Re: Unconventional score and unwanted stray staff lines

2019-05-19 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2019-05-18 10:46 pm, David Bellows wrote: Maybe use bar checks? Given that a lot of the music isn't generated to fit any particular time signature (ie, the bar lines are often there just to break things up to ease reading), I would get tons of bar check errors. Plus, keeping track of when ba

Re: programming error: mis-predicted force, 108.120472 ~= 108.191480 continuing, cross fingers

2019-05-19 Thread Simon Albrecht
Hi Ming, it’s very likely impossible to say without seeing your source file, and as always: try to narrow it down yourself. What changes did you make to the document before the error first appeared? Just go through the usual ‘minimal example’ process (tedious as it may be), and if that doesn’t

Re: Unconventional score and unwanted stray staff lines

2019-05-19 Thread Karim Haddad
Dear David, Lately I had a similar issue with a multi-tempi and multi-metered ensemble score. However the strayed clefs and staves where not on all instruments. I suspect it does have to do with internal timing lilypond calculations. My workaround was to put at each end of a part where this occu

Re: Unconventional score and unwanted stray staff lines

2019-05-19 Thread Andrew Bernard
Hi David, Interesting, I emailed the following to the list but for the first time ever it was rejected by the list moderator (person or software?) for being too large, yet it is not. Anyway, I mention here Karim Haddid's help for me, and sure enough, he has also posted. I'll copy the text ere, and

Re: Unconventional score and unwanted stray staff lines

2019-05-19 Thread David Bellows
Hey Aaron, Before I respond to the rest of your email, I think it's worth going over something I didn't emphasize enough in my first email. I've attached a new pdf with instrument labels this time to make it easier to follow. The staves that continue to be printed appear to only happen when the l

Re: Unconventional score and unwanted stray staff lines

2019-05-19 Thread David Bellows
Hey Andrew, I did receive your other email. I guess the one emailed directly to me got through. I haven't had time to go through everything you wrote yet but I would be interested in seeing that part of the Lilypond file. I'm hoping my problem doesn't require a complex solution since all I'm tryin

Re: Unconventional score and unwanted stray staff lines

2019-05-19 Thread David Bellows
Hi Karim, > My workaround was to put at each end of a part where this occurs, this That does work! Thank you very much for this! If you can search my emails to the list today about the issue, I include more information about when this issue occurs in my scores. The only staves that continue to b

RE: Unconventional score and unwanted stray staff lines

2019-05-19 Thread Mark Stephen Mrotek
David, My experience is transcribing 18th and 19th century piano scores. I do get "run-off" staves. This is usually the result of incorrect mensuration of a note or notes. You piece still has some sort of vertical simultaneity. Perhaps you could start with a temporary time signature, just to se

Re: programming error: mis-predicted force, 108.120472 ~= 108.191480 continuing, cross fingers

2019-05-19 Thread MING TSANG
Hi Simon, Thank you for the info.  I finally find the first time the programming error appears.I now have a minimal lily code demonstrate the error. Ming  %%%\version "2.19.83"\language "english"global = {  \key a \major  \numericTimeSignature  \time 3/4  \partial 4   % Draw a circle round the f

Re: programming error: mis-predicted force, 108.120472 ~= 108.191480 continuing, cross fingers

2019-05-19 Thread Ben
On 5/19/2019 1:51 PM, MING TSANG wrote: Hi Simon, Thank you for the info.  I finally find the first time the programming error appears. I now have a minimal lily code demonstrate the error. Ming %%% \version "2.19.83" \language "english" global = {   \key a \major   \numericTimeSignature   \t

Re: programming error: mis-predicted force, 108.120472 ~= 108.191480 continuing, cross fingers

2019-05-19 Thread Simon Albrecht
Hi Ming, I can’t reproduce the error with your example on Ubuntu 16.04. Best, Simon On 19.05.19 19:51, MING TSANG wrote: Hi Simon, Thank you for the info.  I finally find the first time the programming error appears. I now have a minimal lily code demonstrate the error. Ming %%% \version "

Re: Unconventional score and unwanted stray staff lines

2019-05-19 Thread Urs Liska
Am 19.05.19 um 17:56 schrieb David Bellows: Hey Aaron, Before I respond to the rest of your email, I think it's worth going over something I didn't emphasize enough in my first email. I've attached a new pdf with instrument labels this time to make it easier to follow. The staves that continue

Re: Two simultaneous mark events

2019-05-19 Thread Wols Lists
On 19/05/19 02:08, Andrew Bernard wrote: > Why not just use markup for 'fine'? Position it as you wiil. Because it doesn't make sense to use markup? It's a lot easier to position something, if it's attached to its reference object. Otherwise a minor change to the score will mess things up nicely!

