Re: How to create a coda with a gap?

2010-11-25 Thread Dominic Neumann
Hi Gilles, hi Vincente and all, thank you both for your answers. They helped me very much. The only problem that I still have is that the first volta bracket has no end. I played around with this as you, Gilles, said that using a "|." bar the bracket has an end line. So I wrote this: \override

Fwd: Text fonts

2010-11-25 Thread Henrik Frisk
Sorry, forgot to CC the list... -- Forwarded message -- From: Henrik Frisk Date: Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 9:55 AM Subject: Re: Text fonts To: Werner LEMBERG > >> but I'm guessing /usr/share/fonts is just as good > > Well, yes, but I consider it a bad thing to install local stuff int

Re: Text fonts

2010-11-25 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> How and when does Lilypond/fontconfig scan for new fonts? At startup, lilypond adds its own font directories to the list of directories already controlled by fontconfig. This is even controllable by the end user with ly:font-config-add-directory and ly:font-config-add-font in case you want to

Re: How to create a coda with a gap?

2010-11-25 Thread Robin Bannister
Dominic Neumann wrote: [...] Gilles, said that using a "|." bar the bracket has an end line. You can make the "|." merely look like "||" by saying \once \override Score.BarLine #'thick-thickness = #1.9 That way you don't need the s4 and the extra-(X-)offsets: \set Score.repeatCommands

Re: How to create a coda with a gap?

2010-11-25 Thread Dominic Neumann
this works great! Thanks Dominic - Ursprüngliche Mail - Von: "Robin Bannister" An: "Dominic Neumann" , Gesendet: Donnerstag, 25. November 2010 10:32:52 Betreff: Re: How to create a coda with a gap? Dominic Neumann wrote: > [...] Gilles, said that using a "|." bar

Re: TabStaff feature requests

2010-11-25 Thread Steve Yegge
On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 11:26 AM, Marc Hohl wrote: > >> Thanks; I'll try it. How do I turn off the little "8" symbol by the clef? >> > Why do you want to remove it? This is the standard way of guitar notation. > I bit the bullet and went through all 100-odd guitar music publications I've collec

Re: lilypond output to pdf

2010-11-25 Thread jacquesv
Can you tell me what has been changed by making the update lilypond to version 2.13.5. I don't have a problem with lilypond 2.13.4. The problem of output tot pdf starts with using the version 2.13.5 and higher. Dmytro O. Redchuk-2 wrote: > > У пн., 15-го лис. 2010 (46-й тиждень року), о 10:19

Alla Breve Problem

2010-11-25 Thread Radamir Lira de Sousa
I'm having trouble with an excerpt from a score that I'm transcribing. In the excerpt Alla Breve, appears as the unit of measure brevis! How to Set the time signature 2 / 1 struck with c? ___ lilypond-user mailing list http://lists.

Re: Alla Breve Problem

2010-11-25 Thread Marek Klein
Hi Radamir, 2010/11/25 Radamir Lira de Sousa > I'm having trouble with an excerpt from a score that I'm transcribing. > In the excerpt Alla Breve, appears as the unit of measure brevis! How > to Set the time signature 2 / 1 struck with c? This snippet could help you (I hope): http://lsr.dsi.un

Re: lilypond output to pdf

2010-11-25 Thread James Bailey
All of the changes between 2.13.4 and 2.13.5 should be here:;a=shortlog;h=refs/tags/release/2.13.5-0 However, since this is an unstable branch, it's highly recommended that you update to the latest unstable version, 2.13.40. On Nov 25, 2010, at

Alla Breve problems

2010-11-25 Thread Radamir Lira de Sousa
Dears, I found a solution for my "problem"! Like everything in Lilypond, simple and efficient: \ Time 2 / 1 \ Set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = # '(2. 2) Thanks to Jakob and Marek for the "compasses"! Radamir ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond

lyrics notgoing with triplet

2010-11-25 Thread info
Hello-, I expect the lyrics syllables to go with each note in the triplet figure but it won't in the following example- what has changed since I last did this? Thanks-Jay \version "2.12.3" \header { title = "example" composer = "Jay Hamilton" copyright = \markup { \tiny \override #'

Re: lyrics notgoing with triplet

2010-11-25 Thread James Bailey
The triplets are beamed together. See section 2.1.3 in the 2.12 documentation. On Nov 25, 2010, at 8:17 PM, wrote: > > Hello-, > I expect the lyrics syllables to go with each note in the triplet figure but > it won't in the following example- what has changed since I last did t

Re: lyrics notgoing with triplet

2010-11-25 Thread Jan-Peter Voigt
Hello Jay, with \autoBeamOff the melismaBusyProperty is set beam sensitive, so your manual beams span a melisma. But you can control this behaviour with \set melismaBusyProperties = #'() In this vector you can specify any of #'(melismaBusy slurMelismaBusy tieMelismaBusy beamMelismaBusy) Wi

Re: TabStaff feature requests

2010-11-25 Thread Jan Warchoł
2010/11/25 Steve Yegge > > I bit the bullet and went through all 100-odd guitar music publications > I've > collected over the years, from publishers around the world on every > continent, > across multiple genres (although admittedly mostly classical and South > American). The set includes many

Re: lyrics notgoing with triplet

2010-11-25 Thread Jay Hamilton
Jan-Peter- thank you, in the past I haven't included \autoBeamOff so I've not run into that problem. As for the hyphen- no it's correct. Thanks again. Jay On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 12:45 PM, Jan-Peter Voigt wrote: > Hello Jay, > > with \autoBeamOff the melismaBusyProperty is set beam sensitive, so

Re: lyrics notgoing with triplet

2010-11-25 Thread Jay Hamilton
James- the problem existed with no beams too. deleting the \autoBeamOff is what worked for me thanks jay On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 12:21 PM, James Bailey wrote: > The triplets are beamed together. See section 2.1.3 in the 2.12 > documentation. > On Nov 25, 2010, at 8:17 PM, wrote:

Re: TabStaff feature requests

2010-11-25 Thread Nick Payne
On 26/11/10 08:34, Jan Warchoł wrote: 2010/11/25 Steve Yegge > I bit the bullet and went through all 100-odd guitar music publications I've collected over the years, from publishers around the world on every continent, across multiple genres (alt