Re: Function or command to omit only certain accidentals of a chord?

2018-02-02 Thread Thomas Morley
2018-02-02 3:55 GMT+01:00 Stefano Troncaro : > @Thomas > I was not aware that it was possible to write a function inside of a > parameter of a grob, and that before-line-breaking and after-line-breaking > served this purpose. The documentation describes them as booleans and "dummy > properties" so

Re: Lilypond download from

2018-02-02 Thread Karlin High
On 2/1/2018 4:22 PM, wrote: I want to download Lilypond, it is impossible, may be a problem ? Try this one. Changes to servers have things disturbed at the moment. -- Karlin High Missouri, USA ___

Re: Lilypond download from

2018-02-02 Thread Phil Holmes
- Original Message - From: "" To: Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2018 10:22 PM Subject: Lilypond download from I want to download Lilypond, it is impossible, may be a problem ? -- Dominique We have had some problems upgrading he lilypond webserver.

Re: Lilypond download from

2018-02-02 Thread N. Andrew Walsh
Hi Dominique, welcome to Lilypond! "" doesn't even exist as a web address, so I'm not sure how you got that. Lilypond's home is at; the download links are on the right. Once you get settled, this list is an extremely helpful resource, so feel free to ask with any q

Re: Function or command to omit only certain accidentals of a chord?

2018-02-02 Thread Caagr98
I'm not sure if EE supports ApplyOutputEvents, but you could try something like this: ⋘ \applyOutput Voice.Accidental #(let ((n 1)) (lambda (grob ctx1 ctx2) (if (= n 0) (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil #f)) (set! n (1- n % Will omit the N-th ac

Modifying the initial clef sign.

2018-02-02 Thread Peter Toye
Trying to engrave a piece of piano music where the left hand starts in the treble clef. The music I’m copying from has a bass clef at the start of the piece, followed by a clef change immediately before the first note, which I think was standard practice in the 19th century (but I'm willing to b

Re: Function or command to omit only certain accidentals of a chord?

2018-02-02 Thread Jan-Peter Voigt
Hello Harm, Stéfano, I always underestimate the usability of before/after-line-breaking ... Based on Harms code I scratched a music-function to conditionally omit the accidental. This one can be used with the EE. It smells a bit hacky, but it seems to work and is extendable for other use cases.

How to layout in unison and part music score?

2018-02-02 Thread lyuser . thegrue
Hello, For my men's choir I need to set a score that is mostly in unison and only a few bars with multiple voices (TTB). I have set a few simple scores with the help of frescobaldi, but I have no idea how to set this score... I would like to have only one staff for TTB where the music is in uniso

How to layout in unison and part music score?

2018-02-02 Thread Markus Grunwald
Hello, For my men's choir I need to set a score that is mostly in unison and only a few bars with multiple voices (TTB). I have set a few simple scores with the help of frescobaldi, but I have no idea how to set this score... I would like to have only one staff for TTB where the music is in uniso

Re: Lilypond download from

2018-02-02 Thread Ralph Palmer
On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 7:40 AM, Dominique Cazeaux <> wrote: > Yes i do, Ralph ! > Musician in orchestra, I need Lilypond to transcribe manuscripts and > ancient scores in modern notation. > Familiar with C, Perl, Php, Latex and many, I prefer text interface to > wysywi

Re: Lilypond download from

2018-02-02 Thread Phil Holmes
Well, to be fair the normal download site is so the OP only added one spare full stop. -- Phil Holmes - Original Message - From: N. Andrew Walsh To: Cc: lilypond-user Sent: Friday, February 02, 2018 5:13 AM Subject: R

Re: Lilypond download from

2018-02-02 Thread Ralph Palmer
On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 5:22 PM, <> wrote: > I want to download Lilypond, it is impossible, may be a problem ? ​Greetings, Dominique - Are you aware that LilyPond does not play audio files? It's for transcribing/printing music. If you're in doubt

Re: Function or command to omit only certain accidentals of a chord?

2018-02-02 Thread Jan-Peter Voigt
Hello Harm, Stéfano, I always underestimate the usability of before/after-line-breaking ... Based on Harms code I scratched a music-function to conditionally omit the accidental. This one can be used with the EE. It smells a bit hacky, but it seems to work and is extendable for other use cases.

