Re: Notes or chords sustained with a pedal

2019-12-23 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Harm, Ref.: "Aaron's code should work. If not, I'd be interested how you do “my score". Probably one could track down the problem.” This is a very kind offer. What do you want to see? Surely not the complete _ly.tex-file? (Some 600 lines of code). Perhaps the score-definition + the relevant

Re: Put the property of a grob in the output-attributes list

2019-12-23 Thread Paolo Prete
Hi Stefano, 1) I need to store in the output-attributes the "direction" of the TextScript (it says if the object is above or below the staff) I can obtain this info with map-some-music() [ by looking at (ly:music-property evt 'direction) ]. But in this way I need to set the direction in the music

Re: Output file extension

2019-12-23 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 23.12.19 um 03:31 schrieb Paolo Prete: is it possible, in some way (without an external script) to override the extension for the output file? I need that output.svg is renamed as output.html Yes, that’s possible. The extension .svg as well as .preview.svg, .cropped.svg and -[number].s

Re: Output file extension

2019-12-23 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 23.12.19 um 10:19 schrieb Malte Meyn: might have something to do with Scheme modules The reason for this guess: I copied and changed the definition for output-preview-framework and it didn’t work as expected. So I looked where this function is called and found the file lily/paper-book.c

Re: Output file extension

2019-12-23 Thread Paolo Prete
Hi Melt: I just solved in this way ( I looked at for understanding how a redefinition of a module's function works): Lot of dependencies to fix as a consequence, but it works: ***

re convert-ly on Windows 10 (my steps)

2019-12-23 Thread Peter Gentry
Running convert-ly on Windows10 1. add lilypond python to the path i. Open System Properties or you may need to open the old control panel ii.Click Advanced system settings. iii.Click Environment Variables... iv. Select PATH in the System variables section v.Click Ed

override ?

2019-12-23 Thread Freeman Gilmore
Would someone explain what line 5 does and what "*::*"means? Why line 6 is not enough. 1 \version "2.19.10" 2 sesquisharp = \markup { \sesquisharp } 3 4 \relative { 5\once \override Accidental.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print 6\once \override Accidental.text = #sesquisharp 7cis''

Re: override ?

2019-12-23 Thread Thomas Morley
Am Mo., 23. Dez. 2019 um 21:40 Uhr schrieb Freeman Gilmore : > > Would someone explain what line 5 does and what "::"means? Why line 6 is > not enough. > > 1 \version "2.19.10" > 2 sesquisharp = \markup { \sesquisharp } > 3 > 4 \relative { > 5\once \override Accidental.stencil = #ly:text-in

Book Structure and Frescobaldi

2019-12-23 Thread JxStarks .
Hi, I'm using LilyPond 2.18.2 and Frescobaldi 2.20.0. When I create music with Frescobaldi, it generates this structure: \version “2.18.2” \header { … } global = { \key f \major \time 4/4 … } violin = \relative c’’ { \global … } clarinet = \relative c’ { \global … } cello = \rel

Re: Book Structure and Frescobaldi

2019-12-23 Thread Andrew Bernard
Hi Jerry, Thanks for sending an MWE, but I think the implication is they should be compilable code. Yours is merely a paraphrase. So I cant see the error you are referring to. There's nothing special needed, as using Frescobaldi has nothing to do with it. Put your multiple scores inside a \book p