Hi again,
I merged your PR, so \time and \tempo should work now. And I prepared a
PR myself to streamline event-broadcasting. That works fine and marks
can now be added.
With the default way for TextScript there is only one problem. I often
add TextScript to Staff contexts when they are TODO-m
I would suggest adding separate functions for adding standalone text
grobs. Would make a lot more sense than handling some types of objects
On 07/12/2017 09:47 AM, Jan-Peter Voigt wrote:
Hi again,
I merged your PR, so \time and \tempo should work now. And I prepared a
PR myself
Am 12.07.2017 um 01:54 schrieb Karljurgen Feuerherm:
Putting together an exercise book using XeLaTeX and the lilypond
environment. Everything works relatively well until I try to use an
include file with variable definitions.
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
On 7/11/2017 11:11 AM, Reilly Farrell wrote:
> I'm creating some sight-singing examples for a class
Are you aware of this sight-singing textbook...
...made with Lilypond and LaTeX, with source code available and
customization encouraged under CC-BY-S
Hi Marc,
Good suggestion, but yes, I tried that, didn’t work. It seems that the include
file is read, because the compiler doesn’t whine about undefined Ggrace, but
that the variable is not expanded. I’m thinking a deficiency in the python
On 2017-07-12, 04:00, "lilypond-user on beh
Il giorno mer 12 lug 2017 alle 1:54, Karljurgen Feuerherm
ha scritto:
Putting together an exercise book using XeLaTeX and the lilypond
environment. Everything works relatively well until I try to use an
include file with variable definitions.
% !TEX encoding
On 11.07.2017 16:35, Urs Liska wrote:
So actually I'd
prefer a clean cut and starting over with a new and cleaner structure.
+1 for that :-)
Best, Simon
lilypond-user mailing list
On 07/11/2017 10:35 AM, Urs Liska wrote:
I would like to rename some directories and move some snippets. In
particular the "notation-snippets" and the "input-shorthands" seem
somewhat blurred to me. And, with the nicer syntax of \loadModule I
would prefer shorter and less redundant names.
Hi Taylor,
2017-07-05 13:52 GMT-04:00 Taylor Sexton :
> I was wondering if anyone knows if someone has developed a Lilypond template
> for a marching percussion section.
I do not know much about templates.
> with all the appropriate
> notation possibilities (e.g., bass drum line full unison ind
Good Afternoon all,
I have some music within a .tex file, and I had compiled it a while back
(several months ago) and all was well. Well, now I am using that as a
template and lo and behold the music now in the current document and in
the old one now goes off the edges of the page.
Is there a reason why \barNumberCheck breaks multi-measure rests?
Or is this a bug?
Andrew Bromage
% Example follows
\version "2.19.60"
Timeline = {
\time 3/2
s1. * 9 \barNumberCheck #10
s1. * 8 \bar "|."
ViolinOne = \relative c'' { R1. * 15 | r1 g2 | c1. }
Hi Andrew,
It's not the bar number check that breaks the MM rest, it's the separation of
s1. * 17 into pieces of 9 and 8 measures that does.
Why don't you insert the check at bar 18 and keep use s1. * 17 - that should be
ok also.
Best, Robert
> On 13 Jul 2017, at 02:20, Andrew Bromage wrot
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