Adjust text to notes problem

2018-02-02 Thread lyuser . thegrue
Hello, I have some trouble with alignment of text to notes: \version "2.18.2" \language "deutsch" { \clef bass \key fis \major \time 4/4 { r2 r4 ais8. gis16 | fis4( cis8) r16 cis'16 cis4( \> ais8.) \! fis16 | \tuplet 3/2 {fis8([ eis gis)]} h4 } \addlyrics { Va, pen -- sie~ro, sull' a~l

Re: Function or command to omit only certain accidentals of a chord?

2018-02-02 Thread Jan-Peter Voigt
Hello Harm, Stéfano, I always underestimate the usability of before/after-line-breaking ... Based on Harms code I scratched a music-function to conditionally omit the accidental. This one can be used with the EE. It smells a bit hacky, but it seems to work and is extendable for other use cases.

Re: Modifying the initial clef sign.

2018-02-02 Thread David Kastrup
Peter Toye writes: > Trying to engrave a piece of piano music where the left hand starts in the > treble clef. The music I’m copying from has a bass clef at the start of the > piece, followed by a clef change immediately before the first note, which I > think was standard practice in the 19th

bracket articulation

2018-02-02 Thread Craig Dabelstein
Hi Lilyponders, Is there a way to put an articulation (a staccatissimo symbol) in square brackets above a note, such as [ ! ], where ! = a staccatissimo articulation? I've tried several different permutations with no success. Thanks in advance, Craig -- *Craig Dabelstein* Maxime's Music craig

Re: How to layout in unison and part music score?

2018-02-02 Thread David Kastrup writes: > Hello, > > For my men's choir I need to set a score that is mostly in unison and > only a few bars with multiple voices (TTB). I have set a few simple > scores with the help of frescobaldi, but I have no idea how to set this > score... > > I would like to h

Bug with tuples with rest?

2018-02-02 Thread Markus Grunwald
Hello, might be that I have found a bug: \version "2.18.2" { { \relative c'' \tuplet 3/2 { r8( c8 d8) } e8 } \addlyrics{ Bug? } } 1) The text goes to the e while it should go to the tuplet 2) The e is not an e'' -- Markus Grunwald tuplet_

Re: Function or command to omit only certain accidentals of a chord?

2018-02-02 Thread Jan-Peter Voigt
Am 02.02.2018 um 17:55 schrieb David Kastrup: Jan-Peter Voigt writes: Hello Harm, Stéfano, I always underestimate the usability of before/after-line-breaking ... Based on Harms code I scratched a music-function to conditionally omit the accidental. This one can be used with the EE. It smells

Re: Adjust text to notes problem

2018-02-02 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Markus, > How can I set the text so that it reads pen - sie - ro > with the correct (and nice) dashes? Slurs will, by default, trigger melismas (i.e., multiple notes to one syllable). Either use phrasing slurs, or fiddle with the melisma properties (search the docs/list/LSR for 'melisma'). H

Re: Function or command to omit only certain accidentals of a chord?

2018-02-02 Thread David Kastrup
Jan-Peter Voigt writes: > Hello Harm, Stéfano, > > I always underestimate the usability of before/after-line-breaking ... > Based on Harms code I scratched a music-function to conditionally omit > the accidental. This one can be used with the EE. > It smells a bit hacky, but it seems to work and

Re: How to layout in unison and part music score?

2018-02-02 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Markus, > For my men's choir I need to set a score that is mostly in unison and > only a few bars with multiple voices (TTB). I have set a few simple > scores with the help of frescobaldi, but I have no idea how to set this > score... > > I would like to have only one staff for TTB where the m

Re: Bug with tuples with rest?

2018-02-02 Thread Noeck
Hi Markus, you have a strange placement of { and }. > \version "2.18.2" > > { { \relative c'' \tuplet 3/2 { r8( c8 d8) } e8 } > \addlyrics{ Bug? } > } > > 1) The text goes to the e while it should go to the tuplet addlyrics tries to find the appropriate (closest?) voice to attach the lyrics

Re: Bug with tuples with rest?

2018-02-02 Thread Caagr98
1) Lilypond won't place lyrics on rests, and not on tied or slurred notes (except the first). Since everything in the tuplet is disqualified by one of those criteria, the lyric must go on the e. 2) \relative only affects the next music expression; in this case the tuplet. Thus, the e isn't insid

Placement of clefs at repeat bars

2018-02-02 Thread Peter Toye
There seems to be a bug in the placement of clef change signs at repeats. The snippet below puts the bass clef sign before the repeat bar. It should be after! The score as engraved implies that the change to bass clef is for the repeated section, not the following bar. Very confusing for the sig

Re: Function or command to omit only certain accidentals of a chord?

