At 16:05 on 10 Jul 2015, Andrew Bernard wrote:
>Greetings All,
>Using bracket style for piano pedals, is it possible to have a dashed
>horizontal line instead of solid?
Yes. See below. For more options, note that PianoPedalBracket supports
the line-interface, so you can override any of those pro
Hello folks,
Is there a way to obtain the following, i.e 3/4 = 9/8, from Jacques Ibert’s «
Deux mouvements »?
lilypond-user mailing list
On 2015-07-10 11:47, Menu Jacques wrote:
Hello folks,
Is there a way to obtain the following, i.e 3/4 = 9/8, from Jacques
Ibert’s « Deux mouvements »?
Take a look at this
Hello Peter,
Great, thanks!
> Le 10 juil. 2015 à 12:11, Peter Bjuhr a écrit :
> On 2015-07-10 11:47, Menu Jacques wrote:
>> Hello folks,
>> Is there a way to obtain the following, i.e 3/4 = 9/8, from Jacques Ibert’s
>> « Deux mouvements »?
>> Thanks!
>> JM
For some reason this gives horrible output:
\version "2.19.22"
one = {
\clef treble \key c \major \time 2/4 \tempo "Andantino"
a'2 _\markup { \whiteout \pad-markup #0.5 { \dynamic p \italic "dolce" } } a'2
two = {
\clef bass \key c \major \time 2/4
c2 c2
Paul and David:Further to my previous email on July 9 , I have a typo error.
Should be " to" Is stable enough?Can you
suggest any free merge window software that will bring the two file into
working contains the follow feature :
( n
Hi Karol,
According to the change log:
The whiteout grob property and \whiteout markup command now create a white
background built from multiple displaced copies of the glyph in order to
approximate the contours of its outline. The previous rounded box white
background can be achieved with the ne
Hi Karol,
Simply using \whiteout-box now instead solves the problem.
lilypond-user mailing list
Hello folks,
In the following code, I get the bass clef twice before the 6/8 time signature.
The problem only arises when the parallel music containing the new CueVoice is
directly followed by a \clef command.
Uncommenting the "\once\omit Staff.Clef » command before \clef "bass" removes
two cl
Hi Urs,
thanks for the fix. Files compile fine now. However, now I get these
openLilyLib: library infrastructure successfully loaded.
/[$HOME]/[$Docs]/openlilylib.ily:4:1: warning: openLilyLib: Library main
file "/[$HOME]/.lilypond/openlilylib/ly/scholarly/__main__.ily" not fo
That’s good to know that pedals support the line interface. But I think what I
require is a blend of pedal and text spanner, so that I can change end marks
and add arbitrary text. I am hoping to achieve effects similar to the attached
image. Can the pedal stencil be adjusted to do th
2015-07-10 22:52 GMT+02:00 Menu Jacques :
> Hello folks,
> In the following code, I get the bass clef twice before the 6/8 time
> signature. The problem only arises when the parallel music containing the
> new CueVoice is directly followed by a \clef command.
> Uncommenting the "\once\omit Sta
On 11 July 2015 at 06:52, Menu Jacques wrote:
> Hello folks,
> In the following code, I get the bass clef twice before the 6/8 time
> signature. The problem only arises when the parallel music containing the new
> CueVoice is directly followed by a \clef command.
> Uncommenting the "\once\
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