Hi Craig, Kieren,
I actually use kind of a global variable for the global time line. So
all repeat signs, time-signatures *and* key-signatures there. Before I
implemented the EE I started with a template-engine where the tamplates
take care of creating the simultaneous music ( << \getMusic meta
I cannot think of any simple solution. So here it goes :
\version "2.18"
\relative c' {
%% Stem defs to be set manually;
\once\override Stem.Y-offset = #-4
\once\override Stem.length = #4.5
%% defaulft stem length:
\once\stemDown c
\once\override Stem.Y-offset
Aaron Hill wrote
> However, there is something odd with the units returned. I
> experimentally found that a fudge factor of 1.125 appeared to mostly
> correct things, but I am almost certainly just overlooking something
> important.,
Hi Aaron,
Your coding (without fudge factor) will work as
On 2018-07-09 01:54, Torsten Hämmerle wrote:
In other words: the object's individual font-size property is getting
in the
way when using the \magnify command and you'll have to take the current
font-size into account.
Just declare
#:properties ((font-size 0))
in order to make the current font
Aaron Hill wrote
> On 2018-07-09 01:54, Torsten Hämmerle wrote:
> Thanks, Torsten. Based on this, I wonder if \scale would be the better
> choice to avoid what happens with \magnify:
On the one hand, \scale is completely independent of font-sizes and will
work without much ado.
On the other han
On 7/8/2018 3:52 PM, Urs Liska wrote:
Am 8. Juli 2018 20:15:09 MESZ schrieb Menu Jacques :
Hello folks,
Frescobaldi is quite a great tool, and I often think it could even be
enhanced in the following ways:
- add a command to select all the skips in the window or current
selection. Thi
Hello Ben,
Yes, I can use the MIDI player slide bar alright, but typing a number would be
easier and more accurate if one often does that.
> Le 9 juil. 2018 à 13:54, Ben a écrit :
> On 7/8/2018 3:52 PM, Urs Liska wrote:
>> Am 8. Juli 2018 20:15:09 MESZ schrieb Menu Jacques
On 2018-07-09 07:56, Federico Bruni wrote:
As the syntax is not Emacs, I guess that Eddie is the editor you want to use
and all the emacsclient variables are just the variables you took from the
original example. (BTW, I don't think you found it on lilypond website)
You're guessing right.
Greetings All,
I suspect that the answer to this is extremely obvious, but it
currently eludes me. I would like to produce a blank staff that fills
the page horizontally. Here is my code for an eleven-line staff.
\version "2.19.80"
\paper {
#(set-paper-size "letter") tagline = ##f
\score {
Am 09.07.2018 um 21:09 schrieb Hwaen Ch'uqi:
I have found snippets that produce a series of blank systems, each
system naturally spreading across the page. How can I do this for a
single system?
\paper {
ragged-right = ##f
lilypond-user ma
Il giorno lun 9 lug 2018 alle 20:32, Mats Behre
<"mb.maillists"@gmail.com> ha scritto:
On 2018-07-09 07:56, Federico Bruni wrote:
As the syntax is not Emacs, I guess that Eddie is the editor you
want to use and all the emacsclient variables are just the variables
you took from the origi
Hi gents,
Thanks for your advice. Jan-Peter, I do something similar with a global
"timeline" or structure with barlines, key signatures, repeats, rehearsal
marks. I was just wondering if I was behind the times and not keeping up
with the EE. I'm just trying to make my code as concise as possible.
My choice to move barlines to the EE is based on the fact that I have many
large-scale works — operas, musicals, and the like — made up of small movements
which may join together in different ways. For example, "Waiting", the
11-o'clock number from "Fairy Tale Ending", continues attacca
Hi folks,
The original discussion was MacOS-focused, but it got me thinking about
the Windows side of life. I run a bit of an odd setup where I use the
Windows Subsystem for Linux and have LilyPond installed there, but I do
all my editing in Windows with Visual Studio Code. This setup works
Hi Allen,
Please find hereunder a easyer-to-use function.
Limitation: work in one way (pitch up), won't work with whole notes and
\version "2.19.82"
amb = #(define-music-function (parser location arg mus) (integer? ly:music?)
(let ((amb1 (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0))
(amb2 (ly:mak
Ah, yes! Thank you, Malte!
Hwaen Ch'uqi
On 7/9/18, Malte Meyn wrote:
> Am 09.07.2018 um 21:09 schrieb Hwaen Ch'uqi:
>> I have found snippets that produce a series of blank systems, each
>> system naturally spreading across the page. How can I do this for a
>> single system?
> \paper {
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