Re: Unconventional score and unwanted stray staff lines

2019-05-19 Thread David Bellows
Hey Urs, > I too find this surprising. I suggest you ask on lilypond-user whether this > is a bug or intended behaviour. If it is intended (due to some engraving > convention for example) it might be made configurable. I first posted this to lilypond-user. I don't know if I need to repost with

Re: Unconventional score and unwanted stray staff lines

2019-05-19 Thread David Bellows
Hey Mark, This music is generated algorithmically and there are a lot of options for the user to choose from, so one never knows what's going to happen. I need for Lilypond to do its usual thing and look perfect without any additional user interaction. For example, I left out of these examples th

Re: Unconventional score and unwanted stray staff lines

2019-05-19 Thread Urs Liska
Am 19.05.19 um 22:27 schrieb David Bellows: Hey Urs, I too find this surprising. I suggest you ask on lilypond-user whether this is a bug or intended behaviour. If it is intended (due to some engraving convention for example) it might be made configurable. I first posted this to lilypond-us

Re: Two simultaneous mark events

2019-05-19 Thread Simon Albrecht
On 18.05.19 18:58, Gianmaria Lari wrote: In the past I used some snippet I found on LSR giving the possibility to write multiple rehearsal marks, but I was wondering if there is a simpler way. Isn't this something happen frequently and so should be easy to do? The reason there is an LSR snip

RE: Unconventional score and unwanted stray staff lines

2019-05-19 Thread Mark Stephen Mrotek
Dave, You are asking a computer (Lilypond) to look good when "one never knows what's going to happen." IMHO, the two are mutually exclusive. Mark -Original Message- From: David Bellows [] Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2019 1:23 PM To: Mark Stephen Mrotek Cc: lilyp

Re: Unconventional score and unwanted stray staff lines

2019-05-19 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Mark, > You are asking a computer (Lilypond) to look good when "one never knows > what's going to happen." > IMHO, the two are mutually exclusive. Doesn’t that depends ultimately upon the precise algorithms (and thus output) involved? I mean, I could code an algorithm that outputs either

RE: Unconventional score and unwanted stray staff lines

2019-05-19 Thread Mark Stephen Mrotek
Kieren, Thank you for the correction. Mark -Original Message- From: Kieren MacMillan [] Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2019 2:50 PM To: Mark Stephen Mrotek Cc: David Bellows ; Lilypond-User Mailing List Subject: Re: Unconventional score and unwanted stray s

Re: Unconventional score and unwanted stray staff lines

2019-05-19 Thread David Bellows
Hey Mark, > You are asking a computer (Lilypond) to look good when "one never knows > what's going to happen." > IMHO, the two are mutually exclusive. One of the big reasons I chose Lilypond for this project is how good a job it does at making things look good by default without human intervent

Re: Unconventional score and unwanted stray staff lines

2019-05-19 Thread David Bellows
Hey Kieren, > If the algorithm uses a random number generator to determine which output to > give, “one never knows what’s going to happen”, but it would still be easy > for Lilypond to make the result "look good". Yep, that's it exactly. I do spend a lot of time generating a lot of different r

There's a way to represent "graduated harmony" on LilyPond ?

2019-05-19 Thread Gauco Wander Beall
Hi there : There's some way to represent "graduated harmony" on LilyPond ? Am using "figurated bass" to set chord inversions: %% Code### \version "2.18.2" \language "english"\header {   title = "Graduated Harmony"   composer = "GWB70" }global = {   \key e \minor   \time 4/4   \tempo 4=100 } Chords

Re: How do I change the size of lyric text?

2019-05-19 Thread Peter Wannemacher sotw
NullVoice! I've never used that. Thank you, Gregory. I need to do this often. Be content; it is your birthright. Peter ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: programming error: mis-predicted force, 108.120472 ~= 108.191480 continuing, cross fingers

2019-05-19 Thread MING TSANG
%\version "2.19"\language "english"global = {  \key a \major  \numericTimeSignature  \time 3/4  \partial 4   % Draw a circle round the following bar number(s)  \override Score.BarNumber.stencil  = #(make-stencil-circler 0.1 0.25 ly:text-interface::print)  } right = \fixed c'  {  \global cs'

[no subject]

2019-05-19 Thread Andrew Bernard
get index hpschd96 ___ lilypond-user mailing list


2019-05-19 Thread Andrew Bernard
Sorry, please ignore. Wrong mailing list, my fault. Andrew On Mon, 20 May 2019 at 11:35, Andrew Bernard wrote: > get index hpschd96 > > ___ lilypond-user mailing list