found:
> >
> > http://lilypond.or
I've been using shortVocalName to engrave stanza numbers at the beginnings
of systems, but I'm running into trouble with occasional collisions with
the first LyricText:
[image: image.png]
Here is my lilypond code:
\version "2.20.0"
\score {
\new Staff
\clef "treble"
Why don’t you insert another \set stanza = "2." In front of the second "Should"
Kind regards
Mobil gesendet
> Am 20.04.2020 um 16:14 schrieb Benjamin Bloomfield :
> I've been using shortVocalName to engrave stanza numbers at the beginnings of
> systems, but I'm running into
Thanks for the suggestion. I would do that if I knew where the system
breaks were going to occur ahead of time. I put the line break in the
example code just to simplify it and demonstrate the problem with very
little code.
*Benjamin Bloomfield*
On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 10:23 AM Michael Gerdau
I think I’ve seen solutions for that problem on this list or in the
snippets. Perhaps someone has a link.
But how about his?
\version "2.20.0"
\score {
\new Staff \new Voice = "sop" {
\clef "treble"
c'4 \bar "" \break c'
\new Lyrics \lyricsto sop {
For short pieces I’ll see where Lilypond breaks and insert accordingly. Or I
tell Lilypond where to break.
What do you do when there are more stanzas?
Just curious,
Mobil gesendet
> Am 20.04.2020 um 17:16 schrieb Benjamin Bloomfield :
> Thanks for the suggestion. I wo
Multiple stanzas work with shortVocalName:
\version "2.20.0"
\score {
\new Staff
\clef "treble"
\new Voice = "sop" { c'4 \bar "" \break c' }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto sop { \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "1. "
\set shortVocalName = "1. "
Should S
Sometimes I need to use this with lyrics centered between two staves, and I
don't want
[image: image.png]
this to happen.
*Benjamin Bloomfield*
On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 11:43 AM Noeck wrote:
> I think I’ve seen solutions for that problem on this list or in the
> snippets. Perhaps someon
I should have said that you need to adjust this value to your needs.
> \override InstrumentName.X-offset = -1
You can move the InstrumentName to the left (-) and to the right (+).
Instrument names are right aligned with the left staff edge by default.
You can change that using either X-offset
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