Very elegant Torsten.
Le sam. 29 févr. 2020 à 13:00, Torsten Hämmerle
a écrit :
> Rick Kimpel-2 wrote
> > I am trying to learn how to change the default stem directions.
> > […]
> > ...without having to do all the \stemUp \stemDown stuff.
> > I'm ok with the manual beaming.
> Hi
I want to generate a lead sheet in which
- chord names are shown at the top
- below that is an empty staff
- if I repeat a chord, e.g. with \repeat percent 2 { f1:7 }, then
above the staff I'll see F7 following by a percent over the following bar.
- Each staff line contains exact
In case of a PianoStaff:
\new PianoStaff
\new Staff { \clef treble r c }
\new Staff { \clef bass c s }
Is it possible, for a chosen note ( "c", in the above code), to not stretch
the distance between staves, regardless if this causes a collision/overlay ?
On 29/02/2020 13:10, Davide Liessi wrote:
Hi all.
I'd like to have percent repeats automatically split at line breaks,
i.e., in the following example I'd like the first score to look like
the second.
\version "2.19.84"
\score {
\repeat percent 30 { c'1 }
\score {
\repeat percent 1
Hi all.
The size and position of the bracket in the second score are not
computed correctly.
Apparently the bracket is not scaled; if you use, say, 10 instead of
17 it becomes clearer.
\version "2.19.84"
music = \new PianoStaff \with {
connectArpeggios = ##t
\override Arpeggio.stencil = #ly:ar
Hi folks
I would like to pull the systems vertically apart so that dynamics,
marks, lyrics a.s.o are optically (logically) grouped (law of
proximity). As you can see in the MVE the output is an optical mess.
After so many attempts and hours I give up. I read so many manual pages
(e.g. chapters 4.4
Hi Steff,
I guess you want more system-system-spacing which is set in the \paper
block and not in a Staff context:
\paper {
system-system-spacing =
#'((basic-distance . 30)
(minimum-distance . 20)
(padding . 8)
(stretchability . 10))
The values are probably too lar
Often there's more than one way to get a nice result.
The \paper variables "page-count" and "systems-per-page" let you deal
with spacing at a high level, instead of fine-tuning the vertical
spacing variables like "system-system-spacing".
---begin example---
\version "2.19.82"
On Sun 01 Mar 2020 at 23:17:11 (+0100), Stephan Schöll wrote:
> I would like to pull the systems vertically apart so that dynamics,
> marks, lyrics a.s.o are optically (logically) grouped (law of
> proximity). As you can see in the MVE the output is an optical mess.
Can I just check that you reall
From: Ben Eichler
Date: Saturday, February 29, 2020 at 1:46 AM
Subject: Ties in chord mode
Hi all,
I transcribe songs using a style of melody + lyrics + chords. In certain songs,
I write the same chord twice. Sometimes I want both chords to be printed, for
example the second chord is s
Hi Carl,
Thanks for clarifying my stream of consciousness blathering. My preference
was not to have any chord name displayed at all for tied chords.
Your workarounds are both excellent ideas, however I ultimately adopted
Thomas' solution, as it achieved what I needed with minimal entry required.
Hi Davide,
Here's a possible workaround:
\version "2.19"
music = \new PianoStaff \with {
connectArpeggios = ##t
\override Arpeggio.stencil = #ly:arpeggio::brew-chord-bracket
\new Staff {
\clef "treble"
\once\override PianoStaff.Arpeggio.positions = #'(-9.5 . -3)
Is there any way to typeset two or more chords over, say, a whole note (the
note spans a whole 4/4 measure, but one chord is positioned at the beginning of
the measure, and another, say, half-way)
illustrating attached
This produces output that looks like the desired pattern.
---start example---
\version "2.19.82"
#(set-default-paper-size "a5")
chordInfo = \chordmode {
c2 g2*3 % we could write "c2 g2 g1", if it's OK for the G chord name
to be repeated
melodyInfo = \relative c'' {
g1 ~ g
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