2015-12-01 23:48 GMT+01:00 Thomas Morley :
> Hi Kieren,
> 2015-12-01 21:18 GMT+01:00 Thomas Morley :
> [...]
>> Continuing coding/thinking,
>> Harm
> here the last version. Several comments inline.
> The syllables are compared via the length of their stencil-extents.
> Ofcourse this has disad
2015-12-13 14:02 GMT+01:00 Thomas Morley :
> 2015-12-13 13:39 GMT+01:00 Thomas Morley :
>> 2015-12-11 22:24 GMT+01:00 Robin Bannister :
>>> Noeck wrote:
This puts the clef after the bar line. However, there is not enough
space between the bar line and the clef.
>>> This looks
Dear list (perhaps I should have addressed one particular person but I would
not know who that might be.)
Today I downloaded from http://www.lilypond.org/development.fr.html the latest
unstable version for Mac OSX
Hello Jacques,
Ref.: "How did you actually install it from the .tar.bz2 archive?"
I opened it with Keka, later I tried with Rar-7zExtractor.
Half an hour ago I had a go at it again, opening it with Archive Utility.app
(In System/Library/CoreServices) and that worked.
So my problem seems to be
I'm having trouble with a long slurred passage, where the final note
appears on a new line.
The slur shape is quite wrong after the line break in both upper and lower
parts, but I've included only the upper part here.
Snippet ly (actual excerpt) and a PNG attached -- I think there's a thing
Hello all,
The final line of the song I’m currently engraving looks like this:
1. How could I [best?] code this so that the OttavaBracket starts close to the
top of the staff at the beginning of m. 31 (the Ab), angles upward at the third
quarter of m. 33 (the Db), and then flattens
I'm only on the phone right now. But wirh \shape you can pass overrides for
multiple parts of a broken curve.
Am 19. Dezember 2015 23:39:15 MEZ, schrieb Chris Yate :
>I'm having trouble with a long slurred passage, where the final note
>appears on a new line.
>The slur shape is quite wro
Hi all, I'm just new to Lilypond and impressed with its capabilities.
One of my first tries with it was a set of scales for my own learning
changing key every two bars. I wanted to show the accidentals of the key, so
I used \accidentalStyle teaching
The problem is that in the first bar of every
Thanks... with that hint and a bit more research, I can achieve something a
bit better with this modification to the original:
\shape #'(((0.0 . 0.0) (0 . 1.2) (0 . 1.2) (4 . 1))
((0.0 . 0.0) (0 . 1.2) (0 . 1.2) (4 . 1))
((0 . 4.0) (0 . 3) (0 . 1)
On 20.12.2015 00:45, Chris Yate wrote:
I can't get /alterBroken to work properly at all on control points.
When I try the "tweak" version, that I assume would look like:
d,16-\alterBroken control-points #'(((0.0 . 0.0) (0 . 1.2) (0 . 1.2)
(4 . 1)) ((0.0 . 0.0) (0 . 1.2) (0 . 1.2) (4 . 1
The make-line-stencil function appears to be hardwired to draw lines with
rounded ends. Is there any way it can be persuaded to make lines with square
This is the code in stencil.scm:
(define-public (make-line-stencil width startx starty endx endy)
"Make a line stencil of given linewidt
On 20 December 2015 at 00:41, Simon Albrecht wrote:
> On 20.12.2015 00:45, Chris Yate wrote:
>> I can't get /alterBroken to work properly at all on control points.
>> When I try the "tweak" version, that I assume would look like:
>> r4.
>> d,16-\alterBroken control-points #'(((0.0
On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 5:45 PM, Chris Yate wrote:
> Thanks... with that hint and a bit more research, I can achieve something
> a bit better with this modification to the original:
> r4.
> \shape #'(((0.0 . 0.0) (0 . 1.2) (0 . 1.2) (4 . 1))
> ((0.0 . 0.0) (0 . 1.2)
On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 7:25 PM, David Nalesnik
> On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 5:45 PM, Chris Yate wrote:
>> I'd rather tweak just the messy end of the slur, leaving the rest as
>> default, but it appears that can't be done.
> You can. One of the documentation examples shows th
Hi Harm,
> After
> https://sourceforge.net/p/testlilyissues/issues/4685/
> has been pushed markup->string should have wider usability
> Thus I made a new version of the `align-to-melisma-engraver' using
> string-comparison first, stencils as fall-back.
> Please test.
I will! Thanks for this
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