Re: Global Variable vs Edition Engraver

2018-07-09 Thread Jan-Peter Voigt
Hi Craig, Kieren, I actually use kind of a global variable for the global time line. So all repeat signs, time-signatures *and* key-signatures there. Before I implemented the EE I started with a template-engine where the tamplates take care of creating the simultaneous music ( << \getMusic meta \g

Re: Ambitus-style note heads?

2018-07-09 Thread Pierre Perol-Schneider
I cannot think of any simple solution. So here it goes : \version "2.18" \relative c' { %% Stem defs to be set manually; \once\override Stem.Y-offset = #-4 \once\override Stem.length = #4.5 \once\stemDown 2 %% defaulft stem length: \once\stemDown c \once\override Stem.Y-offset

Re: Opinions: expressive text and markup sizes

2018-07-09 Thread Torsten Hämmerle
Aaron Hill wrote > However, there is something odd with the units returned. I > experimentally found that a fudge factor of 1.125 appeared to mostly > correct things, but I am almost certainly just overlooking something > important., Hi Aaron, Your coding (without fudge factor) will work as

Re: Opinions: expressive text and markup sizes

2018-07-09 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2018-07-09 01:54, Torsten Hämmerle wrote: In other words: the object's individual font-size property is getting in the way when using the \magnify command and you'll have to take the current font-size into account. Just declare #:properties ((font-size 0)) in order to make the current font

Re: Opinions: expressive text and markup sizes

2018-07-09 Thread Torsten Hämmerle
Aaron Hill wrote > On 2018-07-09 01:54, Torsten Hämmerle wrote: > Thanks, Torsten. Based on this, I wonder if \scale would be the better > choice to avoid what happens with \magnify: On the one hand, \scale is completely independent of font-sizes and will work without much ado. On the other han

Re: Two Frescobaldi suggestions

2018-07-09 Thread Ben
On 7/8/2018 3:52 PM, Urs Liska wrote: Am 8. Juli 2018 20:15:09 MESZ schrieb Menu Jacques : Hello folks, Frescobaldi is quite a great tool, and I often think it could even be enhanced in the following ways: - add a command to select all the skips in the window or current selection. Thi

Re: Two Frescobaldi suggestions

2018-07-09 Thread Jacques Menu Muzhic
Hello Ben, Yes, I can use the MIDI player slide bar alright, but typing a number would be easier and more accurate if one often does that. JM > Le 9 juil. 2018 à 13:54, Ben a écrit : > > On 7/8/2018 3:52 PM, Urs Liska wrote: >> >> Am 8. Juli 2018 20:15:09 MESZ schrieb Menu Jacques >>

Re: Interactive PDF Link to Notes in Preview

2018-07-09 Thread Mats Behre
On 2018-07-09 07:56, Federico Bruni wrote: As the syntax is not Emacs, I guess that Eddie is the editor you want to use and all the emacsclient variables are just the variables you took from the original example. (BTW, I don't think you found it on lilypond website) You're guessing right.

Extending a blank staff.

2018-07-09 Thread Hwaen Ch'uqi
Greetings All, I suspect that the answer to this is extremely obvious, but it currently eludes me. I would like to produce a blank staff that fills the page horizontally. Here is my code for an eleven-line staff. \version "2.19.80" \paper { #(set-paper-size "letter") tagline = ##f } \score {

Re: Extending a blank staff.

2018-07-09 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 09.07.2018 um 21:09 schrieb Hwaen Ch'uqi: I have found snippets that produce a series of blank systems, each system naturally spreading across the page. How can I do this for a single system? \paper { ragged-right = ##f } ___ lilypond-user ma

Re: Interactive PDF Link to Notes in Preview

2018-07-09 Thread Federico Bruni
Il giorno lun 9 lug 2018 alle 20:32, Mats Behre <"mb.maillists"> ha scritto: On 2018-07-09 07:56, Federico Bruni wrote: As the syntax is not Emacs, I guess that Eddie is the editor you want to use and all the emacsclient variables are just the variables you took from the origi

Re: Global Variable vs Edition Engraver

2018-07-09 Thread Craig Dabelstein
Hi gents, Thanks for your advice. Jan-Peter, I do something similar with a global "timeline" or structure with barlines, key signatures, repeats, rehearsal marks. I was just wondering if I was behind the times and not keeping up with the EE. I'm just trying to make my code as concise as possible.

Re: Global Variable vs Edition Engraver

2018-07-09 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hello, My choice to move barlines to the EE is based on the fact that I have many large-scale works — operas, musicals, and the like — made up of small movements which may join together in different ways. For example, "Waiting", the 11-o'clock number from "Fairy Tale Ending", continues attacca

Windows/WSL textedit handling (was Re: Interactive PDF Link to Notes in Preview)

2018-07-09 Thread Aaron Hill
Hi folks, The original discussion was MacOS-focused, but it got me thinking about the Windows side of life. I run a bit of an odd setup where I use the Windows Subsystem for Linux and have LilyPond installed there, but I do all my editing in Windows with Visual Studio Code. This setup works

Re: Ambitus-style note heads?

2018-07-09 Thread Pierre Perol-Schneider
Hi Allen, Please find hereunder a easyer-to-use function. Limitation: work in one way (pitch up), won't work with whole notes and slurs. \version "2.19.82" amb = #(define-music-function (parser location arg mus) (integer? ly:music?) (let ((amb1 (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0)) (amb2 (ly:mak

Re: Extending a blank staff.

2018-07-09 Thread Hwaen Ch'uqi
Ah, yes! Thank you, Malte! Hwaen Ch'uqi On 7/9/18, Malte Meyn wrote: > > > Am 09.07.2018 um 21:09 schrieb Hwaen Ch'uqi: >> I have found snippets that produce a series of blank systems, each >> system naturally spreading across the page. How can I do this for a >> single system? > > \paper { >