2018-02-02 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi David (et al.), > I think it would make a whole lot more sense to teach the Edition > Engraver how to mark/identify and tweak single items. +1 At the risk of opening a serious can-o'-worms… I would love for you (David K.) — who has the best Lilypond-fundamentals programming mind I know — to

Re: Modifying the initial clef sign.

2018-02-02 Thread Peter Toye
Brian, Thanks. I stand corrected. But once when presented with a piece I had to sight-read in a hurry I played the whole first line in the wrong clef. Not a happy experience. Best regards, Peter - Friday, February 2, 2018, 6:1

Re: Modifying the initial clef sign.

2018-02-02 Thread Peter Toye
David, Thanks. It appears that I am a century or so out of date, so will try to get into the 21st century and withdraw my comment. I see your comment about the bug - I think you're in a better position to put it into the bug list than myself, unless you'd like me to do it. Best regards, Peter

Using X-offset with \cresc

2018-02-02 Thread Knute Snortum
I still occasionally run into situations where I think that an X-offset should work, but it doesn't. Obviously, I'm not understanding something. Can anyone tell me why the following source code doesn't move the "cresc" text to the left and suggest a way to do it? \version "2.19.80" \fixed c' {

Re: Bug with tuples with rest?

2018-02-02 Thread Noeck
Please ignore my answer to question 1). Caagr98 has the right explanation. Joram ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: bracket articulation

2018-02-02 Thread Colin Campbell
On 2018-02-01 10:38 PM, Craig Dabelstein wrote: Hi Lilyponders, Is there a way to put an articulation (a staccatissimo symbol) in square brackets above a note, such as [ ! ], where ! = a staccatissimo articulation? I've tried several different permutations with no success. Thanks in advance,

Re: bracket articulation

2018-02-02 Thread Robin Bannister
Craig Dabelstein wrote: Is there a way to put an articulation (a staccatissimo symbol) in square brackets above a note, such as [ ! ], where ! = a staccatissimo articulation? Here is a quick hack, based on the brackets stencil of LSR564. Warning: it sort of works with staccatissimo but that

Re: Using X-offset with \cresc

2018-02-02 Thread Thomas Morley
2018-02-02 20:20 GMT+01:00 Knute Snortum : > I still occasionally run into situations where I think that an X-offset > should work, but it doesn't. Obviously, I'm not understanding something. > Can anyone tell me why the following source code doesn't move the "cresc" > text to the left and suggest

Re: Lilypond download from

2018-02-02 Thread Blöchl Bernhard
Am 01.02.2018 23:22, schrieb I want to download Lilypond, it is impossible, may be a problem ? ___ lilypond-user mailing list ht

Re: bracket articulation

2018-02-02 Thread Thomas Morley
2018-02-02 6:38 GMT+01:00 Craig Dabelstein : > Hi Lilyponders, > > Is there a way to put an articulation (a staccatissimo symbol) in square > brackets above a note, such as [ ! ], where ! = a staccatissimo > articulation? I've tried several different permutations with no success. > > Thanks in adva

Re: Lilypond download from

2018-02-02 Thread Andrew Bernard
HI Ralph, Yes, but the downloads have been kindly hosted by for a long time. That's where he got the link from - the current download page points there. Nothing to do with playing audio in our case. Andrew On 2 February 2018 at 23:14, Ralph Palmer wrote: > On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 a

Re: Function or command to omit only certain accidentals of a chord?

2018-02-02 Thread Stefano Troncaro
Thank you for your help everyone! After a lot of stumbling around I finally managed to expand Jan-Peters' function so that it can modify more than one note in a given chord. I attached it so its available for anyone interested in using it. On the other hand, I too think that the real solution wou

RE: alignment of "To" and \coda horizontally

2018-02-02 Thread Ming Tsang
The following solve the caption subject. However how to make the “To” lower to align with \coda OR the \coda up a little to align with “To”? \version “2.19.80” { f'1^\markup { \halign #-4.4 \concat {"To " \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" } } |\bar"||" \break } Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From:

Re: bracket articulation

2018-02-02 Thread Craig Dabelstein
HI all, Thanks for everyone's input. I think that bracket-stencil will do the trick Harm. I'm getting a nice collection of scheme examples now. Hopefully I can work it out myself next time. All the best, Craig On 3 February 2018 at 08:32, Thomas Morley wrote: > 2018-02-02 6:38 GMT+01:00 Crai