is there any progress with this issue or any suggestions on how to workaround?
On Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 11:53 PM Trevor Daniels wrote:
> Dmytro, you wrote Saturday, April 29, 2017 8:06 PM
> >> please, dear 'ponders, let me know what's wrong here in my email.
> >>
> >> Should I
Hi Dmytro,
Not nice but works:
\version "2.19.83"
a4*1/8 \hideNotes a a a a a a a\unHideNotes
a2 a4 a2 s4
\addlyrics {
\override LyricText #'X-offset = #0
Блаженні голодні й спрагнені правди, бо вони на -- си -- тять -- ся.
HTH, cheers,
Le lun. 1 juil. 2019 à 15:0
Windows 10
Lilypond 2.19.83
I have written a bagpipe tune (25th_kosbs) which has four
parts, each with a repeat which should start on a new line. The format is A4 in
lanscape mode. I cannot get this to work and at the same time maintain a flush
right margin. Suggestions plea
I am very new to Lilypond but hope to use it to develop my composition
skills, initially by writing Anglican chants. I have no keyboard skills
and, at 71, am too old to learn them. I hope, therefore, to use Lilypond
to create MIDI files to play so I can hear the results of my efforts.
I took t
On 2019-07-01 1:22 pm, Ben Potter wrote:
I took the example chant and engraved it as a test - fine. I then
added a \midi{} command in, I believe, the correct place but still get
no MIDI file to play. I am stuck - please can someone help this
I do not believe \midi can be used within a
It's your use of \markup in this example. If I comment out the \markup
line, the \fill-line line, and the final two lines (the last two } ) then I
get a midi file.
If you want to center the output, there is perhaps a better way. Folks on
this list can help with that (one approach is to set m